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joined Oct 22, 2018

F in the chat for Fuuka, who will inevitably become a stepping stone that exists solely for Asahi to get her shit together and figure out that she wants to be with Hinako.

For some reason, I have a feeling that Fuuka will end up with Subaru.

Heh, same.

joined Oct 22, 2018

What is Hamburg Steak and why are manga characters obsessed with it?

It's basically hamburgers.

Image Comments 03 Jul 18:58
joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Amen

joined Oct 22, 2018

Someone translated more of this and uploaded It on youtube for some reason.

I don't like how I've been tricked, but I can't be mad, as I unironically like that song

joined Oct 22, 2018

I may not comment here often if at all, but yeah, this is one of my favourite ongoing yuri manga.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Wait a minute...The only thing that catch my interest is a scene when the gyaru's long nail fingers insert the teacher. Isn't it painful?

I think she actually trimmed the nails on two of her fingers? Not 100% sure tho.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Yeah I'm definitely not looking for an argument, sometimes I share clashing views, but I genuinely don't want to argue with people. I've argued with people in the past, but the longer I live the more I realize life is far too short and there's already enough drama with trying to get by as it is, so I'm glad that you sound levelheaded.

I agree with protection and that what you're saying makes sense, but sometimes people just want to say "fuck it' and go for the fashion, express their sexuality with their warrior prowess. There's historical real life examples of minimal armor, but in terms of video games there's those Dark Souls runs with no armor and fists only haha :P

As for feeling like a perv, well whatever you're comfortable with and with the media you're consuming. Consume what works for you and there's no judgement from me here. For me I don't feel like a perv because sexuality is just part of being a living creature, so I don't feel embarrassed or pervy consuming media with sexual elements/a sexual focus.

That said there is definitely media that have in my opinion really bad portrayals of sexuality, and those can feel bad to consume. There's certain lines and nuances to everything, and there's of course things I'm not comfortable with myself. So it's hard to really get across exactly how I feel here I guess. Same thing with most anything though, take violence for example, I love a lot of really violent action media, but there's also violent action media that just feel excessive and gross in how it's handled. Same goes with sexuality, I love to embrace sexuality, but there's definitely times where I'm not comfortable with how it's handled in media as I said. So I think it's a case by case thing with any media I consume. Plus everyone's opinions will differ on these types of things and that's perfectly okay. Anyhow, it's been a fun discussion and thank you.

Some of the best historical examples of minimal armour were Celts, as certain individuals would show their bravery by going to battle with little to no clothing whatsoever - just a sword or spear and a shield.

And as for what I said about feeling pervy when I don't want to, maybe I should have emphasised the "when" part.

For the last paragraph, I don't really have much to say except that those are some rather good points.

joined Oct 22, 2018

OK, not exactly first thing in the morning, but, meh, close enough.

So're unhappy that they're showing something in order to critique it? Also part of the world building is critiquing that it has become normalized and that the MC thinks nothing of the armor, instead she simply thinks "it's female armor", without knowing and realizing things could be better. The narrative should make you happy if you dislike fanservice, and I fail to understand how they could critique this type of female armor and the extreme normalization of it in this world without showing it.

IF it's done right I don't personally I don't have a problem with fanservice in certain media, some people enjoy wearing clothing and gear that shows off more skin, both men and women. The classic male barbarian loincloth that shows off his muscles and chest, muscular legs and so fourth. I think the armor is often not practical, but if a person wants to wear an outfit that shows off their body it should be their choice.

I absolutely loathe the idea that everything to do with sexuality is some kind of evil thing, and that people who choose to wear more exposing outfits are being sexist against themselves. So my problem with this series is that it so far lacks any kind of nuance. It should be a normalized thing for both men and women to wear whatever the hell they want and whatever works for them. A man wants to run around in a rainbow banana hammock? More power to him. A woman wants to run around in full plate armor? More power to her.

