Hello, police? I want to report a crime. This site has become too pornographic.
2nd story is fuck up
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Flowers that Bloom from Boundaries - Former Part error pg 36 "schol" (school) was fixed
pg 36 "schol" (school)
error was fixed http://hikiden.blogspot.kr/2016/10/flowers-that-bloom-from-bounderies.html
Yuzumori-san Ch. 9 error was fixed https://categoryg.blogspot.kr/2016/10/survival-ch-52-yuzumori-san-ch-9.html Do you know what they changed? :0
Yuzumori-san Ch. 9 error was fixed https://categoryg.blogspot.kr/2016/10/survival-ch-52-yuzumori-san-ch-9.html
Do you know what they changed? :0
Ch. 9, pg 6, "Let's so Shi-chan" ("Let's go")
last edited at Nov 3, 2016 8:35PM
ch 9 pg error was fixed https://categoryg.blogspot.kr/2016/10/survival-ch-52-yuzumori-san-ch-9.html
Ruby-chan wa Maru no Mono zura! pg 15, "I've always wanting", that's an error, it should be "wanted" fixed https://exhentai.org/g/992217/7d25e1db58/
UPDATE: page was fixed
sounds like one of my comics
last edited at Nov 3, 2016 6:30AM
This is weird, I feel like I read this one before.
MakiRinPana’s Lessons on Living Together 2 had an error in pg 30 that was fixed
ch 2 had an error in pg 30 that was fixed
last edited at Nov 3, 2016 7:09AM
Well that answered that question. You couldn't even see the person quoting you literally right above your post. sorry, I didnt notice
pg 15, "I've always wanting", that's an error, it should be "wanted"
fixed https://exhentai.org/g/992217/7d25e1db58/
Ruby-chan wa Maru no Mono zura! error in pg 15, fixed https://exhentai.org/g/992217/7d25e1db58/