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joined Nov 7, 2022


No, the clothes fell on the ground on their own while they were talking about art. /s

joined Nov 7, 2022

Well... That's done at least.

Not very happy that Kase won, though. She's just getting rewarded and doesn't have to face any consequences whatsoever for jeopardizing their moving in, delaying and losing the previous offer, etc. I was hoping that she'd be actually forced to choose and take a stand, instead of everything just going her way for reasons of plot.

It was overall a very weird arc, and I can't help but feel that despite living together, their relationship took a step back.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Didn't feel good, so she decided to share her story on the Internet. Ouch... There was no way that was gonna end well.

joined Nov 7, 2022

How did miss vampire get her supply before anyway?

I guess she didn't, which made her very thirsty.

joined Nov 7, 2022

"I have no interest in men." Everyone interprets that as her being a lesbian.

Happy little misunderstandings. Shows that misunderstandings don't always have to be a bad thing !

Liberta discussion 26 Sep 12:27
joined Nov 7, 2022

Eri-chan, the hero the world deserves.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Hehehe Bandai execs having a panic attack when reading page 28. >:-)

joined Nov 7, 2022

Also, I didn't know that demons are that heteronormative and don't know the existence of gay people. Do they also have the same political and sex education as us ?

Who knows, maybe they got it worse than us because their whole species was created out of the "female demons tempting men" concept ?

But it's true that, for the number of yuri succubus stories, we have a distinct lack of "knows she's lesbian and is comfortable with it" examples.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Kinda feel bad for Lilian. This world seems very heteronormative and, while Evris got her ticket out, Lilian might just... be left on the roadside and stuck with the douche prince, because of how her (very bad) plan turned out. I hope she gets something better later.

And it's hard to really hate her when she saved Evris, although it wasn't in the way she expected.

joined Nov 7, 2022

I wont be surprised the scum became buddies or even marry that dude. As long as Mashiro staying as a mistress for Makino, along with non stop supply of money or credit card, things will work. Money buy you everything. Those three may even becomes a threesome. You cannot ignore that credit card.

You should consider never talking again.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Yeah... nothing to do, whenever the "MC must consider marrying a guy" trope comes up in a yuri, I find it infuriating. There's no way I'd even remotely enjoy the jokes right now, even though humor really is the only way to enjoy this manga. Please let this arc end quickly...

Can't say I enjoy, no matter the context, any flavor of "gay girl is playing along with het wedding for reasons".

last edited at Sep 8, 2023 10:19PM

joined Nov 7, 2022

Kuroneko as the unexpected ally.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Title : "I Won't Let Mistress Suck My Blood"

Chapter 4 : Breaks through the window to have mistress suck her blood.

Well, she's certainly not obstinate.

joined Nov 7, 2022

I wouldn't say it's certain to end once they each get their feelings across. Mutually Unrequited Twin Sisters still had a dozen chapters after the two mains became a couple.

joined Nov 7, 2022

(Some) readers' expectations : "Well, I have been entirely focused on Yuzu and no one else since the first chapter, where I actually realized that my feelings were romantic... but now that you put me on the spot, I guess I must state that I'd be okay with any girl." This interpretation of some readers, that Minami having someone specific that she likes instead of being interested in girls in general (a staple in many romance stories, yuri or otherwise) is offensive, is godsdamn idiotic.

With some of those comments, I can just picture people on this forum going to someone irl who already is in love with someone, and asking them "would you date another girl, or are you homophobic ?". Because, you know, if she likes a girl she's a potential date interest. (It's obviously /s, but a lot of people who comment on yuri manga seem to actually think that, so I guess it's important to mention that I don't actually believe it ?)

And if you truly believe that... should I even point out that "there's a chance you'll look at me like that too" is literally what the other character answered in response ? Frankly, what the fuck did you want Minami to answer to Nanase's comment that would have made you happy ?

I'll go off and cool down a little, because the way these forums are completely ignoring the dynamic between the characters, the circumstances, and the message that the new girl is sending, is making me mad.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Leaving poor Caroline with Lloyd ? Dear gods, even for a villainess, that's particularly evil.

Actually, I don't get how the original story could have gone. Caroline is supposed to be the heroine, so why would she get close to someone who's so obviously a self-centered asshole ? I get that we're not supposed to like him in this story, but either something is internally inconsistent... or that original book they found themselves transported in mustn't have been very good.

joined Nov 7, 2022

@PineconeJuice That's one way to interpret this, I guess

last edited at Aug 15, 2023 6:15PM

joined Nov 7, 2022

Welp, now we're getting into truly unknown territory. I had no doubt that Rose would come on top, but what happens next ? If Gina and/or Hibai turn, what will be the cause, and how ? That's an... interesting look Gina got at the end.

joined Nov 7, 2022

She's so nice, and cute...

