Forum › Posts by ari-chan

joined May 17, 2014

^ i agree but I think she was talking about Umi's relationship with Kotori and Honoka as well. Because Umi is self sacrificing she chooses to share Kotori with Honoka even though she wants her to her self. Kotori goes along with Honoka when Umi is hurting her self to not be a direct cause of the pain.

joined May 17, 2014

I was expecting Angst because of the authors earlier work but I was def surprise with this one! Makes me wonder >.> was this a treat before shit gets real?

This definitely felt like a before to me. Maybe it's because I'm a cynic and it just seems too good to be true but somehow I got the vibes of upcoming gloom. (The calm before the storm?) I hope the best for all of them, but I just don't see it working out that way.

joined May 17, 2014

Short and cute! I'm guessing these are for the hype of S2! Hopefully they keep it gay. Please do it kyoani

Kyoani does BAIT not actual yuri, i resent them for this but it is fact, sorry.

I for one am completely okay with there relationship stays just as it is in canon, I think they're dynamic is perfect! So long as there are no signs of canon het

joined May 17, 2014

Cute story. I find the mix of hatred thrown in interesting. I like a bit of darkness mixed in every now and then. ;)

joined May 17, 2014

She wasn't doing it to make Micchan a third wheel she just wanted to introduce two important people in her life to each other. I don't think that's just a bad thing to want.

I personally don't have a problem with Ayane, sure she's not perfect but I kinda like cold character type she's got going on. Micchan's pretty funny too, I'd like to see where the author goes with her character. (Hope she returns everything she stole. ;p)

I'm also curious to see if Ayane and Sana's relationships matures more. ;p

Mayday discussion 21 Oct 19:12
joined May 17, 2014

Lol glad they did the credit page so now I don't have to do it myself. NozoEli McD's y'all! ;p

joined May 17, 2014

Cute story! The art is absolutely stunning.
Page 10 isn't translated though...

oooor is it
(Didn't wanna point it out, but even if I've been on break for like a year the QCer in me will never die :p)

joined May 17, 2014

Cute story! The art is absolutely stunning.
Page 10 isn't translated though...

joined May 17, 2014

It's rare on the site as well. Can't think of too many, especially ones that don't involve bondage.

Ohhh, I see. (Me either now that I think about it.)
Ah, and I didn't mean without bondage, I just meant including the other aspects.

Yuri Danshi discussion 28 Sep 20:05
joined May 17, 2014

Haha this is nice, I love all the little nods and allusions.

joined May 17, 2014

Given that the B stands for Bondage....

And it seems like that's the only part that ever gets tagged. Im not saying that it's not a part of it but there's also the *DSM (Dominance/ Submission, Sadism/ Masochism) which rarely seems present in the Mangas I've seen with the tag thus far.

I'm not saying the tagging for this story is wrong I'm just curious as to whether Bondage alone is really BDSM or if it is its own stand alone catagory. ;p

joined May 17, 2014

So a bit of bondage is all it takes to get a BDSM

Very nice story though, lovely art. ;)
It looks interesting but is Kancolle worth watching?

joined May 17, 2014

Tfw even Nozomi's is disturbed! Perfect timing btw. X'D

last edited at Sep 26, 2015 11:21PM

joined May 17, 2014

How is this not bdsm?

joined May 17, 2014

The art style was very close to the original and extremely detailed but the story was... one of the most disturbing things I've read in a while. But everyone has there different fetishes...

This story should be tagged under BDSM.

joined May 17, 2014

^Happy b-day. ^.^

Tfw you root for Tsundere-change so hard but you know the authors gonna do her wrong !!!!! T.T
Konomi-chan is my best girl!!!!!!! I'll be rooting for her!!!

In most cases I hate rooting for the childhood friend since they sat around for years doing nothing unit someone wants what they thought they have but it was out of Kono-chan'so hand (plus she's super tsun <3) so I want this to work for her but I just don't see it happening </3

But yeah yuri harem seems like this will be fun. ^.^
Edit: Thank you /u/ for translating this. ^.^

last edited at Sep 14, 2015 12:31AM

Image Comments 06 Sep 19:22
joined May 17, 2014

Seasonal Feathers, by Kagamine Rin and Len
A beautiful song based the Japanese legend of the Crane Wife.

last edited at Sep 6, 2015 7:28PM

Image Comments 06 Sep 18:02
joined May 17, 2014

Real reason why Honore bad to take the position of student counsel president: NozoEli got caught 10 times to many in the student counsel room.

joined May 17, 2014

I honestly cried reading this... my heart. </3

Introduce Yourself..? 22 Aug 01:56
joined May 17, 2014

@Kitsune lmaooo, I'll do my best to fligh that plane for you!!!!! but I have pretty crappy eye sight too ;p
Ah and I'm a leo, I meant aquarist (as in I like caring for fish/ inverts)

Introduce Yourself..? 22 Aug 00:10
joined May 17, 2014

Hi! I'm Alicia ^.^
Female, from Florida, a student
Bisexual (but extremely gay)
Yuri lover <333
Love live lover
Animal lover/ aquarist/ multimedia arts/ and huge fan of Vocaloid (mostly rock/ dubstep atm)
Hopes to join the air force :)

HibiKana discussion 21 Aug 15:44
joined May 17, 2014

Allison have to say is...

joined May 17, 2014

Lol Maki must always be the top :p
Not that I ship it but I'd like to see MakiEli one day too. :p

Image Comments 21 Aug 03:41
joined May 17, 2014

^Asami likes it rough ;p

joined May 17, 2014


Everyone just read his comment. He nailed this whole juncture with respect to realistic moderation pretty spot on.

Personally I'll still see Fujiwara as a douchenozzle only because of the vibe I'm getting from 'im. But he's completely correct about how Hotaru is being manipulative without particularly trying to be malicious. She's just afeared and letting her doubts run her actions.

+1 100%
There's nothing to add except that I don't think this is her first abusive relationship. It's known that when Hotaru was younger she was shy but then started dating early so she probably has had a lot of relationships like her current one with Fujiwara without knowing how to get out of it.