Forum › Posts by SrNevik
I don't know if it was stated before, but I certainly didn't expect SS's performance to be the next day. I'm glad, because thanks to that Aki had time to refresh her head a bit. Otherwise it could have ended pretty bad for them. I wonder what was that Aki realized about her feelings.
People will start complaining about the last page, which I understand, but it obviously won't be anything serious at all. The author just wanted to end the chapter with a cliffhanger.
I'm assuming she realized that she'd settled her feelings with that hand touch. She no longer has her crush and probably hasn't had it for some time. She'll try to communicate that to Shiho with her song. She seems to want reconciliation but, as per her conversation with Shiho, Aki doesn't want to reconcile while still pinning for someone else.
As for the last page, yeah. Aki is writing a song seemingly targeted at Shiho. Having Shiho disappear (or appear to disappear) is likely an attempt to reinforce the intent of the coming song (since the song will be meaningless to Aki if Shiho can't hear it and I'm sure Aki will say that) and also to show that Shiho actually hasn't gotten over Aki (even though she implied it last chapter). They need to show that there's still a possibility of Shiho's accepting the song (and therefore, Aki); so having her still unsure and tormented will help with that. Just setting the stage, I'm sure.
Also is it just me or does this site seemingly go down every couple of minutes? I have to refresh quite a bit sometimes.
last edited at Apr 23, 2023 9:12AM
ch41 up on Mangadex
angry commenters captured Shiho and now she's disappeared and probably dead
Haha. They wish. Another round of the same comments, probably. Honestly though she's likely on the rooftop, the place people go to disappear in these things (or maybe somewhere playing music?) I'll wait until it's up here before saying anything more.
last edited at Apr 23, 2023 7:21AM
And there we have Otsuyu. The afterward is really interesting as well. The chapter with Meguru wasn't even in the original plot and the author already knows the general plot progression and end. Makes me rethink some theories about where it'll go, as the afterward sounds more biased towards Okiku and Ryou (calling it a romance story about them specifically etc.). Still wonder how things will progress.
The ghost wasn't in this chapter either. Maybe it was just Otsuyu the whole time?
Also I guess it's not about the kabedon but what happens after the kabedon.
last edited at Apr 21, 2023 5:42PM
She really just needs some closure, then everything should be fine. Seems like Shion was slightly wrong, though. Marriage Blues were caused by her worries about Tonya's reactions more than anything else (which makes the line about trusting Tonya make more sense). She's still just scared of losing Tonya just like from The Witch's Trial 3 chapter.
last edited at Apr 20, 2023 7:19PM
Now I wonder what she'll do with this information.
Also, it's rare for a story to get bored of its main couple and just focus on something else. I'm sure it'll tie together somehow. Or not. But I'm game for this subplot since Liaoliao and Pei Yu are just chilling at the moment.
I actually find that a lot of these Korean and Chinese stories tend to have at least 2 pairs of "main" couples that are developed over time (ex. "My Food is Very Cute Today," many more but I realize it'll be too much to list). I wouldn't say they're getting bored, it seems purposeful and planned. So many series have done it that I assume the audience just likes the variety of stories. I tend to like it myself and have also come to expect it. You can often tell pretty early. It's actually rare that I find a series that doesn't have at least 2 pairs that are developed at different times (and often concurrently). It's like an A plot and B plot.
last edited at Apr 20, 2023 11:12AM
Ren Xing who?
She's Liao's good friend who went to college with her and is the Idol. Short black hair and is going after the model at the moment. People thought they were dating in college because they hung out so much.
I thought I missed a chapter. We really just jumped from one point to the other. Did we get introduced to this Gu Yi character before? And I don't just mean her being somewhere in the background or whatever.
