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Image Comments 06 May 02:43
joined Nov 22, 2019

@V-Oblivion I disagree, organized death squads that target infected and their sympathizers sounds exactly like something Kashchey would do. In fact, I think the reason he was so happy when Talulah revealed her infection is that the horrible things happening on the tundra would be the ideal way to break an idealist like her.

joined Nov 22, 2019

I wonder if the older sister is actually aware of the younger sisters feelings and is just playing oblivious to set the two up.

Idiot wingwoman

Image Comments 04 May 09:31
joined Nov 22, 2019

@V-Oblivion Considering the Black Snake is a immortal evil entity that has controlled and manipulated Ursus for thousands of years you could probably trace the vast majority of evil deeds all the way back to it.

last edited at May 4, 2021 9:32AM

joined Nov 22, 2019

This is getting better and better, why does it have to end.

Image Comments 03 May 21:25
joined Nov 22, 2019

Theres always AUs to ease the pain. ;_;

joined Nov 22, 2019

Dont get me wrong, it was tame as far as blackmail goes but tamer than ghosting? I disagree.

Tong Tong specifically apologised for it and asked if Lin would forgive her and be friends. Lin Luxi agreed to that. In that extremely specific context, Lin was being a way bigger jerk. She could've just said "no, you blackmailed me, even if I forgive you I don't want to be friends with you". Even if that's not the real reason why she doesn't want to be friends, she had the most valid excuse possible to turn her down and didn't have to resort to ghosting someone who just apologised to her.

Yeah, no. The way that conversation went made it really hard for her to turn Tong down without coming out. TT was very emotional and did everything she could to convince Lin to be her friend and Lin was backed into a corner when she assured her that she was a good person.

joined Nov 22, 2019

It's essentially just high-level s&m roleplay at this point.

Always has been.

Image Comments 30 Apr 20:28
joined Nov 22, 2019

It hurts.

joined Nov 22, 2019

Itll just end up in a draw with both picking scissor.

joined Nov 22, 2019

I suggest re-reading chapters 1 to 3 because it wasnt until her birthday(ch 3) that she wanted a friend. Before that she was clear about what would happen if Lu refused. Dont get me wrong, it was tame as far as blackmail goes but tamer than ghosting? I disagree.

joined Nov 22, 2019

Nice, some progress in the return. Hopefully this will make her realize her own feelings.

joined Nov 22, 2019

Idk is it worth hurting Tongtong's feelings if it means that Lu doesn't get rejected? This whole thing is leaving a very sour taste in me. I know that eventually Lu will confess and Tongtong will reciprocate but the setup was just unpleasant. The story is still great but still making Tongtong cry like that wasn't cool.

I mean, ghosting is a shitty thing to do but is it worse than blackmail?

To be fair, Lu didn't really mind it and TongTong didn't make her do anything harmful.

Because she was blackmailed about the wrong thing. Before she knew what TongTong was talking about Lu was really scared she would be outed, which was the intended reaction. That intent matters.

joined Nov 22, 2019

Idk is it worth hurting Tongtong's feelings if it means that Lu doesn't get rejected? This whole thing is leaving a very sour taste in me. I know that eventually Lu will confess and Tongtong will reciprocate but the setup was just unpleasant. The story is still great but still making Tongtong cry like that wasn't cool.

I mean, ghosting is a shitty thing to do but is it worse than blackmail?

joined Nov 22, 2019

"I don't like 'em putting books in the libraries that turn the freakin' girls gay!"

It doesn't turn girls gay. The girls were already gay to begin with

Pretty sure that was just a joke. It's referencing that one "turn the frickin' frogs gay!" meme by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones


joined Nov 22, 2019

Idiot couple

last edited at Apr 24, 2021 10:49AM

joined Nov 22, 2019

Page 16 is very close to yandere.

joined Nov 22, 2019

Damn, Maya just straight up stick bugged them.

Image Comments 22 Apr 11:03
joined Nov 22, 2019

Now thats what I call divine booty.

Image Comments 17 Apr 06:52
joined Nov 22, 2019

This is why we shouldnt stop at cat girls.

joined Nov 22, 2019

Donating the books to local libraries is really playing the long game, Julie is a real yuri professional

"I don't like 'em putting books in the libraries that turn the freakin' girls gay!"

joined Nov 22, 2019


joined Nov 22, 2019

Lu... this isn't going to work for you.
Tong Tong is supposed to make YOU cry.
not the other way around.

get it right.

Nothing wrong with a bit of reversal once in a while.

joined Nov 22, 2019

I was thinking the same thing about avatar and they probably will make it in a way they dont have to kill her since its kirara manga.

As if that has stopped the author before.

joined Nov 22, 2019

Oooo Momo's either disappointed that she failed or jealous that her wife went out with other girls without telling her anything, perhaps BOTH?

100% jealous.

joined Nov 22, 2019

My disappointment is quantifiable and my day is slightly worse.