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Citrus discussion 31 Jan 19:26
joined Aug 22, 2013

So hopefully this new girl Matsuri will act as a foil/impetus for Mei to figure out why Mei likes (or will come to like) Yuzu.... at the very least I hope we learn how Mei really feels about Yuzu... like why Mei kisses Yuzu every time she feels emotionally cornered... and what made Mei kiss Yuzu for real this time...

joined Aug 22, 2013

I was going to say, did Satoka indirectly admit that she has a crush on Kotori, but rereading the previous page ... did they mutually secretly love each other/confirm it? Either way... love's abound in this series, it's just too adorable!

side note: those over the shoulder drawings always get me, I can't get enough of the art from this series! so cute!

joined Aug 22, 2013

so psyched to see this get translated!! Looking forward to the rest!

joined Aug 22, 2013

Heh, this deserves a sequel especially since the tables have turned....

Side note, can we suggest new genres of tags? Like "drinking" and "finger sucking" or "finger licking"?

joined Aug 22, 2013

I think it would be a terrible idea if Ueno-san and Nishimiya met xD I can already see all the jealousy. Now it makes sense Ueno-san hated her guts because Ishida always spent his time bullying her.

heh, funny, before I got to the end, I totally thought to myself, Ueno-san probably had a crush on Shouya (like the you-have-cooties-and-I-will-tease-you-mercilessly-because-I-like-you way of confessing), and your explanation puts all Ueno-san's bullying into a whole new perspective

and Nagatsuka, as astute as ever, picking up on the whole crush thing :D

last edited at Jan 21, 2014 9:48PM

joined Aug 22, 2013

i just noticed in this in the credits page line up...
kotori and hiwa are most probably mirror twins. o.o

whoa... totally right, and their appearances fit with the idea that they represent the two sides of love. But I hope they aren't from the same being because if that's the case I feel like they'd eventually have to go back to being one, and I'd be sad Satoka and Shiori had to give up seeing their "live-in" gods.

joined Aug 22, 2013

Is it just me? Or do the 7 main characters represent each of the 7 deadly sins? Hmmmm...

@RocKstar, clever, very clever

I'm guessing this how I would categorize them... lol... Though honestly, some of them don't fit in the category to perfectly.

Lust - Asuna
Gluttony - Meru
Greed - Remi
Sloth - Fue
Wrath - Sacchan
Envy - Ruki
Pride - Maasa

I read the raws awhile ago, but now I'm gonna have to reread them with this in mind, otherwise most fit pretty well as of now

Seasons discussion 03 Jan 11:19
joined Aug 22, 2013

So many Takemiya Jin releases in one week... I must've died from finals and gone to heaven.... thanks for the release Dynasty!!... It's quite the pick me up in the midst of writing 5 term papers due back to back....

joined Aug 22, 2013
joined Aug 22, 2013

oh my oh my oh my girl !!!!

Mari-chan has decided to become a police and go undercover as schoolgirl !!!!!

lol that's what I thought too... That and and the ex-boyfriend in this one looks like the guy from Girl Friends (Harada-kun?)

last edited at Dec 21, 2013 3:21AM

Collectors discussion 18 Dec 10:12
joined Aug 22, 2013

Best Christmas present ever....

that last panel


Again!! discussion 12 Dec 20:47
joined Aug 22, 2013

I like the idea of Hiro and Imamura as foils... one guy trying to make all the change, the other guy trying to keep his influences to a minimum...

Can't wait to learn more about this Drama Club President

joined Aug 22, 2013

I thought "Love Prep Room" was a one-shot and I was okay with that, but now that there's a sequel, I want the story to have a satisfactory conclusion!

On another note, I hope some of Nanazaki Iku's other stuff gets translated too!

Encore!!! discussion 07 Dec 02:01
joined Aug 22, 2013

"Was Yuu-chan's pancake good?" cracked me up good.

lol that cracked me up too, and then when you couple it with the previous panel's cue card "Eat it like you love it" lolololol

This chapter managed to be parody (of idol culture) erotic, hilarious, and tongue-in-cheek all rolled up into one... brilliantly awesome haha.

joined Aug 22, 2013

I freaking LOVE Nagatsuki! He's so cute and awesome! Such a good friend, too. I wonder what he'd do if he found out about Shouya's past as a bully?