Edit: Also I'm very aware that cartoonish sexism exists in real life, but the extreme and radical sexism that this entire world is built on feels beyond cartoonish. I would absolutely love more series that critique sexism, but I want them to have some kind of nuance as well.

Edit: If you still respond I hope you read this before doing so, maybe with this response I can help clear up some of my intent and thoughts before you formulate a response.

Misunderstandings happen, it's no big deal. A lot of what I was saying were just some additional thoughts about the manga and subjects in it, and not directly pointed at you notably. Also some thoughts on views I hear mostly on social media like Twitter. The first paraph was referring to what you were saying, and the rest from "IF" onwards were additional thoughts, sorry if I came off the wrong way myself.

Ultimately my views boil down to, men and women should be able to choose whatever armor/gear/clothing they want. Regardless of if it's a lot of skin showing, no skin showing, anything in between and so fourth. As long they're comfortable in their body and with what they're wearing. I think this manga so far lacks some nuance there is all, nothing super serious.

So, when I last night said "from what little I read from the first paragraph" I really meant "just the first and maybe part of the second sentence" (in my defense, it was well past midnight, and I had woken up early in the morning that day for uni), and as a result, I kinda expected to find myself in a position to defend myself of possibly my wording making me look kinda unsavory in a way that might lump me in the same or at least similar category as the likes the "gamers tm" as I like to refer to them.

Luckily I was wrong, but I still gotta apologize for such assumptions.

So, in essence, my position of fanservice in general is like mixed at best, as it kinda makes me feel like a perv when I don't wanna feel like one. Even though I recognize that, just like you said the fanservice in this chapter does have a purpose here - to be subject to or even a vehicle of critique - it still kinda carries that previously mentioned bit.

As for people being able to wear whatever they want... I honestly feel the same in general - people can and should wear whatever they feel comfortable wearing in their everyday lives (home, work, outside, etc.). But when it comes to like armour and other combat-situation-stuff, it'd probably be more expected that soldiers and/or adventurers of the same "class" would generally have similar-ish armour with each-other. What I imagine to be a sabre (which I don't know much about fantasy world classes, so I'm kinda going off my own assumptions themselves based on some very limited knowledge gained from hanging out on Discord and watching a single r/DnDMemes video on YouTube) would probably be similar to like heavy or medium infantry, so you'd ideally have some kind of armour covering most of your body (largely metal armour, with some so-called soft armour for other areas for heavy, and a more balanced mix of chainmail and soft armour for medium), while light infantry can be more loose with how they'd dress themselves for combat.

As for the nuance thing, I don't really think I have anything to add.

Honestly, my concern with the armour and gear may be less about the looks of the person wearing those and more about the protection of that person.

In conlusion, I think the real misunderstanding on my part at least was that I expected an argument and instead it seems like we're saying similar-ish stuff.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Even though I liked the chapter, I'm not quite sure how to comment.
On the one hand, I feel like a lot of the things are (mostly implicit) feminist critique, which is dope.
But on the other hand, this chapter got some fanservice-y stuff that I have mixed feelings about.

While yes it can be seen as general fanservicey stuff but here it's not that. It has a purpose and that is to show how ridiculous women's armour in these games are.
When it comes to fanservice I am actually one of the most sensitive person and most of the time it makes me drop the series. But here it was necessary to show.

Yeah, I kinda thought that was the case, but still.

So're unhappy that they're showing something in order to critique it? Also part of the world building is critiquing that it has become normalized and that the MC thinks nothing of the armor, instead she simply thinks "it's female armor", without knowing and realizing things could be better. The narrative should make you happy if you dislike fanservice, and I fail to understand how they could critique this type of female armor and the extreme normalization of it in this world without showing it.

IF it's done right I don't personally I don't have a problem with fanservice in certain media, some people enjoy wearing clothing and gear that shows off more skin, both men and women. The classic male barbarian loincloth that shows off his muscles and chest, muscular legs and so fourth. I think the armor is often not practical, but if a person wants to wear an outfit that shows off their body it should be their choice.

