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Citrus + discussion 23 Jun 12:31
joined Mar 18, 2023

The marriage proposal changes a lot of thing.
For Mei, because of her upbringing and background, immediately start doing things frequently with Yuzu in mind, as if Yuzu is her wife and secretary. (which means it is totally normal for Mei to NOT carry a phone). Mei sees things very far ahead. To the point that nobody else understand what she is planning. Visiting Arata is extremely important, because the days of single sex high school is slowly going away. So a all girl school to be the partner of an all boys school will ensure survivals of both schools. It was stated very clearly that Arata's family has serious difficulty NOT to run out of business. In some (real life) scenario, Many same sex school also send their students to the opposite sex school to be in a class that most girls are not interested, or alternatively, have the boys come on over to take Home-Eco classes. What Mei did was she realized sooner or later, if she does nothing, all these high end schools will go out of business soon enough. Allowing students who have excellent talent to stay plus being able to not be bound by the school rules too much is a way to recruit from a different target, a target which all the public schools already have it. For example, Mei's school has no idol group. All it takes to make Aihara super famous will be to accept idol students, give them special treatment based on their school and work schedule, and hope that when they graduate they are already becoming super popular which makes Aihara famous.

Sex. If you really want the full blown sex (3rd base and beyond), then I have to say it is not going to happen unless something unusual started in the plot. They are actually pretty much close to having sex but without doing it. They usually just wear a Yuzubocchi T shirt to bed (which means they are really practically naked, or think of them as wearing nothing except their bras.), and Mei is usually the one who snuggle up with Yuzu. Neither of them seem to be super horny in bed. Also, recalled that they DID almost reach third base by an inch, using the chairman office, or you can argue that it happened in Grandpa's house. Anyway, I think we need to toss out sex as a topic when we continue to read it. There are plenty of 18 years old out in real life there who do not even understand what sex is, and now we are complaining that the two MCs do not have sex?
We have to remember sex is one of their problems. Mei has a record of being sexually harrassed and assaults thanks to Amamiya, to the point that she will initiate sex with completely wrong motives. Everytime she visits the library, if you pay enough attention, it is always the "Introduction to Love" book. You cannot blame her for doing nothing. Then we have Yuzu whose idea about sex is all inside the mangas she bought,.

Citrus + discussion 23 Jun 03:38
joined Mar 18, 2023

Nothing is going to happen in a serious manner until Arata starts to do something, and it will not "involve" Mei.
1. Arata got along very well with Yuzu. Yes, there is some small degree of jealousy from Yuzu, but Yuzu knows "business is business" so she welcome the friendship with open arms because eventually it will bear fruit. Helping out Mei, either at school or in the outside world of society, have been her prime motive since Mei accepted the proposal.

  1. Himeko was friends with Arata in middle school, and unlike Mei, Arata does have a friendship relationship with Himeko.

Just a guess, maybe Arata bats for the other team.

last edited at Jun 23, 2023 3:42AM

joined Mar 18, 2023

Holding hands in public with teammates while in school or gym uniform will not cause problems. The problem comes when you are in street clothes holding hands, and become older like 18.

joined Mar 18, 2023

I am at 19. Story is still growing strong and there is no sign of seeing any axe around.

They went on a date. On Kiku's birthday, Sena bought Kiku's flowers. During dinner Sena CONFESSED to Kiku with no condition at all. Kiku broke down and cried. Also, Sena remembers how old is Kiku, so that makes the birthday congratulation - date - confession even more important
The manga is at the correct speed. Everything that is important was finished. Mei can draw whatever she wants until the axe comes. But unlike others, she has already covered everything. There is no frantic last minutes outpouring of ideas onto the manga here at 19, you would not have guessed that it will stop at 19. I myself will find if it ends on 19 it will wasted an big opportunity. These two MC are the closest lesbian couple that I have ever seen in comparison to the real life ones. That by itself is significant.
So all the work that Kiku did for Sena finally bares fruit. Good for her, she needed it. If you think about it, Kiku has no social life, and having a committed relationship with Sena will really help her. As for Sena, enjoy your non-depression days, because you will need it, especially now you are part of a couple.

last edited at Jun 19, 2023 2:34AM

joined Mar 18, 2023

Now begins the arc where Nanase tries to win Yuni again!
Or maybe the arc where Yuni tries to win Nanase again? It's all so tangled at this point, I don't know what's what anymore...
Maybe the arc where Fuuko turns Yuni, Nanase and Yuki into her harem? I'd totally buy that.

Given her track record, the result of ending the manga as a harem is pretty strong. The least is a triangle with one girl being the main while the other two are not lovers. But that is a tall order for Yuni to do. Lack of brain cells. Yuni would do what Fuu told her to do anyway, so I think the stage has been set that the manga will end with two independent couples.

