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Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

They should smooch more.

They should. Mind you, the way they operate once they start smooching as a sign of affection we may never get another line of dialogue from them again.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Mahiro and Mahiru ain't actuall twins, are they?

Nope they are not actually twins - their names are Ogi Mahiru & Ooshita Mahiro - so can't be.

not so sure that's the case. iirc, this discussion came up in one of the earlier chapters. a commenter suggested that the parents may have divorced with each twin going to a parent. also in this chapter, it's a bit ambiguous, but one twin noted that their mother always bought their underware up until the trip to the lingerie store. if the twins didn't have the same mother, i suppose i'd be odd to say your mother bought underware for both you and your friend. however, the world of the mahimahi twins is insanely weird, so you never know what's what.

I'm not clear that they were saying one mom (belonging to both of them) bought underwear (for both of them). They could as easily be saying that it's the case for each of them that their respective moms had been buying their underwear up to that point. Plus, the "divorce" concept can't really go with the "one mom buying for both" concept; presumably if that were the case one of them would be getting underwear bought by their mom, and the other would be getting underwear bought by either their dad or her stepmom. Unless the divorce was a really unusually friendly one, which as I understand it is rarer in Japan.
Anyway I really don't see those two as kids who went through a divorce and getting split between parents. My bet is on, not twins, just similar upbringing and have been living next door forever, half live at each other's place, and call across to each other through their facing bedroom windows when they aren't sleeping over--that kind of thing.

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 4:12PM

Purple Library Guy
Stretch discussion 17 Apr 06:07
joined Mar 3, 2013

Please shou for the love of all that's good and holy do another yuri series,

Don't you mean "do a yuri series"?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Earl Sandwich.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I think it's still fairly ecchi, but the author has a better idea of the characters so they have more things to do in between ecchi moments.

With characters more defined, we may also not be registering some of the ecchi as random fan-service because it's done in a way that reflects and even develops their characters. Even back in Maka-maka, this mangaka more or less treated sex and fooling around as part of character development.

It's a very different approach from a lot of writers--you can see in the doujins, for instance. Most of them, you can take dozens of doujins about dozens of different characters and they'll be doing character-relevant stuff, maybe even well written, and then they reach the sex and you get dozens of almost the exact same sex scene with pretty much the exact same dialogue. But with Kishi Torajirou, flirting, getting ecchi, and sex are all part of who a person is, so different people will do them differently.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I want to salute the translator/s for coming up with something as silly as "Dontgomery" to replace whatever Japanese general or whatever was in the original. Priceless.
And yes, that face-inhaling was glorious.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Man, little kids in manga always make teary-eyed. They are just so innocent and cute and so easily amazed :D

... Kids in real life act like that too. I sometimes volunteer at an elementary school because my mom teaches there and I can tell you they're the sweetest (but no one is without their bad days). So every time I go they go "Oh look it's Isabel!" "Hi Isabel" "Hey Isabel guess what I learned today." "Isabel I drew a picture for you." and etc. They're 1st graders and they don't hate a soul.

. . . I remember when I was in first grade. They do too. They can be vicious bullies.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

LMAO ahahaha her parents are gay x) that ending was great!! xD

Whole chapter was kind of cracking me up, but the ending was perfect.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Really, most bitter and emotionally stunted introverts could benefit from being yanked bodily out of their comfort zone by an extrovert and a lot of them secretly wish they would be which is why the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope exists.

Yes. Although most of the other introverts, the non-bitter, non-emotionally-stunted ones that you were not talking about, could not benefit from such and indeed would likely be traumatized by it. And for that matter, there's an anti-trope to that which is less common in fiction because it makes less flashy scenes (although we do see it), in which extroverts with loud but empty, meaningless lives benefit from being pulled out of their comfort zone by thoughtful introverts.
I don't wanna suggest you were implying any such thing, but there is a tendency out there for introversion to be treated as a problem just in and of itself and I don't think that's a valid or healthy approach.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Onoda is not a great person. Like, I get that she's consumed with anxiety and jealousy but jeez girl maybe try to be a bit less vindictive?

Onoda seems to be very insecure about herself, inferiority complex maybe. She prides herself in her uh studying abilities, possibly the only thing she feels good about. Belittles others to feel better about herself, not unlike Honoka, with her drawings. They lack the confidence to feel okay about who they are, what they don't have, and brings others down to validate themselves., becoming very judgmental, likely because they feel like others are judging them. They're very self-conscious of other people, despite acting like they don't care.

Hmm they're pretty bitter and salty, not making them the most pleasant characters, and I guess I'm kinda justifying their behavior in my mind, because they're not bad people, just very insecure. The chapters seeing them interact and get a bit closer to other characters are some of my favorites. I'm sure their behavior will eventually change and they'll become more welcoming of others, we're already getting some signs.
I really look forward to that, that's the kind of character development I crave

Yeah. One thing I notice about her is how painfully clear it is that all her mental sour grapes just makes her more unhappy. That kid is wound waaaay too tight--she's not just insecure, she also, how to put it, is kind of obsessed with her insecurity. The question of whether she's the best or the worst is the only thing she thinks about, she never has mental room to have fun or even get absorbed in a topic. I suspect one reason she studies so hard but only gets "pretty good" results instead of awesome is that she can't, for instance, read a piece of literature and get into it, only study it--she'd never be grappling directly with stuff she studies on its own terms, only thinking "I will get the best mark because I'm studying this thing so hard." Her need to be the best student gets in between her and everything else, even the things she studies. Poor kid, if she doesn't find some way out she'll have a nervous breakdown.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

What is it with lesbian school nurses anyhow? Is it the fact that they're more isolated than regular teachers or something? Their apparent role as counsellors? Their easy access to beds (although I can't think of too many where they actually use the beds for that).