I absolutely loathe the idea that everything to do with sexuality is some kind of evil thing, and that people who choose to wear more exposing outfits are being sexist against themselves. So my problem with this series is that it so far lacks any kind of nuance. It should be a normalized thing for both men and women to wear whatever the hell they want and whatever works for them. A man wants to run around in a rainbow banana hammock? More power to him. A woman wants to run around in full plate armor? More power to her.

Edit: Also I'm very aware that cartoonish sexism exists in real life, but the extreme and radical sexism that this entire world is built on feels beyond cartoonish. I would absolutely love more series that critique sexism, but I want them to have some kind of nuance as well.

I'm kinda too tired to read this rn, so I'm gonna have the google translate voice read it out for me while I read along first thing in the morning and then reply properly, but from what little I read from the first paragraph of this comment, it seems like my laziness and poor choice of words resulted in a misunderstanding.

last edited at Jun 30, 2021 6:40PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Even though I liked the chapter, I'm not quite sure how to comment.
On the one hand, I feel like a lot of the things are (mostly implicit) feminist critique, which is dope.
But on the other hand, this chapter got some fanservice-y stuff that I have mixed feelings about.

While yes it can be seen as general fanservicey stuff but here it's not that. It has a purpose and that is to show how ridiculous women's armour in these games are.
When it comes to fanservice I am actually one of the most sensitive person and most of the time it makes me drop the series. But here it was necessary to show.

Yeah, I kinda thought that was the case, but still.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Even though I liked the chapter, I'm not quite sure how to comment.
On the one hand, I feel like a lot of the things are (mostly implicit) feminist critique, which is dope.
But on the other hand, this chapter got some fanservice-y stuff that I have mixed feelings about.

joined Oct 22, 2018

I would personally feel weird touching this without knowing what happened with Yuri Ichigo, they were doing a very good job with the series. Could be why no one has picked it up.

Hope they come back soon, one of my favorite manga, can't wait to read new chapters

It's about time you both learned that life is nothing but a depressing series of dissapointments and then, you die.

That's both a too simplistic and too negative a view of life. Sure, there's a lot of disappointments in life, but there's more to it, too.

refuses to elaborate

Image Comments 29 Jun 08:05
joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Ah, that explains it

Image Comments 29 Jun 07:19
joined Oct 22, 2018

Wait, didn't we already have this here?

Image Comments 29 Jun 07:16
joined Oct 22, 2018

One could translate it as Truth x Winter

joined Oct 22, 2018

I guess WakanaxYuina ship is sinking? That's too bad :/

I can still see it sailing

some ideas:
1. Wakana finds and confesses to Sara, Sara rejects her (already dating, straight, or whatever), and Yuina ends up comforting Wakana which leads to Wakana falling for her
2. Wakana finds Sara and realises that she's no longer into her and she was just seeking a resolution. Then she ends up shifting her gaze just a bit
3. Yuina is actually Sara somehow. The least likely, but still a fun idea I think

There's also a much darker, sadder option 4., I guess, but I'm just gonna leave it at this implication rather than mention what it is, because it's probably my least favourite idea of how WakanaxYuina might still sail in the future.

last edited at Jun 26, 2021 7:13PM

Image Comments 26 Jun 06:53
joined Oct 22, 2018


Image Comments 26 Jun 06:53
joined Oct 22, 2018

This ship was started by Lamy herself wasn't it?

Wait, what?

Image Comments 26 Jun 06:52
joined Oct 22, 2018


Image Comments 26 Jun 06:49
joined Oct 22, 2018


Image Comments 26 Jun 06:48
joined Oct 22, 2018

Tako be like

joined Oct 22, 2018

either the author has a macro / micro fetish or they've been paid very much by someone who has one

OK, who told Kassie about the existence of this manga?

joined Oct 22, 2018

Every time a new chapter is uploaded, I'm getting hyped, not just for the next chapter, but every other future chapter too.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Loved this

Image Comments 22 Jun 06:29
joined Oct 22, 2018
