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joined Jun 27, 2022

This work seems to be pretty lighthearted compared Kitanai Kimi. But then again there are some huge red flags and it's only the second chapter. Either way looks good so far

joined Jun 27, 2022

Yeah, I understand that, if she only does compensate dating without cheating, it would be OK telling Nanase

But here we have Nanase putting Asahina in the spot, into very embarrassing and humiliating situation
Nanase does not ask about circumstances, she's just assuming that Yuni will be there, cheering on her.
Nanase is cruel, totally insensitive. She will be surrounded with girls from club, spend night with them, and she asks Asahina to come ALONE and wander around

It's completely selfish and inconsiderate.

There's no chance that Yuni can tell her about lacking money
without humiliating herself more than gaining money even by prostitution

That's why this manga is so interesting. All morally questionable things are challenged and justified

Nanases just asked her to come, the normal thing to do would be to talk about it that she can't go because of financial reasons. She's still a minor, there's nothing humiliating about admitting it. Instead she just agrees and basically prostitutes herself to go. And that Fuko uses her economic power to pressure her just shows what a toxic manipulative player she is.

You think all the backstabbing and cheating is ok because she's just 17 and doesnt know how to cope with a girlfriend that is neglecting her? Same goes for Nanase, it's her first relationship and she too is figuring things out. And man at least she's trying and getting better, meanwhile Yuni keeps playing around with Fuuko.

Nanase ain't cruel, just inexperienced and not considerate enough. Yuni on the other hand is total trash for cheating and lying to her. Fuuko is pretty scummy as well, shes emotionaly torturing yuni to get what she wants, exploiting all her insecurities and weaknesses to push her over the edge.

People tend to like Fuuko cause she's beautiful, charming, confidant and wealthy for her age. The way she courts yuni is incredibly toxic though, she really uses all means necessary, willingly hurting and blaming yuni in the process. She's blackmailing and stripping yuni of her self worth. There's nothing healthy about their relationship at all, that people tend to defend her and fuukos actions is really funny to me. I don't see Yuni beeing very happy here, just torn up by guilt.

And don't come with why people who complain about fuuko and yuni are even reading this. Imo cheating is the worst thing you can do in a relationship but I still love this Manga. It's interesting and beautifully drawn, doesn't mean one has to like the scumbags in it.

joined Jun 27, 2022

Not to be a contrarian but I think Eri genuinely likes the guy. If she was using him just to test Fuyuki, keeping the relationship a secret from Fuyuki wouldn't make any sense.

At the same time, the fact Eri thinks Fuyuki would try to distance herself from them if she knew they're dating is kinda suspicious. It makes me think Eri actually knows of Fuyuki's feelings for her. But she wants to have her pie and eat it too. She wants to date the guy but keep Fuyuki at her side as well. In simple terms, I think she's really selfish. But like I said before, I don't have a lot of evidence for this yet. It's just the impression I got.

Yup, she's not off to a good start. But still, Fuyuki seems to be very considerate so maybe that's why she wants to keep it a secret, even though it's really dumb and something you can't hide for long...

Just saying even if Fuyuki is not in love with her, it's no fun to hang around your two best friends who just got together as single. No one wants to be the 5th wheel.

Considering the first pages though it seems they had a fall out eventually. My guess is Fuyuki will date another woman to get over her first love and they'll drift even more apart. This Author really likes complicated, messy relationships

last edited at Feb 27, 2023 7:39AM

joined Jun 27, 2022

Blech, cheaters are absolute scum who should be kicked to the curb and damned, no exception. They have no consideration for their partner’s feelings and are selfish assholes. Even if the girl didn’t mind the cheating itself (for some dumb reason), it still ended up bothering her, and really throws off this “maternal feelings” excuse she gives for still wanting to be with him. Why the fuck would you still wanna hang around and care for someone who has proven multiple times that they don’t care about you at all? I mean, she took a big step forward and confronted him about his cheating and broke up with him! Then she does a fuckin marathon sprint backwards and goes back to living with him and buying him fuckin cakes? Seriously?

Either the author is pulling a pro gamer move and setting up this woman to be a real looney tune with a red flag on her back so big she looks like she’s cosplaying superman, or maybe they’re trying to treat her as a genuinely well adjusted character and trying to make us look at her like how the protagonist does, like “oh sure she’s a little odd…bUt ShEs JuSt So HaWt I cAnT eVeN!” Considering the author just had Kyouko freak out for a second but then go “oh okay” after she explained her dumbass “maternal” reason for staying with him, I’m pretty sure their intention here is to genuinely try to pitch us this character as believable and someone who DOESN’T have some major problems, even though she clearly does to any casual observer. Hell, even her weirdly calm, kinda yandere-ish vibes that other people have noticed were probably unintentional on the author’s part. But when you make a character that makes fuckin insane choices with stupid reasoning, everything else they do is gonna look crazy too.

Idk, I’m just worried for the direction of this manga. Hope it turns around quick.

