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joined May 25, 2014

Well... that was a manga, I guess. It wasn't really what I was expecting.

joined May 25, 2014

To me, this feels like a bad ending. I'm not against open relationships, but they need to be grounded in honesty to be healthy. This one doesn't seem to be.

Their Story discussion 17 Sep 14:45
joined May 25, 2014

I like the yaoi couple... They're awkward!cute.

joined May 25, 2014

It's a fish out of water story (the dude isn't used to being turned down). Yes there's a yuri crush in it, but overall, it's a comedy about the dude. I still recommend it, even with its backwards views.

Free Soul discussion 17 Sep 12:10
joined May 25, 2014

as far as the father-daughter incest goes i would say keep an open mind. it isn't all that surprising that she wanted to sleep with her father, in fact i would say it is just about as likely as not sleeping with her father given her situation.

think about it, your entire life will forever be affected by your parents! (or lack of them).
if one of them is not there or treats you badly it will completely change you as a person. niki had an emptiness in her life because her father left her and we know that in order to make up for that she was promiscuous and tried to fill the hole in her heart with sex from a lot of different people. i personally haven't known anyone that slept with their parents (or they never told me outright at least) but i do know a ton of normal people (that grew up in problem households, or just had issues with their parents, or heck, even situations where it didn't at all seem like they had problems with their parents) who actively seek out partners that are scarily similar to their parents.

she never knew her father, she pursued his career in an effort to get closer to him, and after having sex with him numerous times she was finally able to get over him. i don't see why this is so unbelievable??

i would also like to point out that peoples personal aversions to certain types of relationships (same sex, incest, etc) often stem from either unresolved feelings on their own part, or too strong a projection of their personality onto the characters combined with a lack of "walk a day in my shoes" attitude (aka empathy).

beautiful manga, i wish there was more of this artist scanlated

i would also like to point out that we are never really told if niki's father knew who she was when she was with him, we know that he wanted to meet her and that she went to find him right after that, but we don't know if she actually revealed her identity upon meeting him, so that could go either way. though honestly it wouldn't change my opinion about the story or anything i discussed above

Most people feel an aversion to incest, it's very common to feel that way, and is due to the Westermarck effect, where early childhood proximity results in sexual aversion between people. That being said, it's fictional and not the focus of the story (it's only mentioned in passing), so I could enjoy the story by pushing past my discomfort.

Niki is a very flawed love interest, which makes the manga more realistic. Someone falling in love with a perfect person isn't very interesting, and never happens in real life.

Regarding if her dad knew she was his daughter at the time or not: she tells Keito that she's going to Germany because her dad invited her, so I assume she didn't just pretend to be a random fan (since she was replying to his invitation).

last edited at Sep 17, 2016 12:31PM

Cradlesong discussion 15 Sep 19:03
joined May 25, 2014

Awww, the only yuri couple that was even remotely available back when I was in high school in the 90s. :-)

joined May 25, 2014

I suggested the NSFW tag for the second chapter because of the naked boobs in the scene Toto fantasizes -

Wicked Girl discussion 09 Sep 07:41
joined May 25, 2014

Yeah, the adult in the relationship should be the one who has more self-knowledge and maturity to at least follow the campsite rule (also obey the age of consent laws too). I don't think this one does.

Octave discussion 06 Sep 23:10
joined May 25, 2014

I still like this one. It's about defining yourself, what's the process Yukino goes through (and why she's a bit narcissistic, because that's useful when you're trying to define yourself). It's very much a story for grown ups who want a story about coming of age in general. I like how her job is a not inconsequential factor in the story (and not something she can just half-ass/whine about). How she has to deal with the consequences of past decisions (being only a middle school graduate), etc. She's not some wunderkind highschooler who has the world at her feet. She's a flawed character with a past who is uncertain about the future, as most adults are. Granted, she doesn't have good judgement, but that's expected for 18 year olds.

If you want to escape to a world of fantasy where only love matters, this isn't the comic for you. If you want to read a story about a young adult finding her place in the world, this may suit you better.

joined May 25, 2014

I wouldn't go so far as to call everyone on the forums broken... ^^

It's just an impression I got from reading through the comments in this thread. I only recall a single person here claiming they don't have any broken parts in their head. :D

LOL...welp I'm Beautifully Broken I will admit that with an elastic heart!

Apart from mild anxiety (no panic attacks), and situational depression related to infertility, I'm mentally healthy, and I don't consider myself broken at all.

joined May 25, 2014

Hey, I can't get it. Finally they couldn't have sex!

