I like to read the forums from time to time, especially if I like something a lot. But I've never had an urge to post a comment. I'm posting for the first time ever because I needed to express my gratitude for this manhwa. Fluttering Feelings means the world to me as a young Korean-American gay woman. Although they live in Korea and have Korean values instead of American ones, I see myself in these characters. I've never read anything that hits as close to home as this particular work of fiction. I can relate to their confused emotions and Korean humor. This story feels kind of different from the usual western and Japanese narratives that I've seen so much of (with the exception of Their Story I suppose). I'm not 100% fluent in Korean, so I rely on the English translations when I don't understand a certain word or phrase in the raws. I would be pretty distraught if I couldn't understand everything that's going on. I wish I could thank the author Samba personally or send them a message in Korean, but I don't think I'd be able to do that. In the mean time, I want to thank halmoni (할머니 :D) for being an amazing contributor and responder, the dynasty-scans uploaders for introducing me to this manhwa, and anyone else who is reading this and has worked on FF. I wish I could convey my feelings more fully, but I guess this will have to do! I've been looking forward to every update and I can't wait for the future ones as well.
Hello there!
Same here, for some reasons I'm moved by the story.
The plot is different from what we're used to with mangas, the character design is like fresh air.
I really appreciate this so far.
So I sent an email to the author to congratulate her and say thanks.
I don't speak Korean, (s)he is not fluent in English (based on what (s)he said), so it was a short message in simple English.
I said I was using a dictionary to translate... (to avoid any uproar!)
{Guys, seriously... thank you for translating for us all}
So maybe (s)he [apparently I read on a forum that it might be "she"] might be happy to receive another email from fans living abroad.