I think deep inside me wants Yuni to go back with Nanase, while having relationship with Fuuko. Meanwhile Nanase has Yuki on her side. So everyone will be happy.

If Yuni's biggest problem is being lonely, then that is what Fuuko is for, as the side chick. I also do not understand why going to Osaka is a big deal because Yuni can attend all the home games if she wants, Most school clubs have a manager position, there is no reason why Nanase does not pull Yuni into such the job, Then Yuni can spend all the time with Nanase, and at the same time, Yuki will no longer be bottom of the pile and actually play ball as opposed to running errands for the club.

One way or another, Fuuko wins. She just concentrates on what she wants and needs, gathers all info, and then starts her operation carefully so that Yuni has no choice but to comply. If done right ,it will be Fuuko having three lovers in a harem settings.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Yuni was the one who initiates sex, Fuu never did state that sex is a requirement for the trip. So this is all on Yuni. It was a bad idea to go to Osaka and put all your trust on Fuuko. At least make sure you have the train ticket with you physically before leaving for Osaka. I do not quite understand why Yuni did Nanase way at the beginning to not address what they wants. Once Fuuko figured out who Hinayu is, the game is over.
There is no guarantee that Fuuko will continue the relationship, all it takes is if run into someone better (that's would be like 90% out there). It is a given that Fuuko will get into an elite university, while we do not even know if Yuni can even get into a technical school. Fuuko finance is limited even though she saved a lot of money.
My only complain about this manga is that we do not know about the background of Yuni and Nanase, that will make the story richer in context.
How come at this point, chapter 18, not a final chapter? What is the artist gonna do for chapter 19? An epilogue but about what?

last edited at Jun 18, 2023 5:38PM

Citrus + discussion 17 Jun 23:40
joined Mar 18, 2023

So it takes Arata to call Yuzu to get anything done. Will we have an H scene? There is also a question how Mei responds, you especially she has been pinned down and nowhere to go, by Yuzu who is in a super horny mode. But we all know one cannot judge what Mei feels from the outside, you need to know her inside to figure things out. So now the person who knows her inside out and can read her like a book now become aggressive. But so far at the final panels, Yuzu definitely has lost all the self-restraint she has in regarding to Mei. This actually has never happened before.

I am not that concern about H scenes, all I care is whether it happened or not, as in, if it is off the panel that is fine.
Finally, it is entirely possible that Arata's love target is Yuzu, not Mei.
I do feel a gay vibe from Arata, so let see how it goes.

last edited at Jun 21, 2023 9:21AM

joined Mar 18, 2023

Another throuple brought to you by Flowerchild ueda. The show is going to start and is not going to wait for any late comers.

last edited at May 24, 2023 3:11AM

Asako discussion 18 May 04:55
joined Mar 18, 2023

Wow, a shota, let's see how this goes.

VAMPEERZ discussion 23 Apr 12:01
joined Mar 18, 2023

I've never read this before and decided to just read it all in one go since I saw the [end] tag... and that sure was a ride, enjoyed it very much. Didn't really feel to me that the ending was rushed, I thought it was a perfectly good one (but again, maybe I'm not the best person to say since I did read everything at once :P).

The story overall felt pretty complete to me, and made sense for the most part with some twist and turns here and there... but if I had to complain, I think the thing that jumps out to me the most is Al-Kamil. Eiher I completely missed some sort of explanation, or she basically just became evil for no reason, no explanations or motives are given. One day she just decided it would be fun to kill people lmao

Actually how Al-kamil thinks is pretty simple. She has her (mother-sister) loves her to "death" (Aria raised her to be her sister). The entire town adored her because they looked to her as if she was everyone's little daughter. She was absolutely spoiled rotten. When she was thirsty instead of following the rules, she went ahead and kill, thinking that EVEN if it were not OK, they will let her out; and if it does not, then Aria will let her out. Yes, a definition pf "spoiled child". Also, she might not even think about the possibility of being executed by the treasure sword because she might have never seen it herself, which to her can mean it is just an ordinary antique sword. She changed her mind pretty quickly when Shin read her the death sentence and indeed a treasure sword holder coming after was not a joke or something that she could have gotten out of.
It is not easy for others to handle it. But if you think about it, Aria is Al-Kamil's parent, and Shin was Aria's parent, so executing her actually would created trauma.
So do not spoil your children. Bring her to see a psychiatrist if you caught her drinking blood... :)

VAMPEERZ discussion 22 Apr 03:54
joined Mar 18, 2023

I would say we should have a chapter solely for Shiki. All Dead ghosts (think of them as zoombies) returned as human again. I want to see what sort of a character Shiki is.

VAMPEERZ discussion 22 Apr 00:20
joined Mar 18, 2023

46 is rather confusing actually. You can tell the way they talk to each other (and I mean everyone, not just our two MCs), things have changed. They supposedly forgot what happened when they were Lilus. This is despite the fact that they DO remember certain events while being a Lilu. So none of them were completely turned into 100% human.

