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joined May 27, 2015

Post-coital morning-wake-up Yuu is the hottest Yuu.

More like post-Koito Yuu, amirite?!

I'll show myself out.

last edited at Aug 29, 2019 2:47AM

joined May 27, 2015

This is different than the Movie 1st the comics if anyone is confused, this is a retelling of the original anime in manga format, which would make this the fifth adaptation of the Nanoha/Fate/Precia story if I'm not wrong (anime, novel, movie 1st, movie 1st manga, original chronicle).
I suspect this manga exists because due to contractual reasons they had to put Higa Yukari to do something when they prematurely axed her previous manga Nanoha Force, but that's just a theory.

I didn't know Force was written by a woman.

joined May 27, 2015

Everybody. Everybody in this manga is insane. EVERYOOOOOONE!

joined May 27, 2015

Why is it ending so soon?

I don't know for sure but it could be poor sales leading to the publisher axing it, or the mangaka is just bored/ran out of ideas.

joined May 27, 2015

I wonder if anyone counted, how many het-H-mangakas went to successfully make yuri series as opposed to yaoi-mangakas? Successfully as in, finished at least one without it getting cancelled/axed/bait&switched.
Based on my limited memory, ex-yaoi artists seem to do better in yuri.

There was Maruta's "Nadeshiko Hiyori", which finished relatively well (and was the Hanayamata group sex doujin we otherwise never got)

Finale possibilities:

1) Unable to compete in the championship, Chika goes berserk and embarks on a bloody killing spree with a hatchet, starting with those closest to her and ending in a bloody confrontation with a mace-bearing Usa-pyon on the roof of a skyscraper high above the city.

What do you think this is, Hyperdimension Neptunia?

That's another series that needs a nice orgy though. There are only about 3 yuri doujins of it with more than 3 girls in at once.

last edited at Aug 15, 2019 4:18AM

joined May 27, 2015

I never liked Kyouko really.

Also, brutal fourth-wall break and self-deprecation on page 13.

last edited at Aug 13, 2019 8:08PM

Image Comments 12 Aug 21:42
joined May 27, 2015


What a cultured show.

joined May 27, 2015

They're already a lot further ahead in the yuri relationship than Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki, I'll give them that.

joined May 27, 2015

Guys, guys, is it me or this Tadakoro and Nikaidou gals look like Tomoko and Asuka ripoffs?

Yes, we've gone through this in the discussion thread for the webcomic.

joined May 27, 2015

It feels like it's just dragging on now, we get to Mari x Arisa then we always get to square one

I kind of agree, but part of it is also this series has taken 3 years in real time. The "dragging" effect probably wouldn't be as bad if it just came out (heh) as a complete tankoubon and we could read the whole thing at our own pace.

The other long-running-but-not-done-yet yuri series I'm following is YagaKimi (4 years), and while that one's been pretty good, this series throws a bit of a wrench in the classic "Will They Or Won't They?" sexual tension trope with a bit of "They fucked already before, but the (apparently hard) top/seme/tachi got Laser-Guided Amnesia and now neither of them can initiate"

And I have never liked the bakagenki character archetype anyway.

Actually, after re-reading the last ~18 chapters I gotta say there was some good content. I always love a good reversal/switch. It's just that 18 chapters is a year and a half in real time so unfortunately I just forgot some of the details.

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 6:06AM

Image Comments 03 Aug 14:11
joined May 27, 2015


joined May 27, 2015

This is super late and maybe off-topic but I feel that the Death Note anime/manga is arguably stronger without a "Death Eraser" type device than with. The Death Note pilot one-shot manga had the Death Eraser.

last edited at Aug 1, 2019 11:02PM

joined May 27, 2015

Lmao lastest chapter. Mfw Touko suggest her parents to go out so that she could invite Yuu to stay over then suddenly get asked by Yuu that if she could stay over at her house. Everything goes smoothly just as planned.


Credit to Serenata


last edited at Jul 31, 2019 9:59AM by Nezchan

joined May 27, 2015



joined May 27, 2015

Watashi wa mou shindeiru.

Damnit, I was beaten to the punch. Though because Mimi refers to herself in third-person all the time I would've went with "Mimi wa mou shindeiru".

joined May 27, 2015

From​ what​ I​ saw​ in​ the​ last​ panel, maybe​ the​ one​ who​ is​ going​ to​ die​ is​ Mimi.

She just heal herself from near death. It's probably just blood she didn't wash.

I wouldn't rule it out though. The immortal or near-immortal friend dying in the middle of the story or later... that's a trope I've seen before.

joined May 27, 2015

Rare series (it was a good show), even rarer ship

joined May 27, 2015

By all means, Dynasty can be pretty retarded, but what did we do to slight this scanlator in particular? Either way, they're doing Madokami's work so thanks for that.

Kani Biimu needs to be merged with peko because it's the same guy. And the title needs to be fixed.

Luminocity 22 Gochuumon wa Kokoa-san des.u

last edited at Jul 7, 2019 3:21AM

joined May 27, 2015

How has nobody mentioned the bottom of page 2 "I was asked to take a picture of you, Ma'am"? In my mind I was going ALERT, ALERT, ALERT, NEW SHIP ALERT, TATSUBON IS NOW SHIPPING NIKAIDOU'S MOM WITH TADOKORO'S MOM, ALERT, ALERT

joined May 27, 2015

Some of the original Japanese in the last page wasn't completely cleaned

Image Comments 29 Jun 02:03
joined May 27, 2015

Tifa needs to be bigger, iykwim

Damn lol, you beat me to the punch medium-sized Tifa is fine too tbh

joined May 27, 2015

Those 3 girls in page 2 look juuuuust a bit like the trio of girls in Toradora.

joined May 27, 2015

Is this series still being updated after all this time or it's an old manga that just recently translated?

The guy is still at it 7 years later. Shouwa Ecchi came out December 31, just last year.

I commend his dedication.

joined May 27, 2015

You remember about the previous versions of us

Ishikawa getting meta now

Also I thought "shouwa" was supposed to be just "shower" and didn't realize the Shouwa era pun until the end

Image Comments 11 Jun 02:31
joined May 27, 2015

I thought that was Zero Two selfcest at first