A Passing Story
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Pure Water Adolescence
The Summer Closest to Heaven
Dear My Teacher

Pretty sure there's more, but the fact that all those come to mind immediately is interesting.

Are you not aware of the many fetishes covered in mangas? School nurses is up there hand in hand with hospital nurses.

Hrmmm, yeah, but it's never very fetish-y in the yuri stories. It does seem as if they're portrayed not just as easier to spend some time alone with than normal teachers, but also kind of . . . less integrated into the system, somehow? In theory I guess the principal's still their boss--but their expertise is not educational, it's something different, which gives them independence, and they're not really there to make sure you get marks or whatever. In a sense they aren't even really an authority figure--it's not their job really to tell you what to do. All this maybe means they're not as implicated in the system part of whose job is to make you conform to expected gender roles?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I've reread this a few times. Every time, when she chucks the tea in his face and tells him to shut his mouth, I just go "YEAH!!!"

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Nice to see some clear yuri from this author, as lighthearted as it is.

If this is clear by this author's standards, I can resist going to find the unclear stuff. I mean, it's fairly obvious, but it's not like anyone said they loved anyone, or asked anyone out, or kissed or anything.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I'm glad this manga got picked up again. The plot it's really interesting!

There's a plot?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Well, if that last post does get deleted as it suggests it will, I for one will consider it totally justified and positive.
. . . Aaand it's gone. Jolly good, at least one corner of the universe is unfolding as it should.

last edited at Mar 30, 2016 4:49PM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

The maiden in love is a carnivore, apparently.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Shes gotta be dead right? I mean the supernatural tag is there so thats what I'm basing my thoughts on.

I'm thinking coma. It's a pretty common dodge in manga to have a ghost not actually be dead.

It's been a few chapters already. Might be a semicolon.

Purple Library Guy
Shiromuchi discussion 27 Mar 15:34
joined Mar 3, 2013

It'd be nice to see chubby girls in manga that aren't either the butt of all the jokes (like here) or fetish objects (like here). But I doubt I'll see that in my lifetime.

Closest I know of isn't yuri though, it's . . . hmm, not sure if shoujo or josei now I think on it. Bara no Tame ni, the MC is realistically plump rather than just "worried about her weight for no obvious reason". She does worry about her weight, and some of the other characters give her a hard time about it. But it's not what the story is about, nor does it have much to do with why she doesn't for a long time get anywhere with the male lead (he's seriously depressed over his dead true love, and for good reason because it's clear she was awesome).
It's a good manga. Not completely scanlated (I'd say at least 3/4; we're in the home stretch. Someday . . . ) and the scanlation is by various groups, some using lousy raws and doing a very stilted job. But for me the manga's quality shines through all that--it is in many ways quite an amazing piece of work and I'm always waiting for someone to finish it up.

last edited at Mar 27, 2016 3:35PM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Well, this series has been educational for me. I have learned for sure what I always suspected: A good part of the reason I like yuri has nothing to do with it being all girls, it's that I like the way yuri stories are normally told and find the way cliche shounen stories are normally told boring and annoying. Case in point: A yuri told like a cliche shounen, and turns out having one extra girl substituting for the lone guy does not make me like it.

Purple Library Guy
15Y+ discussion 25 Mar 11:58
joined Mar 3, 2013

How much I like this in the end will probably depend on how Min/Fah gets resolved.

Fah/Sea have some really bizarre but good tension going on and that's cool. As far as the art goes, well, its shortcomings don't bother me that much. It's actually becoming endearing. Plus if the author keeps drawing I'm sure it'd improve.

What's to resolve? Min is, like, Fah's sex friend or something but relatiionship-wise, she's backing Sea and trying to get Fah to face her feelings and what.
The only question here is, can Fah's sense of propriety and stuff around the whole "She's young and I'm sort of her aunt" thing defeat True Lust um I mean Love? I'm going to go out on a limb and predict "no".

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

What, really?! Nobody ever said a thing about this one? 'Cause I remember quite liking it at the time. Good solid bit of doki-doki, rather lecherous yuri, especially for how short it is. I'd forgotten how short it is.

last edited at Mar 9, 2016 6:30PM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I find it interesting that although almost everyone agrees that this story (and for that matter the art) is crap, it is still one of the "Most Popular of Past 7 Days". I guess either everyone loves a train wreck, nobody has any taste, or most likely just many people will read anything if it promises to involve SM.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

What is with people obsession with realism? Like, in what moment the series even implied it would be a manual to BDSM?

You'll note that this was NOT at any time presented as a fantasy or SF story

Not that that would be an excuse. In half decent fantasy and SF, you make the reader aware of where and how you are departing from reality. This is essential for the reader to be able to navigate what's going on, to keep grappling with the story as story, the people as people. Even when those departures are really radical, like "The story takes place in a dream state where normal cause and effect is suspended and people's responses come from subconscious archetypal stuff underlying their normal selves", you can't just keep pulling different changes out of your ass.
I'm sick and tired of people constantly thinking they're saying something clever when they try to cover for crap characterization or otherwise terrible craftsmanship by saying "Oh well it's a story, you can't judge it by reality"--of course you can. Stories are about something. If they bear no resemblance to how people would act or what would happen in the situations described, if they make no sense on the storyteller's own terms, that's important.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Lovely and fun; adorable cute to the end. Oh yeah, and it's about trans and stuff, that's nice too. But mostly I liked it cos of the adorable.

Purple Library Guy
Lily Love discussion 01 Mar 15:31
joined Mar 3, 2013

So doing a bit of quick googling on exchange rates . . . decent price on that secret scene, really.