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Opapagoto discussion 15 Dec 02:12
joined May 24, 2014
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we're all fucked

I May To U discussion 12 Dec 16:38
joined May 24, 2014

Everyone hated the first one and now everyone likes it. xD

Because it's a 180 from the "age gap student teacher porn fantasy where everything turns out a-okay" to "let's explore likeable characters trying to make this actually work"

Don't overthink things like these, well anyway



Lily Love discussion 11 Dec 20:05
joined May 24, 2014
It must be something you said...

Metis discussion 06 Dec 21:08
joined May 24, 2014



last edited at Dec 6, 2016 9:08PM

Yuru Yuri discussion 01 Dec 02:21
joined May 24, 2014


Dead eyes, oh dead eyes. Are you just like me?

joined May 24, 2014

Anyway, it's been theorized that Trump's visit to Mexico was instrumental in his victory.

We all knew it was gonna end in complete and absolute failure since Enrique Pena nieto is an ABSOLUTE non-entity of a president and BOWED DOWN to him in ANYTHING he asked.

joined May 24, 2014

No thank you.

But I must insist! XD and that is FAR from the only video!

joined May 24, 2014

Feast on their suffering, FEAST!

Never forget that those assholes wouldn't hesitate to delete this site and label all who like anime & manga as perverts and rapists!

joined May 24, 2014

And if you think SJWs are that much in the national consciousness, you spend too much time online.

Marvel is bowing down to them in every way possible (when it comes to comic books, that is) and what's the result? DC Comics is OUTSELLING them, and let's not forget the fembusters fiasco and the attempt to label ALL who like hentai as pedos. I assure you that the last thing they care about is freedom of speech.

joined May 24, 2014


Bright side, at least you have shots (right?) lol. Just don't get too drunk :>

Well you know what they say about drowning sorrows...darmn bitches eventually learn how to swim.

Well anyway, look at the bright side. A lot of INSUFFERABLE whiny SWJ cunts (who would be more than happy to DELETE most of this site's content and were most likely behind the attempt to censor all anime and manga) are whining like there's no tomorrow.

Their suffering is SO amusing

joined May 24, 2014

Well here are my two cents on Trump's victory:

Hillary clinton was such an obviously corrupt cunt that EVERYONE decided to vote trump over her. Also I blame EXTREME political correctness and WHINY INSUFFERABLE swj cunts and assholes as well.

Oh well america has survived worse and at least he will give Enrique Pena Nieto EXACTLY what he deserves. Trust me, he's an EVEN BIGGER asshole than Trump.

Fanfictions 08 Nov 23:04
joined May 24, 2014

Megami no hanabira is a great fanfic that ANYONE should check out!

Here it is, you won't regret it!

last edited at Nov 8, 2016 11:07PM

joined May 24, 2014


The koe no katachi movie just beat the K-on movie on box office records

joined May 24, 2014

How much of these kind of doujins are there anyway? this manga makes it look like there's tons but in reality it's such a scarce subject...heck even in youporn or other porn streaming sites I can't find JAV of this kind.

Yuri Danshi discussion 16 Oct 15:20
joined May 24, 2014

yuricon hate yuri danshi if i'm not mistaken.

At least they don't act like this

Wow. That's a whole new level of fucked up.

joined May 24, 2014


For some reason I believe that lou reed's "perfect day" would be a perfect match for this manga

Attack on Moe 08 Sep 10:26
joined May 24, 2014

I've seen plenty of attacks on anime from sites like crackrd .com and that cunt sarkeesian but THIS takes it to a whole new level of stupid

No wonder their traffic is going down

joined May 24, 2014

Himawari is dancing barefoot for sakurako and also...

Oh what a tease!

joined May 24, 2014

The bitch is in heat

joined May 24, 2014

that was...GENIUS!

New Game discussion 31 Jul 17:15
joined May 24, 2014 oh boy, they're at it AGAIN.

Will they ever stop?! I thought they lost a lot of influence because of failbusters

last edited at Jul 31, 2016 5:21PM

joined May 24, 2014
After all this time there has been an update... Opening paragraphs, at least it's something