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Department discussion 11 Sep 13:56
joined Oct 4, 2016

I like the subtitle. "Stories between women".

What KIND of stories?

Oh, y'know, just stories.

Pulse discussion 08 Sep 18:22
joined Oct 4, 2016

I feel like I am the only one who is absolutely, one hundred percent certain that this story will have a happy ending.

Image Comments 08 Sep 00:12
joined Oct 4, 2016

KanColle best couple, right here.

Image Comments 08 Sep 00:11
joined Oct 4, 2016

Typical animal behavior. Serval-chan is mounting Bag-chan to assert her dominance.

Yuri Website? 06 Sep 16:10
joined Oct 4, 2016

Define "a ton" in this context.

joined Oct 4, 2016

At least we have the fairly recent XIII series though to grace us with some wonderful yuri.

FF12 has the Eruyt Village, which is populated entirely by sultry bunnygirls in skimpy outfits. Nary a bunnyman (nor an echo) to be found.

Image Comments 04 Sep 00:02
joined Oct 4, 2016

I see Akko buys her brooms from Sybian.

Image Comments 03 Sep 23:58
joined Oct 4, 2016

I've seen videos almost exactly like this on xhamster.

Image Comments 03 Sep 23:56
joined Oct 4, 2016

^ Gehzundheit

Image Comments 03 Sep 23:48
joined Oct 4, 2016

She's gonna put her eye out!

Image Comments 03 Sep 23:46
joined Oct 4, 2016

"Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!"

Image Comments 03 Sep 23:44
joined Oct 4, 2016

Who's the bigger siscon? Haruna or Hiei?

joined Oct 4, 2016

Right, I forgot all about them sales. I'm definitely gonna have to buy them the next time a sale hits... now the only thing to worry about is which one to buy first. It seems that all the FF games from 3 to 14 (minus 12 and 15's apparently coming to PC soon) are on Steam, so I definitely have a lot of games to choose from in the future...

There seems to be a broad consensus among FF fans that FF6 and FF10-2 were the Gold and Silver Medalists, respectively, for the entire series. If you look online at polls and articles ranking the games from worst to best, you'll find FF6 in the #1 or #2 spots of most lists. FFX-2 doesn't show up as often, mainly because most of the articles which rank the games only rank the main, core games, and exclude the spin-offs and sequels. (FF11 and FF14 are MMORPGs, and also generally excluded from such lists.) But FFX-2 is held in very high regard as well on those lists which do discuss the sequels and spin-offs.

All of the games have things to like, though, and all of them have their fans. FFI is probably the most difficult one for the modern gamer to enjoy because it's pretty damned primitive. But even then it has its own quaint charms.

The Steam version of FF3 is the DS remake from 2006, which updated the graphics and story and gameplay considerably. Having played both the NES original and the DS remake, I can testify that the DS remake of FF3 is not nearly as hair-pullingly frustrating as is the NES original.

My personal fave is FFXII (pronounced "fucksy"), which is in the process of being ported to Windows via Steam, and will probably be released either around Christmas or around the time the latest one (FF15) is released on Steam.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I hated SO MUCH of FF8, holy crap. ... I have never wanted to punch a main character so badly.

Ah, FF8. The video game equivalent of Catcher in the Rye.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I bought KH 2.5 HD ReMix a few days ago (how could I resist buying a game I've wanted to play for nearly 12 years for 15 bucks!), and I've actually started to get interested in FF6, FF8, and FF9 due to all the FF characters that showed up in Twilight Town. Setzer seems cool and that thing he said before the Struggle match sounded like it was a quote from FF6 shoehorned into the game... still sounded cool though. Fujin's one to two word sentence shtick is pretty amusing, and Vivi is just all around adorable. But, by God, are they expensive on Steam... these games are like decades old, why exactly are they still 10 to 20 bucks? They don't really seem to be any cheaper on Amazon though, so I guess those are pretty much the best prices I'm gonna get...

If you can master your need for instant gratification, the Final Fantasy games often go on sale. Certainly during Steam's summer and winter sales. They're at least 50% off, and sometimes up to 70% off. I have been slowly acquiring all of them over the course of the past few years during those sales.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Yeah, I really liked it as well. I especially liked the paradigm system. As soon as the sequels go on sale on Steam again, I'm gonna grab 'em.

My fave is still FF12, though. Really loved the setting. Very much tripped my sense of wonder. One of these days (probably as soon as they port it to Steam, which is supposedly in the works and due out in 2018) I'm gonna finish it. (I've gotten about 80% of the way through, but never to the end.)

joined Oct 4, 2016

Here's a thing someone told me years ago on another forum. The guy is an video game industry insider, so I tend to take him at his word on stuff like this.

Yeah, that's the one. To provide a bit of background, Final Fantasy XIII's development process was infamously fractured. They had several teams working on different parts of the game, and due to severe internal communication issues, each of them ended up working from a different revision of the project spec. Those same communication issues prevented anyone from noticing the problem until the time came to put everything together, whereupon they realised that they had bits and pieces of three or four completely different games on their hands. The story you're actually seeing was cobbled together at the last minute to fit the available assets (character models, cutscenes, recorded dialogue, etc.), rather than tailoring the assets to the story as you'd normally expect. It's actually sort of amazing it ended up as coherent as it is.

(Among other things, this is why a lot of critical context for the game's story is squirreled away in huge, wall-of-text codex entries and never actually comes up on-screen - those entries were cooked up after the fact to paper over the howling plot holes introduced by the disjointed cutscenes.)

joined Oct 4, 2016

...and man, Fang and Vanille are subtext-y as fuck. Definitely got a yuri vibe from 'em on more than one occasion.

last edited at Sep 2, 2017 10:27PM

joined Oct 4, 2016

Model-chan and Plain Beautician-san

joined Oct 4, 2016

I thought this was really well-done. YoshiMaru is my OTP from LL Sunshine, but most doujins usually have Hanamaru as the passive one. So it was interesting to see her as the aggressor this go around.

And given her upbringing, I can easily imagine her feeling vaguely guilty about doing something so "coarse" and "vulgar."

Image Comments 27 Aug 07:33
joined Oct 4, 2016

Mm. I'm not sure that Honks is the "Princess Carry" type of gal.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Mezashi just retweeted some YoshiMaru cosplay:

joined Oct 4, 2016

Nagato being borderline tsun again.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Mira's one of my fave artists who regurly does work, but this looks meh.

but its literally just a cover

Thus disproving the old adage.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Oh dear.