She was the previous boss. We saw her earlier at the dinner for Pei's arrival. She has things to say then. She was known to be a bit mean (or fixated) on Liao. Now we know why, I guess. Seems she bought those rumors that Ren and Liao were an item during college. Or Ren actually did like Liao back then but doesn't anymore. Either way it seems Gu swallowed her feelings during college because of this and regrets it.
last edited at Apr 19, 2023 10:44AM
I can't wait till the Dynasty side of this catches up cause AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
Quite so. All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.--Julian of Norwich
Also agreed. She was always just a young girl with an unrequited crush meant to push the characters to actually think about their places. Never treated like a serious actor in the story (besides eventually Omichi, I guess). The drama around her inclusion was always predictable but mostly exaggerated. Still, it moved faster than even I expected, so cool.
last edited at Apr 19, 2023 9:52AM
i cannot wait until we get back to things that matter
Why would you think their first meeting doesn't matter, especially after all the times it's been hinted to be the reason Elsa considers Evie her destined soulmate?
I agree. Whole thing's become like a Rorschach test, at this point.
last edited at Apr 18, 2023 8:07PM
These kinds of ghost stories often end with the ghost leaving at the end. I hope this story avoids that pattern in some way. I'm still wondering how the childhood friend comes in. It's possible she'll end up as the endgame. However with Ryou clearly loving Okiku, if Okiku's vanishing is what leads to the friend's romantic ending it'll be difficult to avoid the feeling that the friend was a "rebound" (or only a replacement for what was the real true but impossible love). Then there's the ghost connected to the friend and who the third ghost will be. We also still have this lingering ghost. A lot to deal with and I'm looking forward to it.
One way it could be done is if Okiku herself tries to set them up
Possibly but I don't know that, that would avoid the issue of Meg's being a replacement for a love that was impossible. Even if Okiku acquiesces because of her limitations, Meg's love would still be contingent on Ryou's current love being impossible. It would still be a matter of "if I could stay here, she would never choose you." That's not an writing issue, it's just not a conclusion that I would find unsatisfying. Plenty of stories have ended that way though. If the author wants to avoid that, I'd imagine that they would need to separate Okiku and Ryou's love before that in order to avoid the issue (if they care about it). But I don't see it (and don't want it).
Anyway there's a lot to happen and none of this may be the intent anyway. Just something I think about.
last edited at Apr 17, 2023 6:24PM
This Author is just incapable of writing a good story, same with their other series, my sister's crush or whatever. Nonetheless the first volume is popular enough in Japan so what do I know :')
Damn thats a pretty harsh comment dont you think? I mean if you don't like the authors writing that's fair enough. I think the main charm of this authors stories for me is how there are flawed characters that have to slowly figure out their shit. Very entertaining but not for everyone. Also, was it really necessary to send this 6 times?
I agree. Sometimes people seem incapable of giving criticism or expressing their preferences without attacking the authors or being a bit dramatic.
Also, if it's like me, I bet they submitted their comment but got a "the site is down" screen. I think if you keep refreshing on that screen it duplicates your posts. Maybe they didn't notice.
last edited at Apr 17, 2023 2:30PM
I feel that Midori just grew complacent with being stuck for him, until it became too much and she realized that while she likes Ex-Boyfriend she just doesn't love him in a romantic sense anymore. They can be friends, yes, but she knows that he's not dating material.
In fact I get the feeling that Midori is just complacent in general about most things, maybe its her overall attitude, I don't know.
100%. She has no intentions of going out with him again and he accepts their not being together romantically. I think if anything this chapter was meant to show that he cherishes her as a loved one to protect and care for (no matter how shitty he is at that job) moreso than requiring her to be his romantic partner. He's fine if they're broken up but was upset that he'd never see her again as a friend. He was even fine envisioning her dating someone but was worried about the "future guy's" being an ass. The brother showed him (or reminded him) that there are other close relationships besides dating and that she is laid back and only doesn't want to date him ever again.
