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Introduce Yourself..? 03 Sep 19:07
joined Aug 16, 2014

[...] and last but not least Princess Mononoke.

Princess Mononoke is one of my favorite movies ever. What a gorgeous, awesome work of art.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I want fuschia, is that available?

Supported values for COLOR are: red, green, blue, gray, maroon, olive, orange, purple, teal, and new: pink (courtesy of FaeryG).

I'm using teal. I think Katze's purple. Dunno 'bout the others.

BTW, neat little thing, having a wiki. Very useful.

last edited at Sep 3, 2015 7:03PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

BTW, will we continue at or are we creating a new room?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Alright, thanks.

joined Aug 16, 2014

But are you on DST? (Is it ~21:55 or ~22:55 right now)?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Don't remember if anyone talked about it but webcomic Sister Claire have lesbian side couple

Actually, I think you did a few pages ago, Thiaguinho-sama.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Reminder, first game will be saturday 5/09 around 6:30 pm UTC.

Are you on DST, Chantelune?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Things are getting steamy on Idolon.

joined Aug 16, 2014

amazing! i love this manga so much! chap 17 was very cute :3

More like:

amazing! i love this manga so much! chap 17 everything was very cute :3

That must be one of the fluffiest mangas ever... Can't believe I still hadn't read it.

joined Aug 16, 2014

But yeah since it's obvious that Kirino and Kyousuke ended up with each other.

I stopped watching just to avoid seeing that, actually. By the point I stopped, I believe Kuroneko barely interacted with Ayase.

last edited at Sep 2, 2015 9:02PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

For those who didn't know, unlike the anime, the novel made it quite clear that both Kuroneko and Ayase were liking/ loving Kirino as much if not more than her brother.

I couldn't watch it to the end, but I think Ayase is pretty gay for Kirino in the anime too (I'm pretty sure my goggles weren't even tight on my face).

last edited at Sep 2, 2015 8:26PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

What an excellent dōjin! Shouldn't it have a Akari x Chinatsu tag, tho?

After this they did it a lot

joined Aug 16, 2014


The Vampire With No Name?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Ah,I'm forgetting one La Sombra.

It's so sad to be the forgotten one =|

joined Aug 16, 2014

This'll eventually become some adorable cookbook.

Mmmh, feels like this one should have a "food porn" tag or something. [...]

I second a food porn tag creation.

last edited at Aug 29, 2015 7:31PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

Okay, here's my character sheet. Still working on the background though.


Victory!!! now you can check it out woooooo

Since everyone is showing theirs, here's mine.

joined Aug 16, 2014

You can still play as Tremere if you want to. Read the others and choose what interests you more. I also recommend talking with Chantelune, she can help you fill the sheet.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I have been so lazy about making my character >.< well here she is, I decided to make her a Tremere. Tell me if its a good idea or not guys :0 or if someone has already taken that :(

Katze's character's a Tremere (it doesn't mean there can't be more). About it being a good idea or not, you may want to talk to Chantelune about it. She's everyday at a room called "Dynasty Vampire planning" (without quotes) in .

last edited at Aug 28, 2015 11:44PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

Your art seems to have nicely improved, Kyonne. Any chance we'll be seeing more oneshots anytime soon?

Tomboy discussion 28 Aug 12:29
joined Aug 16, 2014

Hmmm...and how do boys behave?

According to OED:

tomboy (n): A girl who enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys.

Tomboy discussion 27 Aug 22:11
joined Aug 16, 2014

For tagging purposes, she needs to do both:

This tag is meant for characters that display both physical and personality characteristics associated with boys. If a character possesses only one of these traits, the tag should not be used.

For the term itself... I found some sources stating that she acts like a boy (no mention to looks) and some sources stating that she both acts and looks like a boy. Acts seems to be more prevalent.

last edited at Aug 27, 2015 10:18PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

yawn finished here is the link for your character. Tell me if you want something changed or any type of small detailed I missed.

That was pretty fast. Good work, too.

Also, you should definitely use the pastels more =D

Sometimes I draw with pastels but I have gotten more into water coloring. Now for coloring and editing I am using photoshop more? though my crappy tablet makes it difficult :(. I tend to also do a lot of paper and in drawing. I dont usually start from scratch from the comp. I just dont have the tools for doing that I want a good of these days...*sigh*

Watercolors are lovely too. I can't draw (that "character sketch" bit on the 4-page character sheet is really unfair with us artistically challanged people...), but I understand not using the computer from scratch... I can't write a single line if I don't use a pencil first.

joined Aug 16, 2014

yawn finished here is the link for your character. Tell me if you want something changed or any type of small detailed I missed.

That was pretty fast. Good work, too.

Also, you should definitely use the pastels more =D

last edited at Aug 26, 2015 1:03PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

Well my prefer language are english or polish, so I guess you got english one

I ask'd 'cos I didn't have everything in english. I found these on the net, but they don't have everything (like clanbook Salubri).

Can I create my character alone or is there any need to be in contact with GM? Also I'm not sure how accepting our characters will work. I'm used to GM needing to fit your character somehow into his story, so you just can't create whatever the background you want.

I know what you mean. To speed things up a little bit, maybe we can have a simple concept of our characters and start filling some dots already. After talking to Chantelune we can finish tweaking 'em.

I'd wait for the GM, there may be some house ruling or any other direction, my usual GM back in the day always had us be camarillas and only up generation up to 3 dots

Agreed, but I think some things are doable: the concept, attributes, abilities...

last edited at Aug 25, 2015 2:47PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

[...] I have to read up on the book and the clan guide as well sigh

While reading this is interesting, it may be better to do it slowly instead of trying to rush to start. I recommend reading the introductory, the 1st (setting), 3rd (character creation), 5th (rules) chapters, that's the bare minimum. While reading the 3rd one, you'll probably refer to chapter 2 (clans) and chapter 4 (disciplines) when something get your eye. The clanbooks are interesting, but not really necessary if you're just starting. I sent it 'cos Nevri wanted more flavor. Also, keep in mind that some parts of the rules book is more relevant to the GM than the players (again, don't let that keep you from reading everything if want, but I recommend starting slowly).