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Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Thank you to everyone whose effort kept this long series translated for the past decade, right to the end


So many wonderful stories have been ending recently, it makes me sad but immensely grateful. You scanlators rock!

joined Jan 11, 2022

I predict Yvonne will get to the tavern only to find that Elsa has been captured, bound and gagged, and is now slowly being lowered into a giant bowl of oatmeal!

Only one way to rescue her: Yvonne must solve all the riddles in a scroll before it's too late!

"There are three men on a boat. They have 4 cigarettes but don't have fire. How do they smoke?"

They throw one cigarette off the boat and use the boat, obviously making the boat lighter!

last edited at Oct 25, 2022 6:45AM

joined Jan 11, 2022

I'm so sad that it's over, but what an absolutely adorable story! Every month I would check for an update (Thank you scanlators!) and seeing an update to this particular manga always made my day.

It did end a little too suddenly but it was fine, I hope the success of this series perhaps encourages a more mature college manga with the same characters. I can dream!

I'll leave a song I feel fits the mood, at least for me.

last edited at Oct 23, 2022 8:22AM

joined Jan 11, 2022

I think my issue remains that I don't like to be told how to feel about a character and a situation. It feels like the author and the manga wants me to understand and be prepared to forgive Shiho, and I don't feel either of those things. We've all read a million stories with exactly these type of scenarios where the characters don't act like huge jackasses. I'm sure many of us have also been in Shiho's position of knowing the person we like likes someone else and haven't turned into raging assholes about it.

Agreed, Shiho is far too cruel to the people around her, it sucks when it's so obvious you're being "primed" by the author to forgive a piece of shit character. Also in such an obvious way.

Put another way, if Shiho was a guy, then she'd be an incel, a "nice guy", or just a plain bully, and I don't think anyone would want her to have a redemption arc.

100% agree, Shiho the raging incel/bully.

last edited at Oct 21, 2022 9:00AM

joined Jan 11, 2022

Kosuzume-san can you please adopt me?

last edited at Oct 20, 2022 4:10PM

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Like many others in this thread have pointed out, the art is fantastic! I also love the story so far too!

But this is the REALLY serious question: How is that ice not floating?!
(First page of chapter 10)

I think this "ice" are pieces of fruit (probably peaches, they are pinkish-white). Cant confirm thoug.

I was thinking that at first too, but they're kind of chunky and there's bubbles rising up from them. Very big plot questions.

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

God, I love this manga so much. Every chapter was mentally laying down in super fluffy, comfy bedding.
Thank you so much scanlators for providing this translation very consistently and at such high quality, you are wonderful people.

If I had one complaint about this series as a whole, as other people have pointed out.. It's played SO safe. I really really wish there was some "I love you" from Ms. Sunflower to Matsuri ( I know it's not needed, just my preference.) Also I would have preferred it if Shou confessed to Ayami, but I guess they're going to be relegated to something similar to the two MCs.

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Like many others in this thread have pointed out, the art is fantastic! I also love the story so far too!

But this is the REALLY serious question: How is that ice not floating?!
(First page of chapter 10)

last edited at Oct 15, 2022 7:38AM

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

This chapter could have absolutely been the end of the series and it would have been extremely fitting. Instead, it is the beginning of this final volume, and I am shaking in anticipation of seeing where it brings us.

We're really here. After all of these years we're finally here. It's been a long time since I've gotten to see the end of a series that I've followed for so long.

I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it enough times that I don't remember the count. I'll be forever grateful to Kawaii Scans, who introduced me to what has become one of my favorite manga of all time. I'll also be forever grateful to Gouma-den who took over the reins and brought us to the finish line. Thank you so much to everyone involved in bringing us what is, in my opinion, one of the best manga on Dynasty Scans. I both look forward to and dread seeing what's in store for us in the end.


Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

I almost didn't read this manga because of the.. strange art style. So so glad I kept with it because now I look forward to every release!

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

This series is wonderful and woefully underrated. A heartfelt thank you to goon squad for scanlating this manga.

joined Jan 11, 2022

I love this series so much. Thank you very much to schuyguy and everyone helping scanlate this series since the start.
This is the penultimate chapter, right? God, I won't know what to do with myself without having this series to look forward to every month.

last edited at Sep 23, 2022 9:25AM

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Glad there's actual progress even though it will probably mean the manga is going to end soon, I hope I'm wrong.

