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joined Aug 26, 2018

BugDevil posted:

It's a matter of principle.

That's like, your opinion. Lucky for you most people share that opinion. What you're not realizing is that letting people in power decide what is or isn't legal based only on their opinions is a terrible idea. You're so vocal about closing sadpanda being a good thing, yet miss the fact that people exactly like them, for example, make gay content illegal.

After all it's blatantly obvious that a society cannot tolerate any kind of gay things. It doesn't even matter if it endangers anyone. It's a matter of principle. I think the most self-entitled thing is to critisize the authorities for doing their job in the name of what 99% of society would find disgusting.

But yea, preach while you can, I really hope next thing that gets censored is something you love.

I wouldn't have said that 99% of society is against it if I wasn't sure that this is the majority opinion. There are things I dislike that I wouldn't even voice any dissent about. After all it matters little most of the time.

You mistake the fact that the government declared it illegal for them being the only ones with an interest in that. If you made a poll in any civilized country about whether child pornography (even 2D) should be illegal, guess what the results would turn out? This is not abuse of power by the government, this is just the common perception of the entire genre. Democracy means the majority makes the decisions.

It is up to society to grow and realize what is and isn't bad. Gay marriage was made legal and homosexual relationships are seen as something normal over time. That (and because the fetishes arent really controverisal) is why gay porn won't just disappear or be made illegal. Even worse, the highest rates of child abuse and sexual violations are from backwards countries who also hate gays. It's almost like they get switched out lol
Your argument simply holds no water.

Anyone who declares their love for lolicon porn will find nobody praising them for their bravery. I have no such extreme fetish or interest in the first place, but if for some reason something fairly standard gets made illegal, believe me, I could live with it. The more standardized the fetish the more resistance you will encounter against such things however, so I feel pretty confident that I'm in the clear.

last edited at Jul 29, 2019 1:58PM

Image Comments 29 Jul 13:05
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Well if you dislike it that at least means he has one lol
Self-inserts are a staple of nerd culture in general. That and power fantasies. Western RPGs are no different really.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Why is it that people defending 2D pedo shit always make the argument that the government should worry about real child abuse instead?
This is not an either/or situation. They have to take care of both. Nobody lets real child molesters get away with it to shut down loli porn. It doesn't take an abundance of ressources to sent a website a cease & desist.

Whether you believe that loli porn has a negative effect or not, it's blatantly obvious that a society cannot tolerate any kind of child porn. It doesn't even matter if it endangers anyone. It's a matter of principle.

I think the most self-entitled thing is to critisize the authorities for doing their job in the name of what 99% of society would find illegal.

PS: SadPanda wasnt even shut down because of loli porn as was now made clear.

last edited at Jul 29, 2019 1:02PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

In the end maybe a spin off like citrus?

Midori x Manaka spin-off. They allowed Touko and Yuu to take the spotlight in their story for long enough.

joined Aug 26, 2018

(Totally) Spoilers: It won't.

last edited at Jul 29, 2019 6:34AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Yes, and when a series has been careening along on the very knife-edge of losing control like this one, it could all crash and burn at any moment.

You know: Happy Sugar Life, YagaKimi, Skeeter Rabbit—series like that.

Now let's not exaggerate too much.
Happy Sugar Life has been incredibly consistent about its theme and the way it would end. Its madness was always in full control.

Now take YagaKimi in comparison: A story where a cheesecake flag was raised who knows how many chapters ago... and yet there is still no payoff!

joined Aug 26, 2018

Now this place got all sentimental. C'mon people, we still got some chapters to go!

And then when Touko’s longtime fiancé shows up to marry her and take her off to America and Yuu throws herself in front of Truck-kun, won’t we feel silly?

Exactly! Never get too comfortable with your happy ending. Gotta watch out for those last minute "subverted expectations".

joined Aug 26, 2018

What a shame in monotone

joined Aug 26, 2018

Now this place got all sentimental. C'mon people, we still got some chapters to go!

joined Aug 26, 2018

Well it was less annyoing than the people who told me made it out to be, but I'm still a bit underwhelmed by Natsuko's reaction. It was like she didn't care at all that Haruko kisses with someone else or swaps with someone else...

joined Aug 26, 2018

Where is the "To be continued" meme when you need it?

last edited at Jul 29, 2019 5:25AM

Image Comments 29 Jul 04:41
joined Aug 26, 2018

^^Shirou has tons of personality, what are you talking about? He is such a unique character that people tend to be annoyed by his special view on everything.

