Forum › Posts by Kitty_Kit

joined Mar 2, 2013

I WANT THIS PHYSICALLY IN MY FUCKING HANDS ;O; can we have this please geez

joined Mar 2, 2013

;0; no.....:C

joined Mar 2, 2013

I wanna take Dog Sakuya home with me! She's so adorable.

I second that statement >w<

joined Mar 2, 2013

I feel depressed after reading this ;x; probably because that moment in the anime made me so sad this doujin didn't need more than one page to make those feelings come rushing back

joined Mar 2, 2013

I don't know about the light novel but the story of the manga is completely different and, in my opinion, much, much worse than the story in the anime. I would recommend that you just watch the anime. I know you don't like watching anime but the animation, the characters and the writing are all really good.

thanks, you confirmed the impression i had,
if i find the time i'll watch the anime

26 episodes of fun :D and by fun I mean tear jerking heart wrenching story that will hollow out your soul...naw jk XD

joined Mar 2, 2013

this is the kind of wishful thinking i had between the two

yeah me too the ending solidified my shipper feelings for those too .3.

joined Mar 2, 2013

That was cute!

;0; It sure was

MokoFlan! discussion 21 Aug 22:10
joined Mar 2, 2013

Oh my god the things that exist 0w0 it's flippin' cute though

joined Mar 2, 2013

It's funny to see everyone gripping about art I think old school rough art is fun to look at. Plus foot jobs under the table are pretty hot >w> lol

joined Mar 2, 2013

why does that dialogue fit so well XD Ymir Shizuru is a fucking scary idea though like just imagine Shizuru's insanity mixed with Ymir 0w0 heh wow.

joined Mar 2, 2013

In my mind I literally said what the fuck when I read those tags

That was weird and short lived :I but now I want more damnit Satori is one of my favorite characters UwU

last edited at Aug 17, 2013 1:59AM

joined Mar 2, 2013

how the f*ck ? kind to her for years, love her for years, think about her for years, longed for her ... still fail to a stupid random love ?
sound like Strawberry Panic

This chapter explains that it isn't random love she had admired Hanai ever since she saw her success and Hanai made her want to better herself so in this case after years of admiring Hanai it had turned into love.

joined Mar 2, 2013

I really liked Chika the moment I saw her and I felt bad because it was obvious she wasn't going to get what she wanted and I was just finally warming up to that idea and this chapter just took all my cooping and ripped it up I felt so bad for Chika but I'm glad they finally cleared everything up and elaborated on why Hanai is SO important.

joined Mar 2, 2013

Messy gloopy hentai like that makes sex look really undesirable like who wants that kind of mess XD what the flying fuck.

last edited at Aug 21, 2013 10:14PM

Gokujo discussion 14 Aug 02:40
joined Mar 2, 2013 I COULD NOT ignore that genesis of Aquarion reference oh my god.

joined Mar 2, 2013

No fuck immortality ZUN why you do this I almost cried fuck.

joined Mar 2, 2013

So... Alice loves Remi? I feel sorry for Sakuyav;(.

In the story Alice loved Remi because I guess Remi being dead has the same feeling to Alice as her dolls which is what her passion is.

joined Mar 2, 2013

Why are they so flippin' cute ARGHHH

Girl Friend discussion 09 Aug 15:48
joined Mar 2, 2013

Saw the title thought maybe for a second it may have a small connection to Girl Friends lol nope.

joined Mar 2, 2013

Christmas is early this year my stocking has been filled with one of my favorite pairings thank you Shako clause ;o;

Love Shower discussion 05 Aug 23:56
joined Mar 2, 2013

That was a cute little oneshot date thingy the art was the best part of it though it had such a graceful light feeling to it ^w^

Resonance discussion 05 Aug 22:29
joined Mar 2, 2013

I nearly flipped out when I saw Erica and Trude tag this was a bit of a let down because it was confusing and clunky VwV still enjoyed nonetheless.

joined Mar 2, 2013

Why did it have to ENNNNND I love YuuxAli I need more that was a compilation of AWESOMENESS

joined Mar 2, 2013

I rather like tall Patchy, there's another doujin that presents her that way, but I can't remember right off. One of the Sakuya/Meilin ones, I think.

yes, it's from the same circle,
in that there's an hint to patchyXremi that i liked a lot, the witch pairing is good but i'd like to see more witchXdevil

;o; oooh it's nice to see other people interested in RemixPatchy I really want to see more doujin of those two.

MESSENGER discussion 05 Aug 02:05
joined Mar 2, 2013

I really wish that they'd have a happy end...

Well SnK is nowhere near done and by the looks of how much of a fuss Ymir is kicking up she cares enough about her to protect herself and Christa we should all hope for the best.