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joined Nov 27, 2017

Hit the ground running, which I'm always a fan of.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Reading this feels like watching a five-minute chunk of a two-hour long film it every three months.

Yeah it's fucking agonizing.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Why couldn't it just have ended one goddamn page sooner. Ughh

joined Nov 27, 2017

"To be continued"..

Is this where i play Roundabout music?


Lol, nice.

And yeah, Roundabout is goddamn perfect here.

joined Nov 27, 2017

triviabingo posted:

Whoa plot twist, childhood friend is just a skinship lover and is actually not a lesbian...

...not yet at least

Yea. This second chapter actually ruined it for me, because it's shown the "lesbian" friend might actually not be a lesbian.

I'm inclined to believe that this is going somewhere.

joined Nov 27, 2017

The pace is oddly soothing.

Yeah, and it still feels like it's going somewhere, at least for the moment.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Babe, listen. The other you deliberately swapped places because she's the straight one and you really should just stay here. You have a hot smart girlfriend in this world.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Ugh fucking whyyyyyyy. I really liked this series and now it's pulling some egregious love triangle shit. Like, at least childhood-friend-chan is a likeable character so it's not as unnecessarily dramatic as it could be...

joined Nov 27, 2017

MC needs to stick up for herself. The best friend needs to get better or she can do better. At least thing give a half hearted attempt at indicating that she might do more going forward. Shrug

joined Nov 27, 2017

Just tell her you have already been taken by your friend so get lost. But, from the blushing, maybe she doesn't mind poly.

I dunno about her but I'd take the 100% chance with her versus the .10% chance with Probably Straight Friend.

The bird in the bed is always worth considering against the one in there bush.

Err... Wait...

joined Nov 27, 2017

Ugh this is glaaaaacial. :(

(At least they're getting translated in fairly quick succession.)

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 10:38PM

joined Nov 27, 2017

The best part of yuri love triangles is their propensity to collapse in the only satisfying way a love triangle really can: The two protags end up falling for each other instead. I always find that soooo satisfying.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Ugh. All the yuri drill stuff is so cute but so hard for me to really get into. They all feel a little to contained/restricted, which I guess is a little bit of the point of the exercise.

joined Nov 27, 2017

One of them said she suffered a battlefield injury that prevented her from having kids, hence the other partner stepped up to the task. Think of it as an involuntary hysterectomy done on one of them (ok, I forgot her name... nobody said there’s going to be a quiz afterwards).

Uhm, you misunderstood what's going on here. Satia mentioned being infertile and it was framed as an issue that needed resolution (and was promptly resolved by "magic" which is weak but I don't necessarily mind it) which is patently absurd since this is a lesbian relationship being depicted. Whether or not Satia can bear a child has absolutely no effect on whether they as a couple can have one, since there's still a functional womb between them.

Her infertility didn't need to be resolved and it would've been more impactful if Meiyu offered to bear a child for her through this magic and it didn't just deus ex machina away the entire issue. But for whatever reasons Satia had to be the one to carry the child? Which is especially weird because she was the one who seemed more enthusiastic about knighthood, while Meiyu wanted to be able to make a decision about her own life and break from the knighthood being forced on her. It'd make the bit at the end about choosing to return to the knighthood after the child was born be reclaiming that life path on Meiyu's own terms rather than just be a statement about Satia's enthusiasm for fighting

This framework could've been used to tell a story of actual impact with even just a small change like that, and I think that's what frustrates me most here.

last edited at Mar 17, 2019 11:08AM

joined Nov 27, 2017

Wow, that jumped to, "Let's have a kid." Way to fast. They were still in the middle of fucking... For the first time. Also there are two of y'all with wombs so why was this magical infertility even remotely relevant.

There was absolutely some hot stuff, but the writing is... Not so great. I kinda love the premise though; two lady knights in love is a delightful idea.

last edited at Mar 17, 2019 1:45AM

joined Nov 27, 2017

Reminds of the days me and my friends used to snort cocaine in the high school gym.