A Straight Girl Who Got on the Lesbian-Only Passenger Car : END

Next Chapter : A Lesbian Girl Who Got on the Lesbian-Only Passenger Car

joined Nov 7, 2022

I fucking love Kurumi's gay panic attack's logic.

"Forward panic", which makes you progress to the next step in your relationship, as opposed to the usual backward gay panic.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Ah yes, the famous "I'm not straight I just love you because its you" trope that is definitely real

If I had to think of het stories where the FMC says "Yeah, I love guys in general" and acknowledging that she's not just in love with the MMC, and compare it to the number of women in yuri who have exes or are confident in their sexuality... I'd say yuri comes ahead in not making most of the stories single-target loves, actually.

Also, Minami absolutely doesn't say she's not gay (which would be pretty lacking in self-awareness, anyway). She just says she hadn't thought of it because she's only ever loved one person, and she doesn't feel any more attracted to girls who aren't Yuzu than to guys.

Granted, making Nanase fall for another girl would break down that trope, and it's part of why I hope that's how it goes. But it's a bit extreme to call it a chapter about "looking like the author doesn't support gays" when it literally introduced in the latest chapter a girl who says she's looking for a woman who loves women.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Kinda funny that a few people are riled up because of the manga using the trope of "I love her because she's Yuzu, not because she's a girl". I mean, sure, I understand disliking this... except it was always very clear that Minami doesn't like anyone other than Yuzu.

And in the same chapter, the new girl says exactly the opposite - that liking girls in general is more important. Feels a bit weird that what the new girl said were completely ignored in the comments. Maybe because she's set up as a rival ?

Anyway, still rooting for Hinori x Nanase once Minami sorts out this mess.

joined Nov 7, 2022

I guarantee you a generic anime community is on average a lot more pro-arranged-marriage (and pro-child-marriage, pro-slavery, etc.) than this forum

I do remember Reddit being very pro "just marry some guy and take the girl you love as a mistress" during MagiRevo. It took until they literally showed Anis throwing up from having to go through that, that the voices finally quieted down and people realize that no, forcing her to go through that arranged marriage was maybe not a good thing.

And Dynasty... is the same. Mind you, it's not like Anis was physically coerced - she just had such a monumental pressure from her family and position, that there was no room for choice left. It was the same in Sheep Princess, and it's the same here; they don't have a sword on their neck, but arguments that they're "free to choose" are tenuous. In fact, Sheep Princess showed the girl crying, and here we see Makino being very uncomfortable, so it was already shown that they're not fine with this situation, much like Anis.

But you can still see people defending the part in which they are setting up marriage interviews. The saving grace is that the parents are homophobes, which makes them designated villains, so people won't defend them; despite defending other parent characters doing the same thing in other works.
It would be interesting to see what the comment section would look like if the parents weren't homophobes, but equal in every other way. Probably a battlefield. Although I don't really mind the author intentionally villainizing the parents behind this coerced marriage, just to make sure it is very clear that you're not supposed to approve them because of "cultural practices".

I would have expected that Dynasty criticized scenarios in which a girl is forced to marry someone other than her lover under coercion (and to recognize that "Marry that guy, or we'll throw you in a dungeon / in the streets with nowhere to go" is, indeed, coercion). Instead, I saw the dominating reaction being... barely at the level of Reddit anime communities. Yeah, that's a low bar.

Yuri Danshi discussion 23 Jul 05:56
joined Nov 7, 2022

So what's the issue that yuri danshi has that people aren't fond of it?

Essentially, quite a few people expected it to be yuri, only to turn out to be het pandering for guys looking at yuri... kinda.

It was also cancelled after the sixth volume.

You can see more of the discussion in the 2017 section of the comments, i.e., here.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Why are we defending arranged marriages in the comments are you all fucking bricked in the head.

Just the usual Dynasty moment. Can't wait for the "it's not forced, it's arranged marriage" crew to come and explain why it's okay to make your daughter choose between some guy you picked for her, and getting thrown out of the family with nowhere to go.

Last time I saw that "discussion", the girl wasn't even an adult yet and you'd literally see her crying in the arms of her girlfriend when the marriage was decided for her, and the comments were still defending it.

I can't with this website.