Yuri has trained me to expect the series to abruptly end when conflict resolution finally draws near ;_;
I'd love to see things perhaps go in the vein of Can't Deny The Lonely Girl and keep going after all of this.. I guess the mindgames count as buildup?

last edited at Sep 17, 2022 7:36AM

joined Jan 11, 2022

I beg to differ! I know this is supposed to be a clever little quip, but boy is it wrong if you think about it for two seconds. There are plenty of things in life that are so bad that they cross over into making my life less happy because they exist. This isn't one of them -- I don't personally hate this manga, I begrudgingly take the bad with the good and there's enough good for me to still be here -- but there are plenty of things I genuinely hate and it doesn't make my criticism of those things less valid if I voice my criticism of them rather than "being indifferent" and not saying anything.

I'll freely admit that the famous quote at the end was clumsily used as quip, as it is widely used in terms of relationships.
What I was trying to showcase was the emotional attachment or interest many claimed to have in this series being shallowly discarded because of something portrayed in the story that they found reprehensible. As to whether the quote itself and the idea behind is "wrong" or not, that is something I will suggest you google on your own as it is widely used by experts in multiple fields related to mental health.

joined Jan 11, 2022

Guess I'll throw my two cents in like everybody else! First of all I really love this story, the suspense is killing me. Thank you very much to the scanlation team! I don't know if I can keep waiting, I might have to just read the LN. Anyway.

Was it rape? Absolutely. As someone above said, if it were a man in a similar situation he would be crucified (and rightly so). Does that make me (and most of you I'd wager, who aren't paying a dime) less interested in the story? No. I think all of these protestations and "Was reading intently until now, dropped" comments are so funny. Of course the majority of you are going to keep reading the series, it costs you nothing and the art is top notch.

Remember, the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. I don't see any indifference in this thread.

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

What a wonderfully messy romance this is. I can't wait to see it finished! Thanks so much for picking this series back up Gouma-Den!

joined Jan 11, 2022

I was re-reading the side stories from the beginning, and Iori is a real jerk to Minami, no matter how you look at it. She beats her up and manipulates her emotionally.

At this point, I'm sure the author is doing it on purpose. She's not condoning, or promoting it, as some people would like you to think, she's just sampling various possible types of relationship between people.

Iori and Mianmi's a dysfunctional relationship, based on co-dependency. Iori comes across as a self-centered jerk, addicted on booze and mobile games, who would end up in a ditch somewhere if Minami wasn't there to pick her up.

Minami comes across as insecure, desperate to be loved, who takes being beaten up as a form of love, and with a savior complex.

Their couple lasts only because they're co-dependent in a fucked up way.

I think the author is perfectly aware that her characters are flawed and, in some aspects, dis-likable or infuriating, but that's what she wants to write (hence, the title): relationships that hold up against all odds.

This 100%

joined Jan 11, 2022

So checking twitter, there seem to be only 2 chapters left for this to end, which is kinda expected i guess?, im more surprised with the author actually giving us all these chapters after they got together

Tweet by the Author
Tweet by Yurihime Editor

That hurts my soul. All good things must come to an end crying

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Cute chapter, love everything about it.

joined Jan 11, 2022

Kiku is too good for these people, she's doing all the work and getting called a weirdo and creepy. Unless there's some flashblack chapter that explains the breakup (Which there probably will be) she should find someone that actually loves her back.

joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks for scanlating this! That's a rough ending, I don't know why but an "ending" like this is way worse (to me) than something like Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii. At least with that I felt something.

Yung Pobo
joined Jan 11, 2022

Really appreciate the continued work on this series!

joined Jan 11, 2022

Really like this series, just binged the whole thing and wow - I might have to do it again! Thanks for scanlating this!

joined Jan 11, 2022

That was probably the roughest ending I have yet to experience (outside of axed series). I really enjoyed the story so much, though!

Thank you to the scanlators, you're all very epic.

joined Jan 11, 2022

Made a fresh new meme out of that "We are creatures who need games to breathe, or we'll die"
it spoke to me on a spiritual level.

last edited at Jun 26, 2022 7:35AM