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joined Sep 25, 2019

"My romantic partner isn't a good reason to choose a school so I'll go to school somewhere else if it's a better school"

Unless every confectionary school in Tokyo is hot garbage, choosing a slightly better school elsewhere just because it's slightly better when you have a REALLY good reason to want to study in Tokyo would be nothing short of moronic.

It's not like you're trying to get on Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsey, any decent confectionary school is totally fine and throwing your relationship away just for a slightly better school that won't really make any meaningful difference in the end would be PEAK useless lesbian, fookin' hell. I would actually quit this story if it goes in that direction, because that's exactly the cheap forced-in drama I hate in storytelling.

joined Sep 25, 2019
I keep forgetting how long Kokeshi's limbs are, and her massive yaoi hands.
With fingers like that, I see why she's so instantly populare with girls!

joined Sep 25, 2019

"The boobs I love belong to the girl I love!" has great "Believe in the me that believes in you" energy.

joined Sep 25, 2019

She got over the cold but not the fever.
If you know what I mean.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Oh fuck off Japan, calling 52.6kg overweight for an adult woman. God I hope no one reads this as a serious weight-loss manga over there, they'll bloody kill themselves.

While I agree that it's probably be better to deal with a more average person, a weight in the lower 40s of kg isn't unusual for a serious, young, female, long distance runner. If they'd said she was a gymnast, if probably would have been more believable, but still not an average person for sure.

And yes, there is a disconnect between the kind of training that a long distance runner does to get there, and the kind of low calorie diet plus light exercise that this manga is using, but that doesn't mean that everything held within is bad advice.

The recipes themselves seem pretty normal for diet food.

She's not a long distance runner anymore though, and rapidly dropping to the weight-class of one without the physical exercise side of the regiment sounds superbly unhealthy, especially since it seems like they're dieting mostly through food management. (They're doing some physical exercise thankfully, but it's all pretty light weight.)

When I think about it more, the fact that she lost about 5kg in a month without seemingly doing any kind of "real" exercise slightly worries me that she may in fact be eating too little to compensate. It's of course possible that she lost the weight healthily, but I wouldn't recommend real people try to mimic her regiment expecting similar results.
(Especially since they were apparently aiming to get her down to below 49kg by now, which would definitely have been an unhealthy amount of weight loss.)

The fact that the average japanese woman's weight is 57kg really puts into perspective how misguided I think her goal of getting below 49kg is.
She doesn't seem to be smaller than anyone else in particular, and 8kg below the average person is definitely a level of difference that needs particular circumstances to be warranted, such as being a long-distance runner's or having an otherwise very active lifestyle.

She is perfectly healthy and not at all overweight at a mere 52kg, she even managed to compete with her wife gal pal in a race despite the wife gal pal being healthy and in-shape. If you're truly overweight then racing against someone who's not isn't a matter of "Oh I can still win I'll just ache in the morning," if you're carrying like 8 extra kilos on you, you would need to have proportionally stronger muscles to still be faster.

The more I analyze the details of this manga, the more I begin to question if the author of this even knows what being overweight means. Almost every part of it is screaming "tehe toxic japanese weight culture" to me, from perfectly healthy people being "overweight" to weight goals being cripplingly underweight to dramatic weight losses being considered "unsuccessful and below expectations."

last edited at Jun 26, 2022 10:22AM

joined Sep 25, 2019

Oh fuck off Japan, calling 52.6kg overweight for an adult woman. God I hope no one reads this as a serious weight-loss manga over there, they'll bloody kill themselves.

Losing 5kg in a month is... teetering on the edge of extreme. Healthy weight loss is no more than 1kg per week, but seeing as months can range between 4 and 5 weeks, she's just barely on the margin between healthy and extremely unhealthy rapid weight loss. And this was still somehow below what they were expecting?

Please, for the love of God people, do not take ANY advice from this manga.
Fuck, after looking into it, the average weight of an asian woman is literally 57kg, that's the weight she started at!

last edited at Jun 24, 2022 5:05PM

joined Sep 25, 2019

Just gals being pals and eating chocolate together!

joined Sep 25, 2019

Kokeshi bonking someone else for being too horny?? Has the world gone mad!?

joined Sep 25, 2019

oh a world where an lgbtq+ crush is seen as normal by the general population, can't wait for that to be real

but seriously, these two talked it out like normal human beings?!?!? what kind of yuri sorcery is this?