Well, fuck.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Fucking NO. Why do I keep giving this manga chances.

joined Nov 27, 2017

i have a feeling that the blonde girl "IS" actually the person that the brunette is dating in her hetero world... but the blonde is a GUY in that world, which is why the brunette didn't recognize her when she got transported to the females-only world and saw her as a GIRL.

Because the brunette says that she's always awkward around her boyfriend back in her old world... and she's awkward around the blonde..... and the blonde harbored a secret crush on the brunette this whole time.... and the brunette says the guy confessed to HER first... so it seems to me like the blonde is just a gender-bent version of the guy the brunette is dating in the hetero world.

(sorry, i read too much manga, i don't bother to learn the names of characters anymore LOL) hope ppl still understood what i meant haha

She exists in MCs original world though, because she immediately identified her in the infirmary.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Oh please... Don't let this go the obvious direction. It was finally starting to fucking go somewhere.

joined Nov 27, 2017

And who is the dude that goes to smoke to her apartment?

Not important. Probably just one of her aformentioned "smoker friends".

joined Nov 27, 2017

I expected the kabedon to be countered with a counter-kabedon, but this is much better.

You'd have to be in a pretty cramped alleyway to pull that off.

Imagine doing a kabedon only to be countered by kabedon. But then you counter BACK with another kabedon, but she also counters back with a kabedon! While both of you are blushing exponentially, neither of you will back down and continue kabedoning until one of you does the ultimate kabedon move and forces the other one to admit defeat

Hehe, about that... My girlfriend and I both read a lot of yuri and we had a fairly narrow hallway outside the bedroom of our apartment. At one point she kabedon'd me (as a joke) in that hallway, and my response was to grin and push her back up against the other side of the hallway, and then she pushed me back. We went a couple more back and forths laughing as we did, before I, uh... Advanced the plot. I'm gonna leave that anecdote there

last edited at Feb 17, 2019 1:07AM

joined Nov 27, 2017

Wow. Unexpected level of harshness in the comments today.

People fetishizing queer people in media and then turning around and being gross about IRL queer folks hits a bit too close to home for me to find the humour in it.

Yeah I mean, you get to "Yurifag" and you're just done. Like what the fuck, be less homophobic about it you hypocritical ass.

Straight yuri fans are such a bizarre concept to me.

Fact: most yuri fans are males and straight.

No that's just a yaoi thing. (It being primarily consumed by fetishizing straight women) Yuri is primarily consumed by women. It's usually written for and often by women.

last edited at Feb 14, 2019 10:36PM

joined Nov 27, 2017

Maybe Mahiru wasn't gay, but Sayo just realized she was.

Wut? It's very clear Mahiru wanted to get together because she figured out her sexuality enough to know she likes Sayo. She, out of the blue, asked Sayo about if she has a boyfriend as one of her first orders of business, and then replied coyly while twirling her hair that she was cute.

Mahiru is very much the confirmed gay here.

Next To You discussion 28 Jan 23:19
joined Nov 27, 2017

Its soooooooooooooooooo weird not to have what to talk about with each other ._.
Cmon tell her about those frigging basketball kicks! What the heck? Is your life that dull you have nothing to share with your mate? Are you not reading? Not experiencing anything everyday? I'm on the phone like 10 times a day and messaging my gf if anything interesting comes up. And its not like we cant shut up and just lay beside each other comfortably. We just HAVE TONS of things to talk about. Hope that wont change


The longer I lived with my girlfriend, the more pleasant silence became. We'd sit down to eat at a restaurant and share a half dozen small exchanges over the meal and be comfortable. We didn't feel the need to fill the air out of boredom or anxiety.

As an earlier poster paraphrased, there's a delightfully quiet scene of Pulp Fiction where Ulma Thurman's character expresses exactly the stance I have: The moment when you know a relationship has settled into a place that'll last is the moment two people, "Can shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably share silence."

This is a nice little narrative around that.

joined Nov 27, 2017

For the record, I just want to say: traps are gay.

Miss me with your shitty transphobic memes. Thanks.

last edited at Jan 28, 2019 8:59PM