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joined Apr 17, 2015

No, the world in this series obviously has heterosexual relationships but I can’t remember any instance of same-sex relationships being treated as anything out of the ordinary. That’s the kind of utopian world I like. :D

Isn't it kinda the norm in yuri at this point? I mean, one recurring criticism against yuri is that it doesn't tackle issues like homophobia.

Anyway, I like how this series is developing. =O It helps that I greatly enjoyed Given last season and this looks like a less angsty version of it, so I'm all in.

joined Apr 17, 2015

To translate the synopsis >


Third year middle-schooler Mayuki wants to go to the same high school as her beloved senpai Akira, and hires a private tutor called Rin to that end, but she'll end up being taught more than just school stuff… It'll be a story in that vein.

I was kinda hoping for Canno to give us some purely adult yuri like some of her more recent doujins but, oh well. Old habits die hard I guess.

Well if it's anything like chapters 28-30 I'm not complaining.

Hopefully less rushed though.

last edited at Nov 1, 2019 1:02PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

For those waiting, Canno is coming back this winter with a new series \o\ It will be in Dengeki Daioh this time (yes, the one that published YagaKimi).

joined Apr 17, 2015

I'm so not entitled to demand more of a product I don't acquire it, that being said, 4 chapters a year for like 13 or less pages and it's not even an complex story, I'll say this is the type of stuff that deserved the axe ...

Don't axe Skeeter Rabbit axe this, I'VE SAID IT!

That's just how this magazine is published, you gotta deal with it. As the name suggests, "Dragon Age Extra" is just an extra, something you read besides other stuff. It would be even more frustrating if the story was complex actually − I've been following D.Gray-Man and Berserk for years, as well as Made in Abyss more recently; it's fucking hell.

last edited at Oct 22, 2019 5:59PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

That, or she doesn't want Kon to see the bloody remains of Mari's body splattered on the ground.

joined Apr 17, 2015

No honorifics, no ("senpai" is replaced by family names).

joined Apr 17, 2015

Volume 1 is finally out in France, and man the art comes off so much better in a paper volume. I almost rediscovered the early chapters…

Doesn't seem to be any translation fumbles either, although said translation feels a little flat on some parts. Nothing that ruins the experience though.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Sex scenes can truly be beautiful when put in the right hands, can't they…

Also, it wasn't hard to get how Touko's horror movie plan would turn out. XD

…Fuck, I'm crying tears of happiness right now. Well done, Nakatani.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Yuri Navi ran its third yuri manga ranking poll recently & YagaKimi got 1st for the third consecutive time with 1,816 votes, beating out 2nd place (Citrus) by 1,314 votes. The poll was not available for overseas fans this time around. In total, there were about 3,300 votes this year while last year it was around 1,900 votes. So yes, it was a complete landslide with YagaKimi took more than half the total votes. Direct sauce to 10th-1st places here.

Kinda surprised to see Whispering a Love Song in 4th place. I like it but it's been kinda… generic so far…?

Here's the official announcement for the French localization of YagaKimi since I remember some members here were waiting/hoping for it:

About goddamn time! \o/ And I'm kinda glad it's licensed by a "mainstream" manga publisher instead of a BL/GL focused one like Taifu Comics.

Now if only we could get AnoKiss someday…

last edited at Aug 15, 2019 12:07PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

It's not like you can chose who you fall for anyway… The best you can hope is that you learn it's hopeless early enough that you can move on easily.

^Regarding the first rule, the opposite applies too (don't fall for someone gay if you're het). Though obviously, statistics make that a less common occurrence.

last edited at Aug 4, 2019 4:47PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

When Touko let her parents go together to the onsen, I thought "d'aw, how thoughful of her!"

Then the last page came and I was like "Oh, so that was part of the plan, huh." XD But this is so very human. After all, a lot of our decisions are a mix of altruism and selfishness.

joined Apr 17, 2015

…So this has been the most viewed thing on Dynasty in the last week. Didn't expect that. XD

joined Apr 17, 2015

Usually at a bar you first enter a conversation with your potential partner and loosen up a little over a drink.

Which is exactly what she does? Her pick up line isn't "Shall we fuck?" but "Shall we have a drink?" Plus they go to a hotel, it's not like they do it in a dark back alley.

last edited at Jul 4, 2019 6:10AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Seriously though, I love this panel…


The moment she realized she could get used to this. <=D

joined Apr 17, 2015

Well, what actual "benefits" do you really gain from having sex with a total stranger from whom you just met?

Pleasure without the burden of engagement?

I guess what Manager does is less dangerous in a low-criminality country like Japan… still seems reckless though. But I'm pretty sure I've heard of people like that in real life.

joined Apr 17, 2015

The best thing about this doujin imo is there're no annoying phrases like "No,not there" or "That's place is dirty" etc.

Well, technically there's a "that place is dirty" page 24… except that, when told to stop the Manager actually stops.

By the way, I like how in page 5 and 42 you can guess Ai's "experience" just by looking at her fingers. <=D

joined Apr 17, 2015

^ They're Kei and Chiyoko from Act-Age, a fantastic series about, well, acting (there are official English translations on Mangaplus). There's no romance in it (yet), but the authors definitely know how the shipper's mind works.

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

Exhibit 3

Exhibit 4

Exhibit 5

Not to mention that chapter cover where Chiyoko holds a white lily…

last edited at Jul 1, 2019 8:16PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

This is a great manga, anime when?

After a year of publication, we have roughly an episode and a half of material… so, maybe in 9 or 10 years we'll have a full season. :þ Unless they make a movie.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Hey, rereading chapter 1, guess who was there. <=D

joined Apr 17, 2015

Lyendith, I think she refers to the shell only and not the living thing, because I know they have a very "funny" shape...

Well, yes. I was just saying that she compared them ("rough outside, soft and smooth inside") to something else, and that that thing is probably Furuka.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Well, I wonder what's left to do now that they've hooked up…

reads chap

…Oh yeah… that…

joined Apr 17, 2015

It's a pity the last page overshadows the other interesting details of the chap.

Like Kon who gently caresses the abalones (who remind her of… Furuka?)

Or the little glance Furuka gives to Kon when the girls insult her…

last edited at Jun 30, 2019 8:49PM

joined Apr 17, 2015



Daaamn, I didn't realize Kaori was this huge. >.>

last edited at Jun 28, 2019 10:25PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Chapter 4 is out in Japan. It's as short as ever, but… something happens I guess. Not sure what.

joined Apr 17, 2015

accept the fact that you're about as straight as a noodle in hot water!

I prefer the expression "straight as a rainbow", but that works too. :þ

Aaanyway… I don't know on what planet you live, Kino, but what you had with Yori was a romantic date, no matter how you slice it. The curse of Class S is still looming over Japanese high-school girls, I guess.

But at least I appreciate that Yori left no room for ambiguity. When dealing with blockheads like that, you gotta drill it into their brain.

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 12:16PM