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joined Jan 1, 2022

Give Elf her lewds.

Page 12 seems to imply that she indeed got what she wanted.

joined Jan 1, 2022

What kind of squirrel has a tail like that? The ones I see all have a bushier tail that goes in an s shape (though in the winter they press it against their backs).

joined Jan 1, 2022

I like the main characters' dynamic, but the tiger girl is definitely right about expensive clothing. It may be more comfortable or more durable, but the thing that actually makes it that expensive is conspicuous consumption and clout chasing..

Kill Switch discussion 02 Jul 21:31
joined Jan 1, 2022

I'm really interested in what Hwayeon has been thinking so far. This was the obvious outcome from the beginning, and she clearly anticipated it given all the stuff she's done, so why did she let it happen? As has also been obvious and as they discuss in this chapter, the only reason Hwayeon and Jeongwon aren't dating is because Hwayeon doesn't reciprocate her feelings, except that she obviously does now, so what makes her so against dating Jeongwon? Earlier, when she admitted to being jealous of Jisoo, couldn't she have easily said, "I'm jealous of her because I'm in love with you, let's start going out officially"? Does she have some kind of romantic trauma? Was she just that attached to not feeling committed? Why would she feel that way when she so clearly wants commitment, and is easily able to admit that to herself?

joined Jan 1, 2022

Gah I love these two. I've wanted the actual manga to go full blown Yuri for so long and not just a bunch of subtext lol.

I feel like they'll get there eventually, but it'll probably amount like one kiss at the end of the manga.

joined Jan 1, 2022

This is a cute manga. It has made me feel good.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Was this dropped?

joined Jan 1, 2022

Just read chapter 7. What the fuck? Someone get Blade on the phone, this shit is unconscionable.

joined Jan 1, 2022

My prediction is that none of them ultimately end up together and they all regret everything. They'll learn their lessons and maybe be better people in the future. Except maybe one of them will just be miserable and/or a worse person and/or dead, to make it a bit more tragic. Probably Fuuko.

joined Jan 1, 2022

"Garth is the only love interest I can trust" yeah you can trust him to help Elsa woo you, Yvonne. haha good job outsmarting yourself

If she wanted someone who'd go for it anyway, she should have picked a scummier guy lol.

last edited at May 15, 2022 1:28PM

joined Jan 1, 2022

Yeah you go Watanabe! You confess first, you lose the power. Fight-o!

Also if being sisters means it's more than friendship but less than romantic love, then I reckon most people are going to not want Yoshioka and Watanabe to be sisters. But I do want them to be sisters because that is the vibe they have.

Well, they're the same year, right? So they wouldn't fit the soeur pattern.

I think that the angle will be that Yoshioka is going for straight romantic love, while Watanabe tries desperately to fit some soeur-esque idealized yuri model, only to be completely bulldozed by the gyaru.

joined Jan 1, 2022

So did past Nana get replaced by present Nana when she returned to the future? Did her mind get erased? Did the senpai in this chapter experience the future Nana going to the past and encouraging her? It seems like not, but then why did the future change?

joined Jan 1, 2022

I feel lied to. There are no homosexual bionicles in this story.

joined Jan 1, 2022

This is interesting, but it's so slow! I'm dying over here.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Aw man. I suppose I can see the appeal in them both just dying, but I wanted to see how much deeper they could go. What would have happened if they actually had tried to go back? How would they even have begun to deal with that? How would things have shaken out with their classmates, and would anyone in their lives sympathize with them?

joined Jan 1, 2022

She's kind of clever for someone who's such a fucking moron.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I don't think the thing inside her is anything other than her own desires. I think the truth in this series has always been that while Utena does feel admiration towards the magical girls, her lust towards them has always been stronger, so trying to let admiration win and accept her defeat when she still has the chance to molest them would obviously end up like this. A team-up against her is entirely possible, but this series has always been very pro- Utena letting loose, so I'd be surprised if this new transformation is treated as being totally a bad thing, and I'd be SHOCKED if she ends up as less of a degenerate after this battle.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Yes, Yoshioka, you've got it right.

joined Jan 1, 2022

This is very cute. I like the tension and discomfort that the power imbalance creates.

last edited at Feb 3, 2022 7:58PM

joined Jan 1, 2022

What is it with anime girls and cockroaches? They're not even in the top ten scariest bugs imo.

joined Jan 1, 2022

This setup has a ton of comedy potential. I'm really excited to see where this goes. The whole "class S" setup is ripe for subversion and parody, and I can't wait to see our protagonists crash headlong into it.

joined Jan 1, 2022

You gotta wonder why the Magia Trio are chasing them at all. They do nothing to people. They just turn up, and the magical girls are immediately like "evildoers, we will destroy you".

It's kinda like they deserve the torture they get...

Like, they don't seem to even be smart enough to notice Baiser isn't killing them even though she has every opportunity to.

To be fair, her constantly molesting them is also reason enough for them to want to beat the crap out of her. Also, the mascots seem to have some deeper beef.

joined Jan 1, 2022

So Magenta's "trigger" is her friends? I guess that means Baiser-chan will have to kidnap them to use them against her. That's classic villain shit, she's really making progress. This chapter she even revealed that she's fully given up on the concept of a conscience, which might also be progress given that in chapter 21 she felt guilty about causing collateral damage, but that might've just been because she wasn't transformed that chapter and was also feeling guilty about what she did to Azul.

joined Jan 1, 2022

This story seems bizarre thematically. All of the characters are treating this situation as though the big moral question here is "do some people deserve to die?" which is a decent theme to base a story around. But shouldn't they first be questioning whether the president in particular deserves that power given that he's an obvious psycho who thinks schoolyard bullying deserves the death penalty? If he had actually been trying to kill someone as bad as Akira's dad the scenes with Akira and with the vice president would have felt more natural, but as it stands I just want to tear my hair out and scream at the characters because the entire premise of this "argument" is fucking stupid!

joined Jan 1, 2022

I just love that Rei doesn't care, I precisely read romance to escape IRL politics, so I hope she just keeps ignoring it.

In the light novel it's more explicit that she's just holding her tongue here. If you're looking for an apolitical manga jump ship now lmao.