He'll stick around as a friendly (albeit messy) figure. If anything, I'd say this chapter did it's best to suggest that he won't be a serious relationship threat moving forward but also to make us wonder about their background. Something is odd there and why does he feel the need to protect her so badly? I guess it's possible that changes in the future but I don't see that sticking even if it happens. This chapter reaffirmed her decision to break up.
last edited at Apr 17, 2023 11:48AM
These kinds of ghost stories often end with the ghost leaving at the end. I hope this story avoids that pattern in some way. I'm still wondering how the childhood friend comes in. It's possible she'll end up as the endgame. However with Ryou clearly loving Okiku, if Okiku's vanishing is what leads to the friend's romantic ending it'll be difficult to avoid the feeling that the friend was a "rebound" (or only a replacement for what was the real true but impossible love). Then there's the ghost connected to the friend and who the third ghost will be. We also still have this lingering ghost. A lot to deal with and I'm looking forward to it.
last edited at Apr 17, 2023 10:55AM
I left and came back and wow. Arguments did get pretty aggressive. I'm steering clear of that, still. BTW is this a repost or am I losing my mind? Maybe I read it somewhere else?
Edit: NVM somehow this showed up as a new release for me just now. But it's fixed now.
last edited at Apr 17, 2023 10:49AM
It was not my intention to imply Natori actually feels only a platonic employer/employee bond between them, but rather that she is capable of deluding herself into thinking such. By default she has created her own barrier that prevents her from accepting that it is anything else.
She's created a (temporary) barrier out of fear that her feelings will cause trouble for Lapis and potentially push her away. Her barrier itself is centered around her growing feelings for Lapis. It's not a self focused barrier. It doubles down on her emotions for Lapis. She has shown no such barrier for Diana (no such "burning sensation"). For Diana, Natori has shown no such uncomfortable feelings to creater a barrier against, in the first place.
...however like with most cases of idol obssession it is nearly always a delusion to claim it to be purely platonic. Especially when that idol suits your sexuality. To twist Natori's reaction to Diana into platonic territory would be the same as claiming her attraction to Lapis is purely employee/master platonic. In both cases one would have to purposefully ignore the intention.
It's not a delusion when the work itself has presented no evidence of the fact. It can happen but that's not been represented on the page yet. The situation with Lapis however has explicitly been shown, drawn with common visual language and verbalized on the page. So it's not conjecture with Lapis, like it is with Diana. Diana's "romantic" interactions have been one-sided or should I say, from one point of view. Natori has not ruminated about Diana as she has about Lapis. Diana's interactions are always from her singular point of view. Her thoughts, her jealous face in the background, her visually flourished blushes on her own after talking with Natori etc. It has been positioned visually and contextually as a one sided affair so far. Contrast that with Lapis and Natori's relationship, which is shown from both POVs. Both of them thinking of the other or being left in scenes where they act based on deep thoughts of one another. The most Diana has is common blushes that even the soon to be king would probably get from Natori if he complimented her, with none of the same visual language to accompany it.
Lapis is in the same age range. They are both far younger than her. Naievete is not contra to feeling romantic affection anyway. The desire to protect a lover or dote on them is inherently natural. Natori has the same intentions for Lapis with the difference that she expresses it differently.
Yes, they are both about the same age; still, it's about perception, especially Natori's perception. She has not verbalized this same perception about Lapis. She views them differently, at the moment (for various reasons). She views Diana as the cute, young favorite character from the game who she is a fan of and likes being able to hang out with and look up to. Of course that does not prevent the growing of romantic feeling but romantic feeling hasn't been shown. I only discussed this because you or someone else argued that her being Natori's favorite character implies something more than it necessarily does (or has been shown to have done).
Things can change but for now Diana is not there. If she ever does I'm sure we'll get a scene where Natori is shocked because she clearly is not on her radar at the moment. In fact that's what I'd expect to happen and from my POV Diana is following the standard character type of the individual whose aggressive action eventually pushes the main couple together by forcing them out of their comfort zones (also known as barriers or even "shells"). With that I'd imagine that at some point Natori will see her romantically, in order for this to work, but I just don't see it yet. It would be more interesting if this pattern was evolved somewhat though so I'm not against it (or the less likely "Diana goes evil" thoughts some have floated).
last edited at Apr 17, 2023 8:39AM
I'm not sure if we've seen more of Lapis or Diane on page recently, but I'm pretty sure Natori has been spending much more of her time with Lapis, doing employee stuff. Diana could push forward with more actual time together.