It's real in some places. Not like, country sized places, but there are definitely general communities where anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry is just an extremist minority.

joined Sep 25, 2019

RIP Nezumi, we hardly knew ye.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Oh dear Lawd she's finally become a full-fledged degenerate just like the others!

Also, tiny tit talks.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Personally, I really dig this translation. I wouldn't say it's "better" or "worse" just different, with a charm all its own.

last edited at May 31, 2022 5:29PM

joined Sep 25, 2019

I liked the story, but I’m not sure how this relates to the title at all. I mean, she called her an angel at some point, but that’s pretty much the only thing I could find that was even kinda related to the title. I was thinking the yuri goddess would be helping out or something.

I think the idea is that she looks up to her as a goddess, and said goddess actively encourages her to confess to her and pursue her romantically, hence the name.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Really working on those infomercial auditions, isn't she?

joined Sep 25, 2019

I was about to say she missed her chance to wish FOR a monster girl harem since it's her dream and all, but then I realized that she kinda already has that, doesn't she?

Life's good when you're an electric massager.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Tanned-Gyaru-Ojiou-sama Blessed combo.


joined Sep 25, 2019

...Is that a pube in the top right panel? Is Haruka the first character of the series who doesn't shave?!


joined Sep 25, 2019

People are defending him saying that the criticism stems simply from the fact that he's a man, when the reality is that he's acting as if he can decide for Saho, as if she owes him something for his two years of one-sided flirting. Plus, taking into account the cultural context (as a commenter described perfectly earlier), the fact that he is a man probably does play a role in this, and it's possible the situation would have played out differently if he were a woman. (Of course, given Saho's personality, it could very well have gone exactly the same, but at least there wouldn't be all this —unintentional— pressure from her environment).

I feel like you're reading the narrative backwards.
No one's saying he should get a pass on his pushiness "just because he's a man", we're saying that the cultural context explains his behaviour without intrinsically making him a bad person.

He doesn't "act like he can decide for Saho" at all, he just thinks his feelings are reciprocated because she's never been anything but positive towards him even after he's literally said outright that he wants to be her boyfriend. The fact that he's been allowed to flirt with her so explicitly for two years without getting rejected even once has simply convinced him that she is interested just hesitant about his sincerity, and consequently that what he needs to do is be as frank and direct as humanly possible. (Which is why he's so direct during the confession, he thinks that's what she wants him to do.)

Though yes, he's too touchy with her during the confession, but it's not because he's an asshole. He just misread her signals and thought they were closer than they really were.

Furthermore, no one was saying that his behaviour would've been more accepted if he was a woman in-universe, we were referring to the discussion section here on the forums. That if a woman had behaved like that to another woman, a lot of the people who are calling this man creepy would've been much more accepting of the exact same behaviour simply because it was yuri. (Which isn't a strange bias, this is a place to look for yuri after all.)

I feel that comparing the situation in this manga to the real-life situation of "pressure in the workplace for waitresses" is somewhat misguided. Everyone involved seems like good friends and I don't get the impression that the author intended for the possible pressure of being in their workplace environment to be relevant to the story or the characters' decisions.

As in, I don't think her indecisiveness in rejecting him had much really to do with feeling pressured by her workplace to not be rude to a customer. I think she was just really dense and truly didn't think he was serious with it despite the very obvious and direct approach.

last edited at May 20, 2022 6:44PM

joined Sep 25, 2019

Also, real surprised by all the people on her defending the creepy man. Ugh.

Could be the nicest one guy on earth and people here will still manage to found something to say anyway if it's a W/W/M triangle. Honestly, it's not as creepy as people make it sound and if it was a girl, nobody would have bat an eye.


joined Sep 25, 2019

Miyata: I told her not to hand that in to the school.
Teacher: It has her approval?

Me: What part of that sounded like approval to you? õ_Õ

The part where she knew, and seemingly accepted, that the journal was being written. She just didn’t approve of it being submitted.

