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joined Mar 22, 2013

The credits pages are killing me...

joined Mar 22, 2013

hard-boiled! :D

joined Mar 22, 2013

It definitely is being realistic. Kaoru is acting exactly like you would expect of her, really, that's how her character is. The lies from Risako this time are doing the opposite of reassuring her, the thing is she knows they're lies and can't pretend so easily now.

I was hoping she would accuse Reiichi but it figures she would go passive-aggressive. He would just deny it anyway. Definitely Uta leaving has unblocked the situation, in a sense she was playing "we can stay together (and I can ignore the lies) because of the kid!" But now that doesn't really work.

I'm not sure how it's going to happen, Reiichi and Kaoru both tend to avoid conflict, but this is just the first little blow-up. My impression (from watching other people) is that most divorces don't happen in a day, there is a period of arguing and lies being exposed in the case of cheating that goes on for months to years.

Well, now to wait another seeming eternity for the next step, probably going to Uta for a bit. If you read it all at once, the plot is actually going pretty fast, but because it's a serial it seems really slow.

thanks for your thoughts on this. Because it goes so slow, i always forget what happened. I also think it is realistic. Kaoru is a mess. But her world crumbles and she desperetaly wants to hold on. As you said, it might be a process. I really need to reread this series sometime.

I think the ones frustrated with the story are mostly because there is no yuri payoff and it's likely there won't be.

The Kuro parts definitely feel like they're in another story/universe.
But besides that, the main characters here are all very well developed and interesting. Plus the mystery around Risako and what actually is going on with Reiichi.
I just think people have to read this without expecting any yuri, but more like a story about complicated issues and dynamics between the characters.
And this is what makes this story special. It's not the classic "safe" unrequited love story where the mc actually gets together with their love interest in the end, but the possibility of actual unreturned feelings is real.
It's just like when you know a character won't actually die, so the emotional impact it has on you is not strong. Seems like here the author has the guts to actually follow through that- a non ideal but realistic ending. We need some of this in manga too.

The Story is not called "My unrequited Love" for no reason. But who knows, at least it is interesting, you can't easily predict what will happen and it does not just follow the same formula. I hope it's going to be an open end.

Maybe Risako is unhappy as well. She might actually want Reiichi, but can't have him, because he's married. Maybe everybody's love is unrequited in the end...

last edited at Nov 16, 2019 8:54PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

This looks like a hell of a ride :O

joined Mar 22, 2013

I like how this story points out that people CAN be too considerate (whether with good intentions or because of brownie points) and don't need to treat others like a raw egg.

Yea, me too. That can be pretty rude even if there were good intentions.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Morinaga Milk is amazing. They can write an amazing series like girlfriends about first yuri school girl love and then also a story about two grown, relatively mature women. The mangaka satisfies my needs in a wholhearted way :D

joined Mar 22, 2013

please no love triagle..........., well anyways, even if Kirigaya had a crush on Tadoroko. She wouldn't have a chance. Bc Tadokoro only looks at Nikaido.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This made my day... worse :( shouldn't have read this first thing in the morning.

last edited at Nov 7, 2019 2:29AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I'm not sure anything would dry me up faster than someone feeling like I needed their help crossing the street.

Lol, haha. But she's "sheltered" :D

joined Mar 22, 2013

Please don't try it. Your poor brain cells

joined Mar 22, 2013

She attacc, she protecc, but most importantly: she won't bully you bacc

You had one chance to make a catchy rhyme and you blew it.

She attacc, she protecc, but most importantly: she gay

i think kirigaya rhymes on gay too

joined Mar 22, 2013

Hm I guess you are right. Maybe that's what bothered me. She is not depicted as a creep, but when you think about it... xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

Here comes Kirigaya, redeeming herself, maybe^^

joined Mar 22, 2013

the raws look so amazing. i wonder if anyone is currently working on them O.o

Lily Marble discussion 01 Nov 13:20
joined Mar 22, 2013

Latest chapter reminded me why slow-burn romance are the best in yuri for me.

You're not wrong. The problem with this manga is though.. this is slowburn times 4 (if I'm not forgetting a couple) because we have 4 couples. This is like 4 of my favorite romance manga at once that update very slowly xD

Btw, those two are adorable.

Btw, btw, it is not even funny how often this happens in RL with the affair, I personally know like three people who were or are in similar situations. Gimme back my innocent faith in love T.T

last edited at Nov 1, 2019 2:14PM

Lily Marble discussion 31 Oct 06:07
joined Mar 22, 2013

damn you, sneaky beer can from hell!

VAMPEERZ discussion 31 Oct 05:57
joined Mar 22, 2013

Lol, I'm loving it!

joined Mar 22, 2013

Hmm I wonder about this ex. He seems like a scumbag for sure, but I wonder if he got that way because he got "nagi'd"? Like, maybe he was a struggling artist like the MC, Nagi stalked/moved in with him, and he ended up becoming totally dependent and spoiled by her 'til she lost interest. Maybe this is gonna be a wake up call for MC, because she seems like she might be letting herself go down that path a little.

Yeah, I also see a pattern here. Maybe the bottom line will be that the MC realises she can't use Nagi as she pleases or else she might be left, too.

Also it's not wrong, that Nagi is a stalker, but smh it sounds so weird when she is called that in the manga. I mean she just cooks and takes care of the MC and knows everything about her. But she doesn't invade her privacy too much (I smh expected her to kneel before the key hole, when MC was bathing, good thing she didn't). So totally obsessed yes, but stalker?

joined Mar 22, 2013

I hope we get to see Nagi's backstory now. I need some drama. This is too smooth for me xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

I loved the build up in this chapter, lol :D

Sweet Tears discussion 27 Oct 19:33
joined Mar 22, 2013

Why am I only finding this one now? This is perfect!!!

I'm A Fool discussion 25 Oct 18:50
joined Mar 22, 2013

This is one of those manga that never get old. <3

Dark Widow discussion 24 Oct 14:28
joined Mar 22, 2013

what the fuck is even happening ??? O_o

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is pretty cool now. I like how it plays with expectations, but in the end it all works out, lol. A bit of slice of life where two people are in a kind of messy relationship and figure it out.

The thing with the first chapter was probably, that the author wanted to do an epic prologue, but it was just too much. It felt like they wanted to get it over with and get to the wedding scene.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Izumi seems like a troublesome person. Just be more honest dammit. You're not doing anone any favors (including yourself)