Definitely possible, although I don't know that she's actually spent more time with Lapis at the moment. Lapis seems constantly busy.
last edited at Apr 16, 2023 6:54PM
Also, to finish off this uneccessary rant of mine, Diana has a prime advantage when it concerns Natori's heart: She was already favored by her. Natori sees Diana as her solace and someone she has grown fond of long before coming to this world. These two chapters had her react strongly with heart pounding and fierce flushing towards Diana's smile and attention. When she is with Lapis she sees her as an employer that makes her feel needed, with Diana she sees her idol and soulmate that makes her feel purified. If looked at objectively this is far from a one-sided affair.
Natori's feelings for Lapis have gone beyond employer/employee for quite some time. The "burning sensation" she described is one amongst many evidences of this. She describes her feelings as employer-based because she's been in denial. It's a common trope in these types of manga for the MC to avoid their feelings and explain them away in various manners. The end of chapter 5 has her actually verbalize this fear of accepting her potentially romantic feelings (the sensation). I'd also argue that Diana is like her "Oshi." She blushes in the way any character does in manga when someone presses them or flatters them but it's been platonic when compared to how she blushes for Lapis and how she's specifically thought about Lapis (the author also draws these situations differently indicating their intent). She treats Diana like a young naive girl to be doted on and protected. In fact she's actually referred to Diana as a small 15 year old girl. She's a fan of her, yes but there's been little indication that it's anything more than that yet. I don't think there's been any indication that Natori actually sees Diana romantically.
last edited at Apr 16, 2023 4:56PM
Diana look like she gonna be the new villainesse with those eyes.
Hope not but the ingredients are all there if they wanted to go that route. She has the background, has had some oddly aggressive moments and her affection/jealousy could easily get mixed in with her inferiority complex and that aggression. But she likes Lapis as well, so I don't see it yet. Would need to see more. This could just be a momentary issue. Although we still don't have a real antagonist yet...
last edited at Apr 15, 2023 12:22PM
I think this somewhat reflects Diana's view of "Natalie" as well. She wants to protect her, but has shown very little understanding of what Natori is looking for, what makes her happy. In this chapter again, what made Natori's heart beat for Lapis wasn't saving her, it was telling her that she has the strength and value to learn to love herself....
I think this somewhat reflects Diana's view of "Natalie" as well. She wants to protect her, but has shown very little understanding of what Natori is looking for, what makes her happy. In this chapter again, what made Natori's heart beat for Lapis wasn't saving her, it was telling her that she has the strength and value to learn to love herself.
Yes, completely agree to both. As I said earlier (in my much longer comments) Diana's feelings have mostly been insular. She's got a crush and desires for that crush to be fulfilled. She sulks when Natori is helped because she wasn't the one helping. Might have a lot to do with her inferiority complex and upbringing. She longs to prove herself always and can be reckless because of it (in action and in love). She hasn't really understood what issues Natori has and has therefore not worked to solve them in the way Lapis has managed. Lapis has always chosen her words carefully and showed that she understands Diana's issues with self worth. This chapter is just another example of Lapis understanding what Natori needs and doing so much with so little time, compared to Diana. It could be characterized as the difference between a deep relationship and a superficial, surface level one.
I do not think anyone is out of this race just yet, but the developments between Lapis and Natori have been far more prevalent, obvious, and impactful, even when Lapis is on-screen for like half a frame. It is also absolutely clear that if anyone has gotten through Natori's shell it is Lapis - "she noticed... she sees me." as well as shown in chapter 7. Diana has not yet managed to do so even though she's definitely tried, and in my eyes, it partly lies in the fact that Diana is still "just" a character.
