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joined Jul 11, 2017

I believe Sunji is commendable either way because she was able to identify that the relationship she was in was causing her more grief than happiness and ended things. That's worthy of praise by itself! It's not always easy to walk away from someone you love/loved! (Look at Sumin and Seju, they can't end their relationship after 10 years lol.) She doesn't need to explain because Sumin and Sunji's relationship has been on the rocks for the past like 15 chapters!
I feel like Sunji has done quite a bit of considering Sumin's feelings. It's been clear to Sunji that Sumin's heart is not completely with her. Although Sumin says she's only worried about Sunji, it's obvious where her mind really is.
She says that line about being taken advantage of as if she's accepted it already. She's accepted that she might just not have a place in Sumin's life right now.
She leaves Sumin without giving her a reason (Sumin really doesn't need a reason, I'm sure she already knows). If Sunji gave Sumin a reason, Sumin might just go back to feeling guilty about wanting Sunji but also feeling like she needs to care for Seju. Trying to do both is just hurting everyone. There's a grace in the way she left Sumin.
Sunji says, "I won't let the person I love get hurt anymore." I love that line by her! Very brave of her. Just because she stays with Sumin, doesn't mean Sumin won't get hurt anymore. This may hurt Sumin, but in the long run it might help her. Ripping off a band-aid in one go HURTS, but it's better than prolonging the pain.
Now Sumin can have the space she needs from Seju and Sunji to decide what she really wants.

Well said

last edited at Aug 21, 2017 2:55AM

joined Jul 11, 2017

I dont think she knew Sungji was having the ring. If she knew, they could've continued wearing it already or she could've asked about it at least once, both were keeping their respective ring after all, what's wrong with wearing it? xDDDDD

When Seju threw the ring at Sungji (and she picked it up) wasn't it at the cheating scene with the three of them there? Maybe Sumin saw it? Or did I read that scene wrongly?

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Aug 22:42
joined Jul 11, 2017

OMG.. do you work at a shinigami association or something ?!

Depending on how much the shinigami association is willing to pay me XDDDD

I would if I wasn't such a coward.. I am settled with roller coasters XD

LOL I think this is less a function of body weight than it is a function of age

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Aug 21:25
joined Jul 11, 2017

okay.. if we ever dive together, I will make sure that I write my will first

You don't have to. My diving days are over XDDD you don't want to be holding my puke bag ahahahaha


Anyway, always always dive with a good dive buddy not someone who will kill you lol

I knew someone who literally jeopardizes other people's lives by being irresponsible.Not keeping to the depth limit...going zig zag (up and down) at that depth smacks forehead

last edited at Aug 20, 2017 10:24PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Aug 21:23
joined Jul 11, 2017

Anyway, always always dive with a good dive buddy not someone who will kill you lol

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Aug 21:18
joined Jul 11, 2017

Lol Nora there's no fixing your sleep cycle huh XDDDD

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Aug 21:15
joined Jul 11, 2017

less probabilities to break bones.. but maybe suffocation or being a part of some wild feast are the only minimal risks XD

Please add to the list : being swept away by current, drowning, get poisoned by sea creatures/flora you accidentally touch, nitrogen narcosis, oxygen toxicity, barotrauma, decompression sickness, pulmonary embolism, getting a defective equipment...

joined Jul 11, 2017

Her leaving will hurt the person she loves, which contradicts to what she said. How is that commendable?

I think she may have underestimated her importance to Sumin. Maybe she thinks what would hurt Sumin more is "forcing" herself to be with Sungji while she still cares for Seju deep down (that she can't do what she wants to do/has to refrain herself from caring for Seju out of consideration for Sungji because she is "the gf"). And that this is Sungji's version of the lesser evil

She needs to become a monk.

Lol like one of the commenters wrote in the imgur page momonosuke referenced:

Sumin: (to Sungji) you can do whatever you want with me
Commenter (playing Sungji): really? OK I'll shave your head


Seriously though, sometimes it takes you losing (or almost losing) something/someone for you to truly know how important they are to you (this is what I think - and that's why Sungji leaving may be a necessary part of the plot- , not what I think Sungji thinks)

last edited at Aug 20, 2017 9:09PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

In order for Sumin to truly know where her heart lies she needs to be free from both Seju and Sungji


joined Jul 11, 2017

They were pretending to be asleep to save their own heads

Lol ok now they're no longer asleep. Just dead

joined Jul 11, 2017


Lol I was too distracted with the comments that accompany that picture

WDTFS fans - off topic 19 Aug 21:58
joined Jul 11, 2017

OR, send a raven on your way down.. Dany shall come in a moment XDD

Don't count on it.. She'll be busy trying to make sure stupid Jon snow doesn't die x.x

WDTFS fans - off topic 19 Aug 21:25
joined Jul 11, 2017

Lol geez so fatalistic! momonosuke you're going to be fine.. Do you have insurance? XDDDD

WDTFS fans - off topic 19 Aug 20:55
joined Jul 11, 2017

Stupid ass jon snow. die already. Moaaaaaa.

