Well my prefer language are english or polish, so I guess you got english one
I ask'd 'cos I didn't have everything in english. I found these on the net, but they don't have everything (like clanbook Salubri).
Can I create my character alone or is there any need to be in contact with GM? Also I'm not sure how accepting our characters will work. I'm used to GM needing to fit your character somehow into his story, so you just can't create whatever the background you want.
I know what you mean. To speed things up a little bit, maybe we can have a simple concept of our characters and start filling some dots already. After talking to Chantelune we can finish tweaking 'em.
I'd wait for the GM, there may be some house ruling or any other direction, my usual GM back in the day always had us be camarillas and only up generation up to 3 dots
Agreed, but I think some things are doable: the concept, attributes, abilities...
last edited at Aug 25, 2015 2:47PM