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joined Sep 10, 2022

When awkwardness and curiosity breeds what looks like overbearing confidence. Director Shen never stood a chance.

last edited at May 8, 2023 5:03PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

This reminds me of the Straight Girl Trap manhua on bilibili lmao

That series is great.

joined Sep 10, 2022

This series had such a neat premise but it really flogged itself off with this NTR creepy chick continuing to try and steal Ichigo every chapter for the last like five. Oh well.

Well at least they seem to both be thinking about each other now. Honestly wish the last three chapters the NTR queen and her minion would just fuck off and let them be together but we all know that wont happen.

Well NTR Chick has been pining (ch.1), kabedoning (ch.3) (and scheming) since the beginning. She does a good job of being irritating but also helps pit Ichigo's unhealthy desire to do what literally any Epicurean demands, against her real growing feelings for Shizuku. Ditto for Shizuku's following of traditions.

Based on Ichigo's subservience, she "should" be OK with doing what a more powerful vampire demands of her, but it doesn't seem like she is and she has to understand where that conflict comes from. And Shizuku "should" be fine with sharing, but she isn't. "NTR chick" works as a method of showing that Ichigo's relationship with Shizuku is "chosen love," and not just a result of following orders and traditions (therefore, less problematic).

She's definitely annoying, though, mainly because in most situations like these the preyed-upon party does not reciprocate, so the likelihood of success is low. With Ichigo's servant mentality, there seems a real possibility that she would indeed just go along with whatever NTR chick demands of her (and she has so far). It's like dealing with a significant other who has been brainwashed or under mind control. She's come pretty far though (the symbolism of how she handles the drink-can from ch3, compared to now, showcasing that added personality and disobediance).

last edited at May 6, 2023 3:07PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

There I go reading way too much into a straight woman's words!

Yeah, about that... How useless can you be? Really.

Haha. Yea, At this point she's in active denial. I guess she's had a few too many bad run-ins with alluring straight women.

joined Sep 10, 2022


This manga better not be close to ending or I will be the saddest lesbian

Unfortunately, it does end in 3 chapters.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I love how the henchgirls were not even sure about what they were doing during the entire manga.

They take being supportive best friends to a whole different level. They both seem to know what just happened too. I wonder if they knew all along? And their "did we succeed" means something more? I feel like they hinted at it before but it's been a while.

And Kimura standing strong is great. She really demonstrated how important Hiyama is to her. Considering that she thinks her best friend is her rival, she still confesses while grabbing Hiyama away with little hesitation.

last edited at May 5, 2023 6:19AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Okay I think I've fully realized why I am not invested in biker girl and her romance. Well, there are a few reasons (she's too pushy and I kinda can't get into that), but one of the main ones is it feels like its done out of order

This girl was introduced and interacted with Liaoliao basically just once, and then we were introduced to her romance with someone else we had never really met. Secondary romances and characters in stories like these are ordinary and can be extremely good (Wakana in Lonely Girl, anyone?) but it feels like they did it all out of order

I really can't care about this character. She only JUST met the other primary character, and she's been around doing her flirt on with some other girl who is no consequence to the other two. It feels less like a secondary character getting their romance and more like someone who's hijacking the story.

This is all true but I don't think we're meant to feel too strongly about that relationship yet. It's really early days for that one. It's all been played as funny for now, and the model has barely begun to reciprocate or even show an interest.

last edited at May 4, 2023 11:47AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Mom's gotta check up on how her baby's doing at work. Normal behavior.

joined Sep 10, 2022

So the biker friend was also into Liaoliao huh..

Yeah they were close friends in college and there were rumors that they dated (or people just assumed they were). Seems like she actually did confess (or maybe just realized that LiaoLiao would never forget her real crush and gave up).

last edited at May 4, 2023 3:30AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

dayuuum we need a series of these two dorkiess that story telling journey love bloomed in the train trip

Pretty sure this got serialized. Edit: didn't see all these comments. Everyone already said it.

last edited at May 2, 2023 1:21PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Love Sal's stuff, especially this and "Black & White."

last edited at May 2, 2023 1:11PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Um, hang on a moment. Evie's currently rescuing Elsa from imminent death from exposure. Which, the previous version wouldn't have done, would she? Would she have even been on the scene? So, why was Elsa alive in the original timeline?

I know, I know, don't sweat the small time paradoxes.

It has been stated they're in a stable time loop. Meaning Evie had already done this. She does it every time. That's why Elsa considered Evie her destined soulmate from the start. Evie just didn't remember because from her point of view, it still hadn't happened.

Right it's a fixed moment in time and she would have to do a lot to mess it up. The ring will alert her if her actions might cause an issue with the timeline. Then if she does something that will cause the timeline to change, the ring will forcefully reset her back to before she went back in time.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Can you idiots take your stupid slap-fights to PMs and quit crapping up the thread? Christ. Some people...