It doesn't actually imply that she was fine with the journal at all though, merely that she's aware it exists and didn't want it turned in to the school. I get your point though, it's likely the intended read and I just don't feel it's the natural one.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Keep Japanese culture in mind, and you will extract more flavor from this chapter

In Japan, being direct is often considered rude, with some degree of "preserving face" for another party as in Chinese and other East-Asian culture. Being too direct might be seen as insulting, as a faux pas, or as aggressive. There's some leeway for not taking an obvious hint and for keeping pressure on, but the norm is figuratively and literally turning away from arguments. Women are often expected to be even more indirect and passive, which enables persistent men to push or cross boundaries. And women being less blunt also can give the impression their opinions are less solid. When a man in manga is badgering like Kenji and not being told off (such as in Hikizan Tautology), he's on one level supposed to take the hint and very rude for missing or ignoring it, and on another level he can be seen as sympathetic as he isn't conditioned to take hints as seriously from women. Kenji had years of soft rejections, and his traditionalist biases and sense of entitlement won out for years before he was willing to risk an uncomfortable direct answer.

Kaho isn't a total airhead. She didn't return interest in Kenji, or even reflect on what he wanted. She told him stuff like "you're going on about that again" and ignored blatant flirting. She gives constant soft rejections. She never indicated he had absolutely no chance, and she never said statements with finality. She was acting how a humble passive woman is expected to, especially in customer service. Being too gentle and conflict-averse further softens a person's soft rejections. Kaho couldn't even look at the guy's face when rejecting him! With all this in mind, turning him down was a huge moment because she's not only making a big decision but going against how she lives and is expected to live! Then Tamaki was much more direct, and Kaho immediately accepted her, that was great~

And all the other stuff in this story! Tamaki getting attached, and her expressions contrasting Kaho, Kaho just folding immediately at the end. The different body types and Kaho's appearance being only a bit relevant. I wonder what a manga with Tamaki and Kaho in bands would be like, music came up as a connection then didn't matter...

Absolutely THIS.
Another user put it perfectly earlier I think:
"He's not so much a creep as he's just acting on bad intel."

He's expressed his intentions clearly for over 2 years and apparently the most he's gotten back from her is a vague implication that she doesn't think he's being serious with it. Most people in his position would've assumed she wasn't opposed to dating after that much time of flirting without getting rejected, her own inaction is just as much to blame for this misunderstanding after such a long timeframe as his pushiness is.

(By which I don't mean to imply she's at fault, I mean to say that neither party here is really at fault and it's mostly just a misunderstanding born from two ill-fitted mentalities colliding in an unfortunate way.)

last edited at May 20, 2022 7:55AM

joined Sep 25, 2019

Miyata: I told her not to hand that in to the school.
Teacher: It has her approval?

Me: What part of that sounded like approval to you? õ_Õ

last edited at May 19, 2022 6:19PM

joined Sep 25, 2019

i would've felt a little bad for kenji if he didn't go for the "if she doesn't want to date me that doesn't mean a woman's fine" line, coupled with that expression. Talk about an immediate bad taste in my mouth, how rude.

I don't think he meant that insultingly, I got the impression he just meant that she wasn't going to magically become a lesbian just because she rejected a man. Yeah he still assumed she's straight, but I think he had a pretty good basis tbh seeing as he's courted her for 2 years and she's apparently never given a clear rejection before.

Could have just read that wrong though.

Although I can't blame him for being rude given the circumstances either way, gotta be kinda frustrating to have someone else show up during your confession and basically hijack it. Even if he's rejected, at least let him get rejected first lol.

But am the only one that would be very uncomfy with so much physical contact by someone rando, more so grabbing shoulders or arm around them? more so if it's a pushy customer, that keeps talking about dating you forever.
Maybe I became too sensetive for that tho.

I'd be uncomfortable too, but in fairness, he's been visiting for two whole years and everyone seems familiar with him so I wouldn't strictly classify him as a random stranger in terms of relationship. It doesn't help that the employees seem to approve of his affections and the woman herself has apparently never actually rejected him seriously, seems quite easy for him to get the wrong idea.

last edited at May 19, 2022 6:13PM

joined Sep 25, 2019

On one hand, cute adorable baby gays, on the other, ewww blood...

joined Sep 25, 2019

Ritsu's got plenty of sex appeal. That girl is blind.

I think it's implied that she was lying when she said that in order to bait an attempt at proving her wrong so she could snap a picture of it.