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Reki Yomi discussion 11 Feb 20:05
joined Jan 2, 2017

I absolutely adore this. Lovely art, some good comedy, fun characters, a weird setting and mood - 10/10, want to read more

joined Jan 2, 2017

I'm glad she's so conscientious of when she's going to orgasm, because the other girl is in grave danger. Wonder if the same happens when she sneezes.

Overline discussion 30 Jan 21:43
joined Jan 2, 2017

Definitely brought some tears to my eyes. HomuMado does that far, far too often, even now - and this doujin had such a nice artsyle to convey those feelings. A nice mix of cute and almost-over-the-line erotic too, so that when it wasn't tugging on my heartstrings it was making me blush. 10/10, loved it, would cry again.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Gotta say, I didn't think this was the direction it was going to go, and I'm pleasantly surprised. Not only do we already have Hinako accepting that she might like a woman and not making a big deal of that, and her reactions to Satou-san in general, but we also have a very clear set up: Satou will have to learn that her sister wants her to be happy, but also that the 'end boss' for Hinako will have to get over her mother. This is really shaping up to be something special, maybe. Though I suppose that I don't think the art is anything special and could be 'better', subjectively.

joined Jan 2, 2017

For as well written as I find Uno-san - and I really do think she's incredibly well realized as a character, especially for a manga with a fairly cliche premise - I'm still not sold on Satou. She doesn't feel nearly as well written or realized or developed. I know we're only 5 chapters in so there's presumably still a lot of room for her to grow, but whether Satou is gay, or dense, or knows more than she lets on, if she likes Uno-san (she does), if she knows she likes Uno-san, etc. etc. I really hope she grows as a character soon.

Her sister, on the other hand? Great so far.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Omichi needs to go away. This was strong for ~40+ chapters with only 2 characters, and I really don't think she's made anything 'better' so far. Cute chapter, and I think we did see Koguma grow a bit too - she probably would've been a lot more embarrassed in the beginning, but here, she's ready to show herself to Hino.

joined Jan 2, 2017

More than anything, I'm impressed by how Uno-san's been characterized. Her overall attitude and point of view, her flaws and the way she sees herself, her impulsive buying and the self-defensive way she kind of says things she doesn't mean, her desire to fit in at her own expense, etc. - It's all very realistic and true to life for lots of people. I'm almost (almost) let down by the rest of the manga, which, so far, feels more cliche and flat.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Koguma being so into Hino wearing all of that stuff - obvious enough for even Omichi to note it - is the real point to take away from this chapter. Koguma doesn't even ask herself that ol' cliche "why is my heart going doki doki" kind of stuff - she knows she wants to see Hino all dressed up. Real good stuff, that is.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Somehow the least weird chapter. Sunburn-chan and Octopus-chan are cute.

30 MINUTES discussion 25 Dec 18:16
joined Jan 2, 2017

Oh man, I'm all about this. The art style, sameface aside, is great and the story wasn't your average set of yuri tropes. Definitely felt more mature/adult/etc, and the communication problem at the heart of the thing was realistic and emotional. Loved this.

joined Jan 2, 2017

100% it's for Koguma - the question is whether Hino knows she's being followed. Kinniku is good at twisting expectations and I think he thinks we think that Hino knows, so maybe she doesn't? Real short chapter though. The wait for the next is going to be harder.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Surprisingly melancholic, but heart-touchingly cute. Gag manga or not, I hope whatever joke follows doesn't ruin the scene.

Yamitsuki discussion 06 Dec 17:16
joined Jan 2, 2017

The art is really beautiful. I'm so glad mochi is working with artists now and is focusing on the writing instead. Best of two words.

VAMPEERZ discussion 26 Nov 21:35
joined Jan 2, 2017

If you told me we'd be seeing a girl punch a wild boars in a nominally horror vampire lesbian story, I'm not sure I would've believed you.

Not that I'm upset in the slightest. I find the author's sense of comedy and romance and horror pretty great. And the reaction faces!

joined Jan 2, 2017

Someone said it earlier, but majoccoid and mochi are like a dream team. Especially in light of mochi's more recent art, which I just don't gel with anymore.

joined Jan 2, 2017

It's really something how tkmiz manages to use the surreal elements more then anything else to further the character dynamics and relationships. Say what you will about things not making sense or seeming random, but it's all in there for a reason and all being used for development and growth. Tkmiz definitely has really great storytelling skills, which, of course, was something you could tell back in SSR.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Ball joints ARE erotic.

joined Jan 2, 2017

What a tease, there at the end. I know Tarou is going to keep stringing us along and, seeing as how the development's been written so far, I'm sure whatever kiss/confession/etc. won't happen after a ton of build up and instead it'll happen when we least expect it. Every other big build up has been a tease at the end.