Are there PMs here? I've never even thought of it.

last edited at May 1, 2023 9:57AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Omichi: "Im going to wait for her to graduate high school."
Dynasty Readers: "You're absolute scum!!! The worst character imaginable!!!"

Yep, cuz if u didn’t know, what she’s doing is called grooming :)

I really wouldn't call what she's doing that. Nothing about her character suggests that. Grooming is not a simple thing to throw around, although this probably isn't the space to having discussions about that I guess.

Anyway, nice confession from them. Always a cute story.

last edited at May 1, 2023 7:44AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Eugh, that’d be a terrible way to end things. Forgive my dramatic flair, but the whole point of them leaving Tokyo is because they felt suffocated by the lives they were living. While it makes sense that they'd have to struggle and make compromises to adapt to the rigors of adult life whilst trying to go against the grain, them going back to Tokyo would represent a total loss. An admission that they can’t carve their own path to being happy, and that the only way forward is to convince themselves that they’re happy as they consign themselves to the machinery of society. At that point, what’s next? Do they need to break up, find husbands, and have kid, all while telling themselves that they’re happy and wiser for their past experiences, because that’s what they’re expected to do as part of “growing up?” Not that I’m saying that’s what would happen, but you get my point. They have to draw a line somewhere, even if it’s hard.

No, I’d rather they continue to struggle against this pressure being piled on them so that they can eventually come out in a place where they can be happy without taking the path of least resistance. Maybe it won’t be exactly what they want. Maybe it will require them to suffer for a while longer, but fighting for it will make that eventual equilibrium all the sweeter.

Hot damn, haven’t written something that dramatic since high school

I mostly agree with this but there are ways to view returning to Tokyo as not a total failure. I don't really think that learning more about life, and growing as people through struggle then returning to Tokyo with new habits and a new perspective on life--I don't know that I'd view that as total failure. It would just be how life can be sometimes. If they were to go back and fall into the same patterns as before than yes, that would be a regression but simply living in a city is not the end of the world. I also see no universe where they break up, although the pressures they're going through can do that. There's certainly nothing to suggest they'd suddenly marry a man and have kids.

Having said that, I would much rather they figure it out on the island. The title just leaves me open to the idea that they might eventually go back to Tokyo after the summer.

last edited at May 1, 2023 7:29AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

their first meeting doesn't matter because we've already seen every other part of their relationship including the part where they fuck. this relationship has had enough progression that we don't need to draw things out and take 20 steps backwards. let's see them move on as a couple rather than start walking backwards.

It does matter, though, as Evie still has no idea what happened (or will happen, from her point of view). Only understanding the events of the past she's about to cause will she really understand Elsa and be able to "move on as a couple", as you requested.

Agreed. This is an adventure story, it's not just a romance. It's not focused on just having them do couple things. It's telling a story beyond that as well.

As for this chapter: Awesome. So it is like I thought: a fixed moment in time (Doctor Who) style. She has a lot of free reign to do as she likes but has "protection" should she take it too far. Should be interesting. I really like all of this expansion of the story and world. As for Elsa, she had a really bad upbringing. Hopefully something can be done about these traffickers but that might not be within the bounds of the timeline balance. It'll be interesting to see the moments when Evie's desires to solve issues conflict with the ring's destabalization warnings.

last edited at Apr 30, 2023 9:41PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Sequel to this

Do you know where the third one that they listed on the second page of this is?

That's here:

last edited at Apr 29, 2023 2:07PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I actually preferred it when it was just a one-gag manga. Now that the author is trying to develop the relationship a bit I can't help to notice they have very little chemistry and I don't dig the pairing.

Oh yeah? That's fair. Personally, I love their chemistry. They both are very eccentric and obsessive. I think it took a while for Kimura to break out of her shell but the more she does, the more she resembles Hiyama and the more she shows that she enjoys being "teased" (and more) but also even doing the teasing.

last edited at Apr 28, 2023 2:17PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I kind of get the feeling that people have been misunderstanding what this series is about from the very beginning. If you think of this as just a romance manga certainly it’s going to be frustrating to read.

I think of it as being like one of those art installations where someone rigs an existing type of machine to go through a pattern of surprising variations on its usual behavior.

So it’s really, really stupid—and I mean that in the best way possible.

I think why is like that is because the humor and comedy timing isn't as good as should be for a one-gag manga

But I don't get the impression it's trying to be traditional one-gag comedy manga either. Shifting my analogy slightly, it's like the output of those experimental musicians/performance artists who create an algorithm and let the program produce the musical output--some parts of the result are going to be more melodious or musically interesting than others.

I've been taking my cue about this series from the title--the starting premise was mismatching genres (a shoujo protagonist with a yuri antagonist) and it's always been mainly about ringing changes on tropes, and only secondarily about developing characters, so that when you plug in "reversal" you inherently get "progress." It's almost as if it came as a bit of a surprise to the author to realize that the plot could develop at all within the parameters they had set up.