Did I read it right?

When Ichika remembered everything, and as it turned out, the memory can be triggered by kissing, is amazing not just because of her, but rather Aria was the one who asked in the first place originally and recognize that the kissing method is the most powerful route to "download" memory. In fact, not the most powerful, but rather the only method. That was why Aria was told that Ichika gambled everything .... into a single simple french kiss, and there is one and only one chance to try it. Aria managed to convince Ichika to gave a try, and then all the magic spells are gone.

Enlil is a pretty funny and powerful God.
This is what a Romance Novel supposed to read like.

last edited at Apr 22, 2023 12:23AM

VAMPEERZ discussion 21 Apr 23:13
joined Mar 18, 2023

we need an epilogue.

VAMPEERZ discussion 21 Apr 22:29
joined Mar 18, 2023

So Aria was a panhandling orphan slave girl usually hanging around at the Ziggurat, and picked up by Shin to be trained as a human sacrifice?
Show left out so many questions unanswered. For example, since it is obvious that Aria is no longer in charge, what made Sakuya become the new leader? If you recall, she is a failure when it comes to spying, and easily distracted by pretty girls and women. On paper she was supposedly the smartest, as long as she was not distracted by beautiful female. She has no sense of security and protection, all she does is to hook up with new girls... 24/7.

last edited at Apr 21, 2023 10:42PM

VAMPEERZ discussion 20 Apr 17:18
joined Mar 18, 2023

I have the raw of the Monthly Sunday GX. As for volumes go, I will get a regular Vol.9, but what I am really waiting for is the patron edition of volume 9.

For this chapter my Japanese is limited, it is mostly a dialogue driven chapter. I understand the ending. But when, why, how, what, where I could not tell for sure. The most important thing is, what does the dialogue mean, starting in the scene where Ichika asked Sakuya about Aria, "Who is this girl?". Then later Aria addressed Ichika as Ichika-san, to the very end when Ichika finally addressed Aria as Aria-CHAN. At that point the memories came back for the both of them I think, or at least Ichika. Oh, since everyone more or less at the same social level now, there is no need for honorifics like sama. When Jirou talked to Aria as a equal and tried to bully her, Mao and Shadi beat the crap out of him. After all, Aria is Jirou's mother. Mao actually uses the right Chinese term (混蛋)("Mixed Egg") to describe how stupid and a**holeish Jirou treated Aria after Aria is finally awakes.
The manga was still rushed, and ended as if being chopped. I would say Show can easily written for around 4 chapters more to make the series into 10 Volumes. Villains can easily found. Unless I read it wrong, since Aria was unconscious for three months, Sakuya took charge and one thing she did was she approved and agreed with a peace process between another group of Lilus who is similar to Ghika, and it seems to be working

I am just a regular reader, so do not take what I wrote is golden and accurate. I will have to wait 2 more months to receive my volume 9 patron copy signed by Show.

last edited at Apr 20, 2023 5:27PM

VAMPEERZ discussion 20 Apr 15:21
joined Mar 18, 2023

Final line of the manga: Aishiteru.... That was the line that makes me cry. Also, I cry through the final, long, kissing scene sequence. To see Aria behave totally a bottom is rare. Sakuya is now in control as new king. Everyone is there, even the zoombie Shiki.

I think it is high time that sensei can start looking for an anthology to include a shoujo manga slot for him. Whatever punishment he took for tracing should be forgiven. He is now obsessed with giving credits to photographers, which is something he should have done all along.

The persona of the characters have been changed, so I will have to read quite a few times to get some idea of it, and then wait for scanlation.

Thank you for the hard work, scanlation team.

last edited at Apr 20, 2023 3:43PM

VAMPEERZ discussion 20 Apr 00:17
joined Mar 18, 2023

A great ending. Thank you for the hard work. The 2nd half of 46 is a bit of translation heavy. I will be waiting for the official team's work to see how close my own personal translation do.

Oh I cried. This is only the 2nd manga I read here that makes me cry. I just did not expect the plot ended that way. I did feel that there are at least 3 chapters of material that needed to properly finish the manga.

Citrus + discussion 04 Apr 01:37
joined Mar 18, 2023

I highly doubted Sabu would worry about the tax man, She is a major asset of Yurihime, ie, Ichinsha. I am sure the company will do whatever it is possible to protect her financial interests. Also, if Sabu is worried, then most of the other mangaka will also be on the same boat. Namori would be the first target I think....
Frankly, if I were the tax man, I would look into the accounting books of Akaneshinsha. Can't take them down through censorship, but sure can take them down via auditing. Mangakas who write for LO and Opera would be sweating. They need more privacy than other branches of manga.

last edited at Apr 4, 2023 1:56AM

Citrus + discussion 23 Mar 12:43
joined Mar 18, 2023

So...we skipped Mei's birthday???