I'm glad the the reader has a decent amount of PatchuKoa. It's probably my favorite touhou pairing. Unfortunately other really popular pairings are severely underrepresented in the reader such as AyaMomi, RinOkuu, YuuParu, KomaEiki....
Well despite that I don't think we can ever have enough of any touhou yuri pairing.
Ahh you are so right and those are the best pairings but of course don't forget Wriggle x Yuuka.
This happened to me so many times. Oh and that nice feelings when one of your friends save you from your despair. I had someone like that in my class and I still keep and treasure the tissues she gave me, but of course its clean.
Finally a doujin about Marisa becomes a magican but they still managed to make it depressing. Why don't you just make a MariAli but still it was kinda nice.