It seems like the upshot is they can't scissor, which doesn't seem like such a hardship since lots of lesbian couples don't.

No hardship at all for most couples, from what I've heard...

An epilogue would be nice... Does she eventually become a youkai, just holds off until she's older?

joined May 25, 2014

I finally got around to reading it... the yuri was minor at best, but the world building was extensive. I feel some that there were sacrifices made for either fanservice or making political statements. Also, I'm not sure the manga knows what it really wants to be when it grows up (slice of life, sci-fi, action/adventure/etc).

joined May 25, 2014

Very cute, sweet, and domestic. :-)

joined May 25, 2014

Depression is hard for some people to understand, like the MC's parents, they see "nothing obvious is wrong", and can't help but ask "why aren't you okay, maybe you are and just need to try harder to realize it?" It hard to cope with not just having depression but being close to someone with it as you can't seem to make them better no matter how hard you try as it's a chemical imbalance, but it tends to be perceived as a situational condition.

joined May 25, 2014

Happy adult life manga is the best :-)

joined May 25, 2014

This is cute, too bad it's so short, it feels like it never got very far off the ground.

Candy discussion 28 Aug 15:56
joined May 25, 2014

No matter how many times I re-read this story. I just love all about this. The sweet yet bitter situations, the characters and, of course the relationship between Kanan and Chiaki <3.

It just feels so much more real than the other 99% of school life manga, the characters are actually fleshed out (especially Bessho) and that relationships can be bumpy

That´s the thing I love the most about this.

I know, that and studying/activities can be time consuming. Based on most romantic manga, you'd think high schoolers had a lot of free time.

joined May 25, 2014

I look forward to seeing where this story goes :-) I <3 adult relationships.

Kase-san discussion 21 Aug 10:51
joined May 25, 2014

This manga is cute but Kase feels too much like 'atheltic boy with boobs'--or that might just be my cynicism of generic hetero romance in manga.

Dynasty Reader: Where tomboys just can't catch a break.

So true. I <3 reading stories with tomboys (yes, I do use the tags). Tomboys aren't boys with boobs, they're girls who reject gender stereotypes in favor of being awesome (at sports, etc).

joined May 25, 2014

Not a lot of anime/manga characters have dogs. Chiyo from Azumanga Daioh is the only one that comes to mind... maybe dogs are not common/particularly expensive/difficult in Japan? I think taking on pet ownership (especially such a needy pup) just wasn't something the couple wanted to do at that time, and that's fine, it's a commitment that lasts for the life of the pet.

joined May 25, 2014

likely-straight best friend

I thought in this case the manga artist was the likely-straight one?

The manga artist seems like the type who has no interest in romance or anything outside of work or creature comforts. The OL at least seemed to be into her boyfriend somewhat. Granted she didn't share his unambitious life-plan and wanted to take her career to Tokyo). I don't know. The friendship is not interesting and currently isn't romantic, and if it becomes romantic, it seems like it'd be one that's kind of unhealthy (one person doing it all, and the other skating by without a care).

I kind of prefer my adults in fiction to have some semblance of self-awareness, and the girl with the fiance either isn't gay, isn't attracted to her roommate, or is so self-unaware, she can be living with a romantic interest and not be aware of it.

I guess in my old age, I get tired of the "super-friendship yuri" where it's mostly about being neutered BFFs.

joined May 25, 2014

So, some girl is into manga, is totally lazy, and is rewarded when she does something vaguely adult like. She's taken care of by her likely-straight best friend who takes her own professional life seriously.

I just don't see the appeal of the characters or story.

1.) Manga artist is the second most overdone character after "high school girl"
2.) They don't have enjoyable chemistry, it's more like seeing an owner and their pet, not something healthy or funny
3.) The art is cute, but based on the first chapter, it doesn't seem like it's going to be going anywhere fast

On the plus side, as I said above, it's nice that it's not high school girls, and the art is good.

joined May 25, 2014

This is one series I'm very sad got cancelled. :-( Did all of the cell phone chapters get translated?

joined May 25, 2014

Well, that's about the worst outcome for someone's first time fooling around as I've ever seen (that wasn't caused by any outside forces).

joined May 25, 2014

i stopped reading this back in 2011 and now i remember how this never really went anywhere

Yeah, this is kind of a less interesting version of Fluttering Feelings... (still waiting on the characters to kiss or something)... I'm sorry, I'll redact this post if it bothers anyone.