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joined Jul 6, 2020

Very nice, blessed domestic life between them. You can already tell Lin Luxi has fallen hard, and Tong Tong too (although she doesn’t know it yet).

joined Jul 6, 2020

This is so nonsensical, but hey thats nice sometimes too.

joined Jul 6, 2020

These two are very cute together. Still waiting to see what that blank line was though. ....Are you sure that the only reason that Yugure Yuhi is conscious of you is because of your voice acting prowess? This was super gay, but I guess I understand the subtext tag for now, but I fully expect the yuri tag to return soon.

Stalker-kun should fuck off, go back to reading creepy fanfics or something, don’t you have anything better to do??

joined Jul 6, 2020

I really hate how people feel the need to argue that a character is not really bi and is actually a "pure" lesbian. As if there is something wrong or dirty about someone being bi.

Isn’t this the opposite case though? Miki has 100% dated men before, and likely had sex with them as well, but what people are saying is that because she was actually in love with Kana the entire time there’s no real evidence for her being bisexual. She specifically states “I tried my best to make it work with other people but...” which implies that the main reason she chose to date them was in order to force herself to get over Kana. That smacks of classic compulsory heterosexuality to me, just like above comments have also mentioned. Some people only realize they are lesbians later in life, and some of those people have already married men and had kids when they realize. That’s the vibe I got from this.

As far as sexuality goes all we know is that Miki loved and loves Kana. Maybe we should just take a page from Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl and call her Kanasexual lol

joined Jul 6, 2020

Cute, although idk how this wasn’t a happy ending lol, not that I’m complaining, we needed some happiness after the last chapter

joined Jul 6, 2020

Too many of you lack heart, going for the pleb ships like Gunjou x Minami or AzuRuby when the only righteous ship here is Harumi x Gunjou

Tbh Harumi x Gunjou might be legitimately better because that way they can approach each other as equals without the idolizing happening between Azul and Ruby. Although since Gunjou already knows the Harumi’s secret idk if that would work.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Damn, Watagiri Saya-sensei over here dropping a heartfelt chapter and raising my hopes up for a definitive romantic AzuRuby end. As someone who's been reading her stuff since "Sunami Yuuko", I'm 95% sure that this is going to end on one big joke, as per their usual MO. :cries: I ship AzuRuby so hard gdi.

We gotta have AzuRuby get together, although I also kinda like Gunjou/Minami... but AzuRuby first and foremost

joined Jul 6, 2020

I’m very thankful for the recent influx of manhwa and manhua, there are so many great series out there to find!

joined Jul 6, 2020

Ive had no idea whats happening for like 5 chapters now

joined Jul 6, 2020

Cant get blackmailed if you just tell them to release the photo. If more people were like this than so many stories would go a lot easier lmao.

joined Jul 6, 2020

I wonder if Nika's deep analysis of Koiko's book is actually her self-inserting herself in Prez's place in Koiko's fantasies

I wouldn’t be surprised tbh

joined Jul 6, 2020

This sequel is real good, tbh I don’t know anything about Genshin but this author has made me invested in these ships

joined Jul 6, 2020

Oh hell yeah, I was reading this on mangadex and from what little I’ve seen it’s fun. Total idiot couple

joined Jul 6, 2020

Nice title drop. Is this the end? Idk

joined Jul 6, 2020

Social dance seems like a fun sport. Yay for unconventional sport manga.

joined Jul 6, 2020

this freaking peanut gallery lmao

I love all the supporting antinoids, we have antinoid weeb and her wife the mad scientist, their justice seeking child, and a yuri fanatic. X is over here trying to have some big edgy moment and they’re all just peeking around the corner scooby doo style.

...also do I spy some moral wavering on the part of Mitsuki? I think she might be starting to figure out she’s part of the bad guys. I forsee that eventually all the antinoids will just flip over and decide to just live lowkey lives on earth, except for X idk what she’s gonna do to deal with whatever stuff is happening there.

joined Jul 6, 2020

I feel like this series has some really great moments, especially some of the more angsty scenes between Sumika and Ushio, but there’s also a lot of pretty meh stuff bundled in with those moments of crazy goodness. Overall series is still really good, but I agree with other commenters that Akemi and the other side characters should have gotten more development.

For the time period this came out in its definitely impressive though. I only got into GL in the past year or so, so I don’t have a great grasp on the history of the genre, but this seems like it’s one of the big series from the 2000’s/early 2010’s alongside stuff like Octave and Girl Friends.

last edited at May 2, 2021 7:52PM

joined Jul 6, 2020

Okay Nanami Touko, whatever you say....

This kinda reads like an angst yagakimi au where Touko never got over her trauma (or met Yuu) and became twisted from pretending all the time.

joined Jul 6, 2020

puts on Saonji yuri goggles I think that part of the reason Saonji is so intent on idolizing Tachibana and viewing her as a god is part of a subconscious defense mechanism to stop herself from falling in love with Tachibana.

She said previously stuff like “that was close, I almost fell in love there” or “If things go on like this it could actually end up like some yuri... I finally made a close friend- I can’t ruin it like this!” In that panel (chapter 20) we can see her take the metaphorical yuri flag and snap it in half with her hands, and since then I think she’s been trying to keep a little bit of distance between herself and Tachibana and maintain their status as a platonic friendship.

By keeping Tachibana on a pedestal Saonji can channel her affection (which might turn to love otherwise) as simply admiration for her as an author. Alongside that, deliberately keeping herself from viewing Tachibana as an equal also serves as a self defense measure to keep Saonji from even envisioning the possibility of a romantic relationship with Tachibana.

joined Jul 6, 2020

I’m such a sucker for scenes where two characters instantly become surprised and/or embarrassed after they realize something gay like “oh shit i DID miss her.....wait what??”

joined Jul 6, 2020

Just in case you forgot who the author was :/

Image Comments 29 Apr 22:05
joined Jul 6, 2020

I'm gonna call it now, they're gonna be confirmed as a couple in season 2

joined Jul 6, 2020

Oh next chapter is the hotel chapter huh.... Be Prepared

Image Comments 29 Apr 12:57
joined Jul 6, 2020

@Lewdholder There's actually a decent amount of thai wlw content. Pulse by Ratana Satis is probably the most famous one, but Garun also has a lot of works set in Thailand (I think they might be thai), and theres some others out there on the site.

joined Jul 6, 2020

These two are so cute together