Yes, I also agree. No one is technically out of the race yet but as things are now Diana is far behind in my opinion. She needs to show a deeper understanding of Natori and most importantly Natori has to show the same level of affection for Diana as she has shown for Lapis. So far shes viewed Diana superficially, like a character or an "Oshi." I don't think she's even considered Diana romantically even though Diana has been with her so long and has been so overbearing with her flirting. Even with that constant attention Natori hasn't been so moved by Diana. Compare that to Natori's brief interactions with Lapis and it seems clear that were Lapis around more consistently, she would have made much more progress than Diana has so far. Diana is benefitting from Lapis's absence (consider also that, that absence and closeness to Natori is being pushed and gifted by Lapis as well). Lapis wants Natori to grow, so she's willing to leave her with "good" people like Diana, at the expense of her own time with her. (Lapis is also clearly scheming and working behind the scenes and that's likely another reason for her few appearances). Yet Natori clearly has shown something deeper for Lapis that goes beyond their work relationship.
last edited at Apr 15, 2023 7:35AM
Absolutely love this series. Their relationship is expertly realized.
last edited at Apr 14, 2023 7:42PM
Too long, to be honest. It's hard to read and even harder to pick up your points to discuss. I would appreciate it if you could summarize the main points so we can have a proper discussion.
We can continue off my response to the comment below.
Lapis and Natori have a 2 way connection. Natori doesn't see Diana the same way Diana sees her. Diana's moments are all unrequited "please notice me my crush" while Lapis actually do connect with Natori.
I'd agree. The final moments of chapter 5 are an example of Natori's growing affection for Lapis. That "burning sensation" that she felt in that scene can't be satisfyingly explained by Natori's desire for approval. She had just received approval, so much so that Lapis was recommending her to others. But it was the prospect of leaving Lapis's side that made Natori feel ill and caused her to speak out in a panic ("I belong to Lapis"). She's felt nothing similar for Diana yet. Lapis is just too busy at the moment and has left Natori in Diana's hands because she trusts Diana; and also seems to desire for Natori to have more independence. Lapis also seems to be afraid to show too much affection to Natori for whatever reason, yet she still has had such an affect on her regardless. In these small moments Lapis has shown that she understands what ills Natori (that being her self confidence etc.) and has attempted to assuage those issues in small ways by choosing her words carefully. Diana has had so much time with Natori, yet Lapis has done more in less time. This is part of why Natori has a stronger connection to Lapis than Diana at the moment.
last edited at Apr 14, 2023 8:15PM
All I took from this chapter is everyone wants a piece of Emielle.
Would fit in MagiRevo.
last edited at Apr 14, 2023 4:03PM
Too long, to be honest. It's hard to read and even harder to pick up your points to discuss. I would appreciate it if you could summarize the main points so we can have a proper discussion.
Got it! Which points need clarification? Is it just long or is something unclear? I could just focus on one point at a time. Would you rather that? Everything there is necessary to explain the arguments I'm making, since I'm touching on a couple different things and wanted to do it all at once. Conversations here are difficult to maintain, so I often say what needs to be said fully and work from there.
last edited at Apr 14, 2023 3:56PM
I don't see it that way. Natori's feelings for Lapis come from her necessity for external approval. There's a reason every time Natori goes doki-doki for Lapis is when the latter acknowledges her efforts. But that need for approval is unhealthy. What Natori actually needs is to get a boost on self-esteem, and she can't get that from Lapis. It has to come from withing. Only then she will be ready to have a real relationship (be it with Lapis or Diana).
Basically what I'm trying to say is that despite appearances, I think neither Lapis nor Diana has broken Natori's shell just yet. Which means both of them have equal chances right now.
This got a bit long. Sorry.
