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White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

The chronological order of events has me a teeny tiny bit confuzzled.

Am I right to assume that the part when Miriko speaks to Komugi and introduces herself as Rurika's fan is supposed to be the final event in the chapter's timeline?

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

^ Miyoshi has been practicing on Ai's belly button.

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

People love spoilers, for the most part. They won't admit it (fashionable contrarianism and all that), but research and focus group testing shows that to be the case. Movie trailers that have clear spoilers are more effective at getting people to come to cinema and talk about the movie before it is released.

Si usted ya la vio, no cuente el final. Si usted aún no la vio, no adivinará hasta el último minuto de intolerable suspense... que el asesino es Jack el forastero.

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

Why the black cloud of anger, my girl? You seem to be doing fine.

joined Aug 16, 2018

You need to be able to tell fantasy from reality. And accept that you enjoy things in fantasy that you wouldn't enjoy in reality. Peepz in Japan are very good at doing this; peepz in the West... not so much.

It's crazy annoying when dumb people campaign against games or comics or tv series because at some point something happens, something usually sex-related, that would be wrong if it happened in real life. In Japan, such stuff doesn't even raise a blip on the radar.

Considering some of the controversies with people being "betrayed" by idols in Japan, I would argue both have people with reality issues.

But you'll notice that in Japan they don't blame the idols and there are no crusades for their banning.

Also comes with some words of wisdom for this thread. :P

Words of wisdom indeed. Noice! XD

Third, a helluva lot of yaoi works are considered to be explorations of lesbian feelings and lesbian relationships genderbended as gay boy stories -- yuri in disguise, we would say today. Take at look at this recent manga by Yatosaki Haru to see a good example of the notion.

Hehehe, Yatosaki-sama sure had fun dancing on the "Is it yuri? Is it BL?" blurry border, didn't she? I guess we've reached the point where even the authoresses themselves feel playful about it.

Srsly, in our yuri-blessed day and age, it's impossible to read classics like "The Heart of Thomas" or "Kaze to Ki no Uta" and not realize that those mcs are totally girls pretending to be boys. (♡ω♡ ) ~♪

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

Noooooo don't end the chapter there! Why, author, why!? (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

OOOooooooh having such a huge cast and then two characters that you wouldn't think they would meet get along is so sweeet! like, a sudden vtuber collab of your oshis (what an obscure reference).

And that's why this chapter is just tops!
It's sooo unfair it was never properly tagged.

Mask x Mariri Mask x Michiru Mask x Calico

The taggers probably thought that they would give readers a heart attack with this combo of tags, lol.

joined Aug 16, 2018

"I still don't know why she keeps fainting."

That's because, if she didn't, she would have eaten you long ago. And since the author doesn't want to write that kind of story she had to come up with something to stop the seggs from happening. ¯⧵_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

joined Aug 16, 2018

I'm making this a meme! I'm going to use it every time a pair of useless lesbians have a romantic mood going on and should totally kiss but they're too chicken to do it so they don't.

... I suspect I'll be using it a whole lot orz.

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

According to last panel Youzi's friend "knew all along" something, but what is it?
I can think of two things:
1) She knew all along that Bai Yue liked Youji, not Youzi.
2) She knew all along that Youji and Ren Wei are dating (which Youzi just said out loud).

But I can't figure which one it is... ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

Sixi, never change. (⁀ ᗢ⁀)

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

Someone explain it to me? I'm more lost than a knife in a soup bowl.

Me too.

I understand some things. Not everything, but some things.
Onibi is the queen of anthropomorphizing. In her manga, she loves to turn inanimate objects into human-like beings. All her stories follow that basic premise.
In this strip, she is anthropomorphizing the book and the string. The book opens, the string gets into the book and the book closes again—and in Onibi's mind it all turns into a fantasy of a character opening their legs to be sexually penetrated by another character.
The one thing I don't get is the gender of the characters. Onibi usually writes BL, but the book seem to play a female role... and Shiori (the name of the string) is a female name too...

And I have no clue what "Supin" is and why it is a better name than Shiori.

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

The many faces of Suletta.

joined Aug 16, 2018

I showed the last chapters to my friend and asked her if she agreed that this terrible suspense about the fate of Satou was simply unbearable.

She gave me a look as if I was dumb or something... and then told me it was 100% plain and obvious and evident that Satou was merely going to snip off some of her hair with that cutter. You know, because that's what you do in Japan when you're heartbroken and stuff.


joined Aug 16, 2018

^ Shame on her, even Chiaki understood it. :P

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

Lol the horoscopes.

And to think there are people who take that stuff seriously...

joined Aug 16, 2018

Man, all this teasing. Asumi and Senpai need to get together at least once.

Please remember that Ouka is into hard BDSM. It's one thing to work at a brothel where she has to please the customers, it's another thing when she can get her way.

That time we saw Ouka take a paid prostitute into a hotel, Asumi (who was in the room next door) heard the girl's screams... and later noticed she had bad rope burns on her wrists.

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

And thus we find that this is a light version of Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga arimasu.

Kasane goes for a certain type of young teen girls, and when they grow up and don't fit the type anymore she unceremoniously dumps them. It's what happened to poor sweetie Mimei (who is still disgruntled about that).

And Meguru's role in the story is Coco's: she's the one who will win Kasane's heart forever and make her discard all her superficial prejudices about age and looks!

You had to go there, didn't you? Now my cute Contract Sisters manga feels dirty. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)

joined Aug 16, 2018

When will this dense useless lesbian understand she likes Elsa?

When hell freezes over.

joined Aug 16, 2018

joined Aug 16, 2018

How tf are people saying this is future elsa, where did it say that? I must have missed something big.

Nobody said that anywhere. It's just a wild guess some peepz in the forum have made.

Imho they're wrong. The hooded lady is the readership's avatar. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

Poor Suletta, she's the dashing knight who fights for the princess but when it comes to romance and sex she's always the bottom.

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

My nose is bleeding too.
Those two things pack a devastating punch.

joined Aug 16, 2018

Getting jealous even of the dragon...

"A certain other villainess", eh?

Yeah, "who only knows how to farm", haha. Important rule for a villainess transmigrator: don't be like her!

(Mainly because the yuri in her story is fake yuri that she doesn't even notice—and only the boys, especially the mfcking prince, are treated like serious romantic interests, grr!)

White Rose
joined Aug 16, 2018

Last page is awesomesauce.

And, looking back, I should have seen it coming.

Because of course Mask wants to have the same experience as Onibi!