In any case, Omi-chan has to fuck off now and let these two ravish each other.

Also, I think it goes to show that it really is Hino who doesn't understand their relationship; Koguma certainly does, or at least she has much more of an idea about what the stuff they do together means, while HIno was still, up until now, seeing it as something to do just for a reaction. Hino-san really is a baka.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Wonderfully wholesome and cute, I loved it. I hope there's more.

The art kinda-sorta reminded me of French comic art - something about the faces and eyes mostly, and a bit of the line work. It's a good style.

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Sep 16:35
joined Jan 2, 2017

Wew, Ichika being so forward is really something else, in a good way. Can't wait to see if and how she eventually gets Aria to feel the same.

joined Jan 2, 2017

Can you imagine?
Noble pilgrim unwittingly helps her god survive in an increasingly apocalyptic Tokyo by applying lessons she's learned from a post-apoc manga(obviously the god can't do it herself for reasons). Meanwhile their budding romance gives a mangaka the inspiration she needs to put pure hope into her story, which is then used by a cabal of editors to save Tokyo/the world.
That's is one of the most galaxy brain plots I've ever seen on this site. If even half of that happens it'll be so good, I'm completely sold lmao.

That's definitely what I'm hoping for/expecting. I like the manga a lot so far, though. A bit unfocused and a little rough in places, but that kinda thing sometimes adds rather than detracts from quality.

joined Jan 2, 2017

While it’s been established that Hino is somewhat aware of her feelings for Koguma, Koguma has never really recognized her feelings for what they were. Sure, she knows that something keeps her coming back to Hino, despite the harassment, she doesn’t really know what that thing is.

See, I'm with you that this "arc" will cause the two to reassess their relationship or realize their feelings more strongly, but I think you're looking at this backwards. It's not Koguma who is doesn't know her own feelings, it's Hino. We're told that Hino began her little teasing games because she thought that Koguma and her reactions were cute - in fact, not too many chapters back, in one of the very few solo Hino chapters, we see Hino question herself as to why she's continuing to tease Hino because there's something just beyond Koguma being cute - though what that thing is, she doesn't know. And whether or not it's something of an act, Koguma doesn't often seem to grasp the extent or the implications of her teasing.

On the other hand, Koguma has understood those implications very well the whole time - it's why she reacts the way she does with the more lewd or intimate moments, or gets upset when she allows Hino something intimate, but the girl either leaves her hanging, or does something sweet and kind. And only a few chapters ago, we have Koguma all but admitting that she would've wanted Hino to kiss her while she slept.

Since the beginning I've had the impression that it's Koguma who knows just what she feels, and she's only confused/perplexed by Hino's actions/attitudes. Not to mention, Koguma has low self esteem (about her body and anyone being interested), and Hino seems to have her own issues with herself. If this arc will do anything, it'll be to get Hino to maybe see that Koguma feels something for her, or that she feels something special about Koguma. I think Koguma already know how she herself feels.

All that said, I often find that sticking another character (and a childhood friend, no less) really upsets the balance of a manga in a bad way. I hope Omichi doesn't stick around, and if she does, that there isn't a love triangle - imagined by either of our heroines or not.

last edited at Sep 16, 2019 2:17PM

joined Jan 2, 2017

Oh, this is fantastic. I love the set-up, and as both a creator of things with which I interact with fans, and a fan of artists I interact with myself, I really get both sides. Plus, the story just missed so strictly - in a good way. No 50+ chapter will they/won't they shit, even if it doesn't work out. Can't wait for more.

Edit: I didn't even realize this was Fragtime's Sato. Now I'm definitely sold on it.

last edited at Sep 12, 2019 12:37PM

joined Jan 2, 2017

It's so upsetting that the update schedule for this is so slow - it's just such a fun read

joined Jan 2, 2017

There's more, right? There's gotta be more. The art really sold me on it, and a good delinquent story is always welcome.