As for Hakuno (anime aside), Nasu has a hard time writing true blank slates. In Extra you could really tell that Hakuno had a personality below the generic appearance. The choices were often quirky and the inner monologue had a witty note. CCC just made that part even more prevalent, especially in the Gil route.
Even in Extella you get moments like "I need to explore this giant woman and slide down her belly for science" lol

Image Comments 29 Jul 04:33
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Yeah I got that, I just already debunked you by saying that even Gintama has good het ships.

Image Comments 29 Jul 04:31
joined Aug 26, 2018

@drpepperfan Way to blame the victim. My crime was to reply in civil manner to attacks... But I suppose it's better if I don't have off-topic discussion. Still an overreaction.

Image Comments 27 Jul 14:45
joined Aug 26, 2018

Aye aye. I don't think this is going anywhere anyway. You can delete this convo if you want~

joined Aug 26, 2018

Hey now... not all of it was porn.
Only like

I actually never went there, so I have no flippin idea

last edited at Jul 27, 2019 2:16PM

Image Comments 27 Jul 13:45
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Actually it's feelings of adoration, admiration, and platonic love towards a person, such as a family member or friend as well as loyalty and strong bonds between two people. So it's one of the least romantic, but most solidary flowers.

joined Aug 26, 2018

The mod told you to shut up about this topic.

Hence why I apologized to OrangePekoe and said I needed to post one more to finish the convo.

The last one was just posted a few days ago, so hopefully there'll be more of this coming out in the future.

Although there were 3 months between chapters 2 and 3, so who knows.

Well it would be a great place to end it.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Anyone can tell me how to put the spoil tags please

Put two = in front and behind the text you want blacked out.
Just a little tip, if you wonder how someone does something weird, quote their post. You can usually see what they used to do it in there.

joined Aug 26, 2018

The argument is valid because in the context of a romance manga, girls don't have their hands shaking because of overwhelming concern for their sister.

According to who? You? Pff.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm not even sure if the hero is actually transgender. Sure, (s)he wants to be a girl, but it does not mean that he wants to identify himself as a girl as it is purely his fetish, and he merely accepts his fate.

The story framed it as a rather see-through excuse, so I really don't know why this misundestanding exists.

If you ask me whether I want to change my biological sex to female then obviously yes I have a fetish for lesbian sex (in here, who isn't?) but I would not identify myself as one, duh. Heck, being a futa might be even better.

I mean... a large portion of people here are lesbians, so it's not so much a fetish as the standard sexuality in that case.
Sure are a lot of straight guys here wishing to be girls... even if just for sex.

Image Comments 27 Jul 12:08
joined Aug 26, 2018

^It's not about the design. At the very least Hakuno Kishinami had a real personality (however weak it was) in Extra and a story that actually revolved around them and involved them directly. Ritsuka can be replaced by any random person and it would make zero difference. As far as terrible self-inserts go, Hakuno is by far better than the Gudas.
And of course a gacha game flooded with secondaries who don't know anything about the franchise would have more fanart. It's unavoidable.

last edited at Jul 27, 2019 12:09PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Do you even have a family? If your dear and closest sister was sent to a place where you know she will suffer, why would you not react that way?

This is a romance manga called "My Unrequited Love". Do you seriously think the author wants us to interpret Kaoru's hand shaking is because of her 100% platonic sisterly feelings for Uta? >_>

I didn't say that. Your argument was just flawed. Now you said what you actually meant. It's still no real evidence, but I won't say it's impossible.

last edited at Jul 27, 2019 11:55AM

Image Comments 27 Jul 11:29
joined Aug 26, 2018

@Polioro The manga has become consistently more subtexty as the years went on. Recently it's basically just a pseudo-harem romcom. Minus the actual romance and harem.
Either way, I agree that the uploader seems to have a strong bias for the series.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Sorry just one more OP.

If the story shows a transgender theme/character you tag it transgender

But it don't no ? At best it's cross dressing for me.

1. Wants to be a girl.
2. Holy Sword that literally reads your heart turns him into a girl.
3. By the end he admits he is happy to be a girl now.
Just because he crossdressed when he was still a guy, doesn't mean that's the limit.

You are straight up in denial. That's all I'm gonna say about that lol