He lives too damn long =. =

joined Jul 11, 2017

Apparently, Sungji breaking up with Sumin is for the sake of Sumin x Sungji's lovestory development.

Hahahahaha! Sia ue the cynic in me can't argue with you on this (and the non cynical parts are all asleep XDDD)

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 9:48PM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Who will win the iron throne? Jon snow for me lol ironically he is not my bias.
Just make prediction base on accumulative data until now lol... no wonder I like to watch produce ioi too.. sharpening my judge and decision.. a little exercising

This Jon Snow has more lives than a cat =.= I strongly object lol
Danny and Jon Snow are just -for lack of a better word- DISGUSTING XDDDDDDDD

joined Jul 11, 2017

Apparently you and some others love to talk about almost related and not at all related to WDTFS

Like GOT? XDDDDD #guilty

joined Jul 11, 2017

Depends on how we define "what hurts Sumin"

Nerver know that there are more than one definition.

Actually since it was Sungji who said she will make sure someone she love would not be hurt again, it depends on what Sungji perceives as "hurting Sumin". It was clear from chapter 90 but back in chapter 89 there were more possibilities.

joined Jul 11, 2017

Btw, there is a firework, do we have a time skip? Is it new year already?

Lol Nora will tell you that based on the time line it is still November now and based on the fact that Seju is still wearing the same clothes she did at the funeral and the fact that sungji said she will meet Sumin tomorrow i.e. the next day. It might be some other festival in korea not new year.

joined Jul 11, 2017

She said she was gonna make sure the person she loved would not be hurt again. As always, it's just a bluff. lol

Depends on how we define "what hurts Sumin"

joined Jul 11, 2017

hahahaha.. have you noticed how we picked up on mpgpeg for choosing such a complicated username ?
well, you win in this department XDDDD

Lol actually jpeg still wins to me.. I mean you can't even pronounce the word, it's made of almost all consonants!

For D1LD0Z3R I'm going to go with dildo-zer XDDDDD (the same way I always steal the 0 from esoteric lol)

Jpeg and Shine

Maybe? I find it's really wonderful how she is. Don't get me wrong, I would immediately open my arms, if I could find someone like Sungji xD

I would too. I would want to protect her from harm. XD

Noooooooo more competition! Arghhh lol

I would too. I would want to protect her from harm. XD

I like how you think XD

joined Jul 11, 2017

Foxy Lady

Lol in math yes. But this is so subjective. The many roads may lead to different destinations XDDD

Hmmm... Just for the sake of argument, Orange? Or simply not agreeing just for the sake of not agreeing. LOL

I'm a scientist but not a mathematician (or a magician lol). Having said that I do want to go a bit technical XDDDD
There are different scenarios here:

  1. Different road leading to the same solution (algebra vs using models i.e. not equations) - this can be true in math but not always true if there is always that unknown variable called perception like in any piece of art work
  2. Same road leading to different solution - in math, this can be the case for quadratic equations with more than one solutions..
  3. Different road leading to different solution - aren't these just multiple different equations with their own solutions?

If people's "supposed future" to the story is considered the "solution", different people here have different "equations" to get there and these are shaped by a lot of things: their own experience, their perception of the story or characters in the story or even the interpretation of what the drawing on the panels mean, ah and also perhaps their "gut feel" (which in turns depends on how good their gut bacteria is XDDDDD)


Orange maybe the math expert here, but Foxy, I have some bad news for you. In math, we don't always arrive at the same answer. As a matter of fact, I failed countless math tests because I did it a different ways and arrived at the "wrong" answer according to my teachers. When I told them right and wrong were just a matter of perspective, they told me in their perspective I failed. Heartless bastards. :(

LOL sounds like your teacher considers the method-to-answer part of "the answer" rather than the just the answer itself.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 5:56AM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Seriously, I know the rings are with Seju looooong before. But I can't help thinking of the possibility.Just like in Math, we will always arrive at the same answer but it maybe in different ways. Right, Orange?

Lol in math yes. But this is so subjective. The many roads may lead to different destinations XDDD

joined Jul 11, 2017

Google translate - our best buddy in times of dire need XDD

joined Jul 11, 2017

This chapter made me think of this quote "If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were"