I'm starting to feel like maybe Shouko has some sort of problem. I think she blames herself for things that aren't her fault. She has the right to be mad at the way people treat her. No one could be so accepting of undeserved abuse unless they're Buddha or Jesus. It might be that she cares a ton for others, but not nearly enough for herself. This girl deserves so much better than what the world's given her, and she needs to know that.

hehe, I love Nagatsuki too, best wingman ever. This chapter seemed to hint that he's kind of got his own problems with bullying or something. In addition to borrowing Shouya's bike and it getting stolen, the line about Nagatsuki telling another one of his lies, makes me think that he's probably an outcast/pushed out of the school "society" norm.

It surprised me that Nagatsuki knew Yuzuru was a girl, makes me wonder if he also knows, or came to know of Shouya's and Nishimiya's past.

I want to see Sahara too, but I'm holding out for a happy reunion. It finally seems like the story is at a happy, moving forward spot, but at the same time this feeling seems to be very fragile. Like it might come crashing down in the next chapter where we meet Sahara and see that she's grown up to be someone bitter and cynical due to the way she was bullied in elementary school.

To chip in on the whole forgiveness debate: I am a deaf person. Do you know how many people I know have told me they wanted to learn sign language? Many, many, many. How many got to a point where they could actually hold a proper conversation with me? One person outside my immediate family. That's right. One. Learning any new language's hard work, and many give up. At this point if someone says they want to learn sign language, I assume they won't actually accomplish it. I don't really judge them negatively for it; I simply don't have high expectations for their success, it's far more easy to say than to do after all. Hell, you see a glimpse of that in chapter 16--the two girls saying it'd be cool to learn sign language. Spoiler: they almost certainly won't actually do it. I hear that kind of thing all the time from others.

Now, remember, in the manga it's been years. If someone came to me after years and apologized for something like that, I would probably forgive them--that's more than enough time to mature and realize your own crimes. But then again, I often give people the benefit of the doubt (though not as much as Shouko seems to do). But even putting that aside, learning sign language just to apologize would leave me outright dumbfound. I would really appreciate that, let's be frank, absolutely amazing and unbelievable gesture. I'm being serious, it really isn't a trivial gesture doing something like that.

@Kaja Rainbow

The stuff they've been signing in the story, were there any gestures that were similar (similar gesture, similar meaning) to the sign language you know (American, Chinese sign language/whatever sign language is used in your country, or was it totally different (for example as different as Japanese Spoken is to English Spoken)?

I Girl discussion 16 Nov 09:19
joined Aug 22, 2013

lol, this is great can't wait for more

joined Aug 22, 2013

I guess this is another way for lesbian couples to get pregnant. Using Black Magic!!!

so instead of science babies it's... magic babies?

joined Aug 22, 2013

the translator was confused about the lightbulb comment.

hehe guessing it came from 电灯泡?(Chinese slang for third wheel)

joined Aug 22, 2013

AGOIWJNHRF(@EJDIF who is this Peg person?! I want moooaaar from him/her DX


I don't know if I'm remembering it correctly, but the drawing style reminds me of this one yuri game... that was about a ghost (or maybe two) and it took place in a school or something? I remember the promo art having the two ghosts? sitting on a wall looking at a parade of school girls walk by...

joined Aug 22, 2013

That was an awesome followup to an awesome oneshot! I think my heart is melting too!

Mannequin discussion 10 Oct 11:12
joined Aug 22, 2013

Did any of you notice some lines on the fingers that looks like the lines of a mannequin? Or was just me?

Are you talking about on the last page, where she puts the ring on Diana? I can see where you're coming from, and that'd be kind of a crazy twist on its own (with the artist actually being a mannequin), but I don't think it was intentional especially when you look at the hands of the guys.

Yuru Yuri discussion 05 Oct 00:42
joined Aug 22, 2013

lololol when I saw the animated version of chapter 28 I always died laughing at the flying roach part

Again!! discussion 01 Oct 08:45
joined Aug 22, 2013

awww Imamura and Reo are too cute together

Collectors discussion 19 Sep 12:33
joined Aug 22, 2013

aww... now I really want to find out if there's a special reason/why Shinobu went from long hair to short hair.

and Naomi's probably gotta be the best wingwoman ever haha.