Couldn't agree more, it's so dumb I almost lost all interest.

joined Jun 27, 2022

It kinda bothers me after the cheating she's still so Casual with her ex "Baba-kun" lol. It all feels so contrived and non sensical, I assume this is nothing more than a stupid gag Yuri Comedy?

joined Jun 27, 2022

I love how the mother told her highschool kid to use her boobs for seduction

joined Jun 27, 2022

Finally they made up and their relationship can develop properly. It would have made no sense for her to confess, she never once thought of her romantically so give it time

joined Jun 27, 2022

Since when are titles basically the synopsis.

Oh wow, you're so new to this! I'm a little envious.

It's incredible dumb, but I guess that's the point and no one takes this shit seriously

joined Jun 27, 2022

Since when are titles basically the synopsis. Art is not bad, love the wholesome orc and boobs

joined Jun 27, 2022

Forgot this one existed. It ended with 12 chapters plus a bonus story. If I'm not mistaken it was an open ending but I didnt read the bonus story to see if they ended up together
Ah yes this chapter reminded me that I never like this dude's personality

It's not an open Ending, both girls end up together but the issue is that there is so much screentime with you and Ren. Ren kinda assaults you and blackmails her to spend time together with him, and she even starts liking him, even though he is a major cunt.

There's too much het action and barely any Yuri even though it's supposed to be a Yuri manga. It also got axed, can't recommend this shit show to people who like some good Yuri

last edited at Sep 25, 2022 7:13PM by OrangePekoe

joined Jun 27, 2022

Nanase has no business of getting angry or jealous. She chose sport over Yuni. She chose to ignore Yuni, She does not even know how to treat a lover, as in, she is supposed to say "cute" when asked, but instead "You look different today". Fuuko actually answered the question correctly and more (You are ichiban cutest), without seeing Yuni's phone. She may be a manipulating bitch. but at least she did not harm Yuni.
There are two panels on this chapter show the major difference. Panel one shows Yuni now standing up by herself; Meanwhile the very last panel shows Fuuko (after kissing Yuni who cried over Fuuko's shoulders) and says "I guess it will be OK". Compare the last panel in the (parate) translation, what Fuuko says is different from my own understanding of the text.

Ah yes, she didn't call her cute so all the cheating and backstabbing is ok. Nanase is at fault for neglecting her, but she realizes that and is trying to change for the better. Yuni didn't even give her a chance, instead of communicating she started an affair. Nanase has every right to be angry.

Yuni is incredible flawed and tbh pretty scummy, she knows full well what she doing is wrong and is absolutely torn by guilt but still uses Fuko to fill her emptiness. She doesn't love Yuni but has no problem fucking her. There's nothing wholesome about fuko either, the low key blackmailing, exploiting Yunis insecurity, using economic power to pressure her, she's is a big yikes.

Yuni could have ended the relationship before doing all of this, but now they prolly break up with Nanase heartbroken and scarred for quite some time. It just baffles me how people can defend Yuni or like Fuko. Even the author admitted that Yuni is a trashy person.

I enjoy this manga a lot, but I think it's important to realize that what Yuni is doing is inexcusable and damaging her. This won't end well for both of them, and don't see a happy end for Fuko either since chances are slim Yuni will ever love her. It's a huge trainwreck, and I love it

last edited at Aug 27, 2022 10:12AM

joined Jun 27, 2022

In the latest Twitter post of author Iwami, she herself said that Yuni truly is a bad Person. Can't agree more, theres no excuse for what she is doing. Fuko is a manpulative cunning bitch but don't blame the Player.

Nanase might have neglected her but shes trying her best, I hope once she finds out she blasts Yuni straight up to the moon. Love this trainwreck

joined Jun 27, 2022

This reminds me of my youth, I had a girlfriend like Nanase and it was hard. She was mainly focused on her hobbies and friends even though she made a move on me. I came like third place while I put my partner on first place after family. It's really unhealthy when one side doesn't have as much to fill her life, if Yu had more hobbies and stuff to do, to grow as a person she wouldn't be as vulnerable to fukos manipulation. This story kinda hits home. But yeah there's no real winner here, Nanase will be heartbroken, Yu suffered of her guilty conscience and Fuko will only score an unhealthy relationship.

There's no greater currency in a relationship than trust and they don't have it. Tbh it's hard to care about the characters here because they all suck lol, I really dig the art though it's simply erotic. Oh yeah it doesn't matter what Nanase did, cheating is wrong. Yu should break up and that's that, but yeah they are just kids so what are you gonna do

joined Jun 27, 2022

Good thing mei ended with Sayo and no poly. I think the accidentally kiss between Rina and Sayo, was to show that Rina isn't actually that much in love with mei or dedicated to her. For Sayo it did nothing though, I'm glad they got properly together

joined Jun 27, 2022

Interesting, I think our mc already evolved a little since she didn't give in to Karen's temptation. Yep she's super thirsty and in need of love since her heartbreak, but meeting all those lovely girls she's hesitating.

But by god I hope it won't be polyamory/polygamy. Imo It's the chicken way out and even more ridiculous.

joined Jun 27, 2022

This cliffhanger is so mean, I wanna know real bad why riri is in possession of Karin's key and the reason she came by with snacks and drinks.

I didn't check the thing with the five senses untill I read the comments lol