I agree. Have to also remember that it basically developed twice. They likely had a more gag-focused start and then developed more onto it as they went along and also for the different releases that are mixed in etc. It started with two distinct character types--for the purpose of the comedy set-up--and has developed from that foundation quite a bit but it's still meant to be fun and taken in stride. I also wouldn't say its timing is off, as though the writer made an error. Maybe for some people that's the case (which is fair), but you can't please everyone. It's working (and worked) for a lot of people, so I'd say they've done something right by any reasonable artistic metric.

last edited at Apr 28, 2023 2:08PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Love this gag comedy. I get it’s not serious but simple comedy relies on clear character motivations and a basic understanding of what information a character has… and I’m super confused about what each character Knows right now. Like, does MC and Dude know Rival likes MC???? How can they not after Rival confessed to MC like 40 times. What exactly did Rival take away from MC going “I wanna become someone who can say I love you”, did she think MC confessed to Dude??? I thought MC was under the impression Rival heard her confession, so why is she not operating under that logic at all? I want an interior monologue from all three characters telling me what knowledge they possess right now cause the logic is getting murky.

I’m happy people convinced me to pick up this work. It’s SO cute. Kiruma’s pining and jealousy, eventually realizing she’s been self-centered and avoidant to Hiyama which is kind of awful of her (as opposed to Dude being so stable and secure and a good friend). She likes Hiyama so much it hurts.

Kimura and dude both know. They're messing with Hiyama at the moment and also Kimura is still a bit shy and feels she has to improve herself somewhat first. She's finding the perfect moment to confess. In the meantime, her and the friend are both reveling in how dense Hiyama is (and giving her some of her own medicine) while also setting up the moment to make Kimura's feelings more obvious (at least more obvious that Kimura has already made it). They began meeting to help Kimura work up the confidence to confess but Hiyama misread that and ever since then they've been messing with her a bit, amongst other things. As you can see in this chapter, Kimura thinks Hiyama is cute when she overreacts (and always didn't really mind Hiyama's overbearing antics, she knew Hiyama was harmless). Kimura's having a bit of fun. They're both a bit eccentric for each other.

last edited at Apr 28, 2023 9:41AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I kind of get the feeling that people have been misunderstanding what this series is about from the very beginning. If you think of this as just a romance manga certainly it’s going to be frustrating to read.

I think of it as being like one of those art installations where someone rigs an existing type of machine to go through a pattern of surprising variations on its usual behavior.

So it’s really, really stupid—and I mean that in the best way possible.

Yeah I'm surprised by some of the reactions as well. Taking things a bit too seriously, I'd say but who knows. It's a romance buts it's having fun with variations and evolutions of a type of gag. It's tongue in cheek, with some heart to it. I actually like the evolution out of Kimura along the way. Should be a fun ending in a couple chapters.

last edited at Apr 28, 2023 8:14AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Kimura with confidence and those precious reversals. Misushima, you are right.

He's become a wingman and loves the joke as well. Kimura is in full control now and she's enjoying it for a bit. Very chill and fun series. I only wish more chapters were longer but at least the last few should be.

last edited at Apr 28, 2023 8:09AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

this is kinda of an rant you can ignore it…… also spoilers I mean…..was THAT really needed? that’s some werid twisted idea of showing that the Misstress is better? this story is full of that I KNOW, but like this is going way absurd that up untill now, no other story will be like, “my girlfriend is better”, after fucking men and kicking them because they aren’t better that my girlfriend?!?!?!?! what? (or the author in this manga showing that men won’t even compare to the Villianes), oh and the implication that the Villianess sees the cum driping from her legs or something………..0.0 so yeah i don’t think most yuri enjoyers will like that >.> just my two cents.

Her background is established early on, this is exactly something she might do. If you want something purely "wholesome" this just isn't for you. The point of it is that she had a terrible background and therefore has unsurprisingly picked up skewed value system. Vylle is helping her but things happen and she's ok with doing things (or acts) that others might not be, since she's done them for most of her life.

last edited at Apr 24, 2023 8:20AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

really? ugh what a crap chapter then i wasn’t expecting forced NTR or whatever her complaining is “that men can’t last longer” do we even have a name for this scenario? really hate this kind of thing in yuri, i might drop it if the atuhor is gonna make chapters like this, force inserting dick when ain’t needed

You could do that, sure. I don't see the issue but it's up to you.

joined Sep 10, 2022

from the looks of it she trick them with the idea of sleeping with her then she kicks them in the balls??? so the weird sex plot to get away doesn’t happen???

I don't think the scene is an issue at all. But no, she uses her skills. She has sex with them and fucks them into submission. That's the twist and the joke. She's made these comments before about men being ill equipped and inadequate and her sexual history is already known. The idea is that she's giving them more than what they wanted, in a way that overwhelms them because they're pathetic and don't compare to the mistress. The liquid at the end just confirms more.

last edited at Apr 24, 2023 12:31AM