But I think we agree on the shell but my argument is that Lapis' relationship with Natori has the ingredients to solve her issues and is working in that direction even with their limited contact. I'm arguing that Lapis does understand Natori's shell issue and in her brief moments with Natori, Lapis has tried to help Natori recognize her worth. That's part of what I was alluding to by saying that Diana does not fully understand what makes Lapis stand out and what Natori truly requires (as of yet).
This might be provocative but a lot of Diana's focus has been insular, a crush and wanting it to be fulfilled (and being sullen when it is not). Lapis on the other hand is more selfless when it comes to Natori and even is willing to push Natori away because she seems to believe it will help Natori solve her issues by being around other good natured people (Diana being one of them). The common "if you truly love it, you can let it go." Diana's focus is not so keenly attuned and she doesn't attempt to soothe Natori in a similar manner. Lapis' interactions mean something because Lapis is purposefully saying things to help Natori along with her core issues. The brief moment they had at the beginning of the chapter is one such example.
Lapis is aware of the issue in a way I don't believe Diana is yet. The only problem is Lapis is very busy at the moment and Lapis is also reluctant to fully say what is in her heart (for whatever reasons not yet revealed), so she touches on the issues (like begging Natori to relax and eat, as she's worth it) but does not get say it bluntly. Lapis has to keep things to her chest for the moment but what happens when she can speak more freely?
Edit: I'd also bring up that in chapter 5 Natori already began to confront her growing feelings for Lapis. After Lapis praised Natori but then said she would also work for the prince, Natori began to recognize that although she got something that should make her happy, she was not. Her so called "burning sensation." In fact Natori is scared of this feeling. She says "If I continue to ignore [this feeling], I'll be able to stay by her side."
She wanted to stay with Lapis, despite it all (going so far as to blurt out that she is Lapis's alone). This assumes that she has other reasons, besides being a good praised worker, that she adores Lapis already.
It's this act that Lapis recognizes and causes her to push Natori away in that moment (likely for a reason not yet revealed but possibly fear of something for Natori). This is what leads to the climax of the first volume and Lapis attempting to further even more space for the moment. Basically, Lapis is having to push Natori away, in order to prevent their coming together and Diana is having to work hard for her attention. But Lapis won't always have to push and even while pushing she's had large effects.
last edited at Apr 14, 2023 2:40PM
Yes, Natori, the plot proceeds as intended... now that the Heroine has unlocked the Villainess' Familiar route. :D
I wonder if the intended result of this chapter was for the entire readerbase to fall in love with Diana.
It definitely was. Chapter 6 is the opening of volume 2, and if you recall, Diana has been a rather flat and bland character in volume 1 (compared to Lapis), who suddenly started acting inconsistently and violently in chapter 5. I am pretty sure that the author and their editor received feedback from the first volume about it and went back to the drawing board on how they present Diana, effectively removing Lapis for an entire chapter to give Diana enough time to shine and to establish her as a credible rival to Lapis for Natori's heart. And I say they've achieved their goal admirably.
If they want Diana to truly feel like a rival they need to have Natori acknowledge and feel similarly for Diana as she does for Lapis. Right now Diana follows along and crushes on Natori but Natori hasn't really reciprocated. The fact that Diana is so upfront with her crush is becoming a hindrance to her being a true rival because, even with that constant affection from Diana, Natori still treats Lapis as a completely different entity compared to Diana. Natori's meaningfully touching moments have all come with Lapis and it seems Lapis is able to touch her heart with comparatively fewer words than Diana, implying that Lapis has a connection and understanding of what Natori wants to hear more than Diana (at this point). This works both ways, since Lapis also seems to have been greatly touched by Natori, even within their short time together.
If Lapis weren't busy with her schemes and forced to be away, would Diana even have a chance? It doesn't seem so. And Lapis won't be away forever. As of now, Diana has more been positioned as a 3rd wheel who desperately wants what Lapis seems to have--even with Lapis's limited presence--while maybe not fully understanding what makes Lapis stand out and affect Natori so much in the first place.
last edited at Apr 14, 2023 11:45AM