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joined Feb 17, 2013

That was fantastic :)

I know we dont seem to get their chapters very often but - would you say these 2 are the next pair closest to becoming a real couple?

joined Feb 17, 2013

Are sunflower fields inherantly romantic? There has been a spate of incidents in the UK of people doing nude shoots in sunflower fields- to the point the farmers union has put out a press release asking them to stop lol.

They are beautiful I guess, but as a hayfever sufferer I'd avoid them like the plauge!

last edited at Aug 20, 2023 1:47PM

joined Feb 17, 2013

Does 'gone' mean she ate him lol?

joined Feb 17, 2013

I wish Zun would just officially marry these 2 lol

joined Feb 17, 2013

They are gonna get some wierd looks when they pop out lol.

joined Feb 17, 2013

^^Also if there is any political or hot topic kinda reasons i still think the exec messed up even from Bandai's view- he just drew attention to it when they'd of been best keeping their mouths shut.

joined Feb 17, 2013

^Yeah- she has others too - her backstory is pretty sad.

joined Feb 17, 2013

^^ I dont really get any bdsm vibes lol - seems sweet and loving.

last edited at Aug 8, 2023 9:39AM

joined Feb 17, 2013

@GestalRoyale Not sure about that- Illia is pretty young- i mean there is an agegap, but im guessing its only about 5-8yr.

joined Feb 17, 2013

'Just in case' what lol.

joined Feb 17, 2013

This chapter was gold, gold, pure gold!! Mayoi the lady killer and the interactions between her and the debate club members are just great, it's like seeing two different series interact, like cameos lol

You can give her as many wacky reactions you want, I will never like Kaoru. She's been a trash-human basically this entire manga and no amount of character growth or goofy faces is going to fix that for me.

Who hurt you bro?

They are NOT wrong though- anyone who thinks otherwise must be in denial imo.

That said, it's been a while and she doesn't seem to be the same person anymore and isn't up to her old tricks -
so while I won't ever trust her 100% or like her much, I like seeing her grow and move on and hope mask is good for her.

People can change - i'd rather she became a better person than not and she deserves a chance at least.

But I can also see why some people dont want anything to do with her - and I can't fault that.

last edited at Jul 31, 2023 7:30AM

joined Feb 17, 2013

I was like Narita-kun all my childhood- the one ALWAYS being super travel sick on all the school trips etc- it SUCKED lol.

It faded as I grew up but I still get it if I do something dumb like try reading for 20 mminutes or so.. As long as im looking out of the windows I wont get it- unless the trip is very long or the road very winding.

last edited at Jul 30, 2023 12:27PM

joined Feb 17, 2013

Is that meant to be appealing to anyone?

joined Feb 17, 2013

^^Maybe its all the inconsistant angles- they really bug me but I dont think Its an AI gen thing - how their bodies are walking straight toward the screen but their heads are looking off to the side, and the crosswalk is NOT lined up with their direction of travel - like they have started crossing it diagonally for some reason.

joined Feb 17, 2013

^I was just thinking that lol. Its not like its even illegal anywhere -yet. And even if it was it would be almost impossible to prove- and you certainly couldnt stop people generating things like your work.
It reminds me of people who put a fair use disclaimer in their video- like it has any impact on the bots striking them down.

joined Feb 17, 2013

@lord-of-roses depends on the setting - ive seen times it'd count as both. Personally i'd call it one- but she looks like she'd be happy even if it took all 3!

@Kojiro481 So true! Shame it came out back when yuri was so rare.. Only i'd say 300% lol.

last edited at Jul 25, 2023 2:44PM

joined Feb 17, 2013

lol - joke or airhead?

joined Feb 17, 2013

Damn, I knew it was ending soon.. Its a shame, nearly ALL the long running series i've been following have ended now- this is one of the last.

@NeoCervantes Your loss. You know how many amazing stories out there are not even slightly yuri? A shame you will never read them.. And then there's ones like this that is totally full of the love between 2 girls- and just because it isn't portrayed in a specific way, you dismiss it.. Even if it doesn't end yuri- (which it seems like it will) their relationship has been fantastic to follow. Because I like yuri, I also very much enjoy stories that feature girls only or mostly even when they have no romantic elements. Im amazed someone who says they like yuri does NOT seem to enjoy stories about girls without het romance- i'd think that a fundemental requirement to also enjoying when it is romantic.

There IS no strength envolved. You are looking to stories like this and miss sunflower etc totally wrong. You are treating them all as yuri stories where you have to wait 10 years for the payout- instead of just stories about a group of girls and their relationships and lives. (with a posibility of yuri occuring but it not being the point of the story).. in exactly the same way you presumably enjoyed Nanoha.

Some series like this (even setting aside its actual yuri secondary relationships) Has far more meaningful relationships between girls than many actual yuri where they have sex within a few chapters but are otherwise quite shallow.

You are going to miss a ton of amazing yuri adjacent content - and the fault will be with you and how you have chose to view them not the stories themselves.

I know its not my place to tell you how or what to enjoy- but you DID come into the thread for this story- a place full of it's fans and slag it off. I feel Im entitled to this much- but I won't drag it out further.

last edited at Jul 16, 2023 2:42PM

joined Feb 17, 2013

Got any thoughts on that Reimu lol?

joined Feb 17, 2013

Lol at princess carry! Is that tag a joke lol?

joined Feb 17, 2013

p.s Does Alice count as a yokai? I know she isnt human but the people in makai were devils i think- does that count as a type of yokai? And her mom was the godess so maybe she isnt a devil either - or half devil half god? who knows..

Yes, magicians who perform life extending rituals become youkai. Abandoning part of your humanity is viewed as a negative thing. Thus they are viewed as some form of evil.

Has it ever been stated Alice performed those life extending rituals? If she was created as a devil by her godess mom she wouldnt NEED to do such rituals - devils probably live as long as yokai.
Also- she didnt GIVE UP any humanity even if she did cast them because she never WAS a human.

I never got the impression she had cast them anyway or needed to- she is always portrayed as being very young- probably the same age as marisa and reimu- and also not advanced enough as a new witch to cast that sort of spell.

And if she was never human anyway she wouldnt even need to.

joined Feb 17, 2013

That was both cute and hot!
That said, I dont think they need a game as an excuse- if either suggested they spend some time kissing im sure the other would be fine with that lol.

Also- lol at the credit page.
Im not sure we will ever see those 2 progress to a legit relationship or sex.

last edited at Jul 14, 2023 10:00AM

joined Feb 17, 2013

Very cute lol. I love the alice/marisa pair as an idiot couple.

p.s I dont think alice is bothered about the chair- marisa only has socks on for one thing. I think she cares about/is embaressed about it being improper - i.e you can see up marisa's dress!

joined Feb 17, 2013

Even without yuri a good touhou like this is a lot of fun :)
Wish there was still as much touhou being done as their used to be.

p.s Does Alice count as a yokai? I know she isnt human but the people in makai were devils i think- does that count as a type of yokai? And her mom was the godess so maybe she isnt a devil either - or half devil half god?
But i know not all supernatural beings can also be called yokai- like ogres and ghosts and fairies etc..Do tengu class as yokai? not sure..

last edited at Jul 14, 2023 8:57AM

joined Feb 17, 2013

^Thats cool then, that the series to go that direction was also yuri. It seems a shame tho, i'd think i;d be more invested in the series's if they had more relationship stuff- but i guess most of its fans just wanna see mecha fight - and that never interested me - so i guess im just not the correct demographic for it.

last edited at Jul 13, 2023 8:47PM