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joined Jun 28, 2019

The lady being tattood is hot

I'd say. Now the tattoo artist is horny and will have no choice but to boff her.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Hard to believe, I know.

joined Jun 28, 2019


I hate when this happens.
Show some guts and come out proud, geez.

To clarify, the term Nikaidou uses in ch93 is "tottemo nakayoshi na kankei" (ie. "friendly" as in "close", not explicitly "we're friends"). Basically, it hits the perfect middle ground of describing how close they are while still leaving it vague enough for Ranbara to misunderstand.

That makes sense. And Kageko being the adorable ball of shyness and dorkiness she is, she no doubt prefers to keep her relationships private (as in, it would be mega embarrassing for her to let people know she's dating someone) so she's grateful that Sakurako gave a nonspecific answer that doesn't tell any lie or falsehood but keeps the issue vague.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Werewolf girl falls for normal girl because she feeds her delicious jerky.
Werewolf girl will now eat normal girl (but in a different way than the jerky).

joined Jun 28, 2019

MC on her best way to become a NEET, kinda reminds me of an early-stage Neeko.

Apologize to Neeko.

joined Jun 28, 2019

How should we take the "self-satisfaction" in the title? Does the author try to imply that she blatantly identifies with one of these girls?

It's super obvious she identifies with the cute normie who tamed a badass delinquent.

joined Jun 28, 2019

What kind of old-school game lets you kiss your teammate to recover health?

Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland.

Aah so that is what they were playing... I wondered...

They are actually playing Kirby Super Star though

Lol I never played any Kirby game before, so I really wouldn't know. What clues are there? Only the part about kissing sempai and regaining life?

joined Jun 28, 2019

Mao Zedong cameo when

If it's a reference I dun get it.

joined Jun 28, 2019

And it's just a chapter one? I thought for sure it would be a oneshot.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Megumi x Nadeshiko or bust

In chapter 60, Namori-Sensei will give you her answer.

bust XD

What, in ch.60 Megumi and Nadeshiko break up? Or what?

joined Jun 28, 2019

If groping the erogenous zones of a person who doesn't have the right or power to resist was enough to make them go frantic with desire for you, then every rape victim in the world would think of their rape experiences as the best sex of their lives.

Great, now how am I supposed to enjoy Arioto after reading this?
Thanks a lot dude.

joined Jun 28, 2019

If it was a series, it would be a yuri harem comedy with oneesan as the axle and everyone else wanting to make her their pet.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Oneshot-that-should-be-a-series strikes again!

The series actually ended when this oneshot starts. It was a series where an oblivious idiotic guy was being chased by three girls who were totally in love with him: a sporty girl, a childhood friend girl, and a heroine-type girl. In the end he chose the heroine and the series ended (and the oneshot began).

Not choosing the osananajimi should be a crime punishable by death.

Mifuyu-chan kawaisou... ●︿●

joined Jun 28, 2019

I'm converted. I have seen the light. How do I join this church?

It's the church of really wealthy people who scoff at work and throw money around like it was peanuts because they can do anything they want: travel to exotic places any time they feel like it, pick the most expensive seats on the plane and the most expensive suite in the hotel, buy a whole new wardrobe on-site because they can't be bothered with hauling luggage... that church.
Unless you're filthy rich, you can't join.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Izumi has a current relationship with Kurokawa and Nanaki, so I understand her sticking her nose into things (however tactless); but the Miki appearance seems kind of random.

Miki witnessed the confession scene the other day. Then Fujishiro stopped going to school and stopped answering phone calls and Miki added two plus two and very reasonably got four: she realized Kurokawa's to blame cause she has somehow hurt Fujishiro. That made her angry cause she secretly has the gays for Fujishiro, and now she has come to (presumably) vent her anger on Kurokawa.

joined Jun 28, 2019

"This! This is exactly what I was trying to avoid!

Now I'm falling in love with the straight girl!


(Lin Luxi's cry of the heart)

Poor girl is SO SCREWED.

joined Jun 28, 2019

This is like a shorter version of Yuri Kagi (by Seta Seta), a single-volume manga that has tragically not been translated into English. Almost makes me want to do it myself so everyone else can enjoy it as much as I do.

Yuri Kagi is great, an extremely enjoyable yuri love comedy. It's not translated to English, but it's completely translated to Spanish. In case anyone is interested, link follows:

Thanks for the link, it was so moronXmoron. Loved it

There's another short series by this author named Yuri Kabe (Yuri Wall) that's translated to English, for some reason it's not here but Lilymanga has it:

joined Jun 28, 2019

"Why are you giving me money? Are you trying to pay me for sex?"
"NO! No way! I would never do that!!" (horrified face)

joined Jun 28, 2019

"Asumi-chan wa rezu fuzoku ni kyoumi ga arimasu!" capítulo 5:

Aún no lo leí, así que no haré comentarios por ahora.


(Respirando hondo) Ya me calmé. Otro capi extraordinario de una serie absolutamente extraordinaria; creo que podría seguir leyendo de la vida de estos personajes por años y años y no aburrirme nunca. Hoy toca ver a las trabajadoras del burdel lesbi cuando salen juntas durante su tiempo libre, de qué hablan y qué cosas hacen. Y lo más importante: el centro del capi es Mai, la chica del pasado de Asumi, que sigue tan enamorada de Asumi como siempre Y QUE AL FINAL SE ENTERA QUE ASUMI ALQUILA PROSTITUTAS MUY SEGUIDO...... Y POR SI LE QUEDABAN DUDAS, VA Y LA DESCUBRE A ASUMI EN UNA CITA CON OTRA DE LAS MUCHACHAS DEL BURDEL.

Lo primero, gracias por avisarnos del nuevo capi!!
Lo segundo, omfg no puedo creer que Mai descubrió a Asumi antes que Asumi a Mai! Esto me asusta un poco, espero que el manga no esté tan pronto llegando al final! Un manga tan bueno debería tener mucha popularidad entre los fans de yuri, no puede ser que lo vayan a terminar!

last edited at Mar 26, 2021 1:09AM

joined Jun 28, 2019

Three full pages of comments? I didn't expect this genre to be so popular.

Anime season 16 Mar 10:17
joined Jun 28, 2019

Hey this show looks like the kind of stupid fun one needs from time to time and apparently is full speed on yuri too (hell one of the protagonist is called yuri lol) and over the top violence and fanservice

After reading, I'd say the commenters don't really know all that much about yuri. :/

joined Jun 28, 2019

Give her a little more panic and apprehension, she could be the girl from Social Anxiety vs Yuri.

joined Jun 28, 2019

Neeko makes the elementary mistake of assuming that a 4-koma is easier to write...

Speaking of elementary mistakes, she's making about Imoko the mistakes of an elementary school kid in love: teasing and bullying her when actually she likes her so much and should do her best to be nice to her.

joined Jun 28, 2019

I've heard about Girls Gone Wild producers practices of isolating girls and pressuring them into doing things they don't want by waving money in their face.

That's like... the definition of Gay for Pay ?

It's more like the definition of capitalism.

GendoIkari, is that you?