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joined Feb 17, 2018

Adventuring party allegory for workplace sexism? I am extremely into this

joined Feb 17, 2018

One thing, looks like she not only didn't go to school, she did that extreme Japanese manga thing of never leaving her room. OK, that's bad, but it implies she was totally dependent for food on whatever her parents shoved in her door. So she couldn't just eat crap--she'd have to actually walk to a convenience store if she wanted junk food. Likely they fed her a fairly healthy balanced diet . . . which she then didn't eat that much of because she was ignoring food in her depression, but it's plausible that what little she did eat was healthy food. So it might not work out as badly as one would expect.

Yeah, I assumed this was the case. It's not that hard to avoid malnutrition with modern varied diets, I've mostly avoided it without too much effort through multiple periods of poor health

Breaking news! Manga is unrealistic—film at 11.

Curious how you never hear such complaints when it comes to 404: Men Not Found stories, or stories where every female character in the world is a lesbian... no?

Those are reader wish fulfillment; "creating manga makes you hot af" is mangaka wish fulfillment.

That's kind of hilarious considering Kyouki's classmate criticized her for drawing self insert fantasies. Wonderfully recursive

joined Feb 17, 2018

I'm trying to figure out how much time passed in her self isolation. My first thought was she holed up to redo her manuscript but multiple deadlines implies other work and a long period. She still graduated so she couldn't have missed that much school (but I don't really know how school works in Japan) and graduation was at the end so it's like a year at the very most? You can definitely lose that much weight in a year, though shorter time period might not be as realistic, I lost about 5/6 pounds a week when I had health problems and couldn't eat for six weeks and that was at almost total starvation.

Funny enough when I was starving the weight did not come off my body equally. By the end after dropping 40-50 pounds seemingly none of it had come out of my chest so my breasts were the same size but on a much thinner frame, so that part got a chuckle out of me.

joined Feb 17, 2018

Short and sour

joined Feb 17, 2018

Look at her thinking about confessing so casually as if she wouldn't burst into flames if she tried

Liberty discussion 26 Aug 01:10
joined Feb 17, 2018

So this is where the drama that was missing from Yuunagi Marbled went.

I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this lmao

joined Feb 17, 2018

I was reading this chapter thinking Nekozaki, you handsome gay tragedy, tell her you like her and then got to the end and oh there's actual tragedy

The expressions really foreshadowed it well

last edited at Apr 1, 2020 9:43PM

joined Feb 17, 2018

Aww I wanted to see how kotoko's friends would react.

joined Feb 17, 2018

Well aren't you overgeneralizing a lot there. Unfortunate as that is for you, it's not the standard at all. Asia is a pretty big place.

Let's forget other countries, Japanese girls hold each others hands and kiss each other on the cheeks frequently. And that's just "friendship". I know we Yuri fans make that "omg handholding" jokes a lot, but it's the least homosexual thing two girls can do. Unless this whole joke is supposed to be sarcastic. Then I'm sorry for bringing this up, I just found it a little weird. Even if it's a manga that's supposed to exaggerate things.

I've been wondering about that, in the Middle East women holding hands is completely normal and no one would think you're gay. I always thought it was weird in America it's stigmatized

joined Feb 17, 2018

I'm honestly surprised how much mileage they got out of such a stupid premise, definitely thought I'd have quit reading this by like the third chapter the first time I saw it

joined Feb 17, 2018

Koharu ruunnnnn

joined Feb 17, 2018

Some authors should hire some writing help. This development is beyond moronic.

The worst part is that it's fairly realistic. The only non-realistic part actually is that Iori-san would be so kind.

Also: it's not far-fetched that the violent girl would let Minami go, but it's unlikely the subject will be dropped so easily as the story continues (if it does). That's what unstable people do.

yeah this feels like it's executed badly but the dynamics are very real

joined Feb 17, 2018

Cranberry would be a harem story

joined Feb 17, 2018

Find yourself a girl who thinks your nips are out of this world

Tongue Kiss discussion 15 Mar 11:35
joined Feb 17, 2018

reminiscent of what it was like making out with my last girlfriend
"I don't understand, how is my entire face wet"

joined Feb 17, 2018

that double page is beautiful

Dream Story discussion 24 Feb 23:45
joined Feb 17, 2018

I love how not a big deal it turned out to be to her friends

Not sure what "you've been kinda gross lately" is supposed to mean though

Citrus discussion 24 Feb 23:16
joined Feb 17, 2018

I'm a bit surprised people are surprised by this chapter. I can understand feeling like the second arranged marriage was introduced abruptly but the previous few chapters telegraphed this clearly imo, and Mei eventually having to choose between Yuzu and running the school was introduced volumes ago

I honestly don't know how to explain this but Mei's decision here makes total sense to me. I can feel it in my bones. Coming from a country where arranged marriages are common (Saudi), I have known a number of gay women who have married men and set to raise families out of a sense of familial obligation. And on one level I used to find it infuriating but on another I know intimately the pressures and upbringing that lead there because I had to escape it myself and just... there's nothing unusual about it. It's just reality for a whole lot of us. calling it a cliche is like saying it's a cliche American fiction frequently features drug crime. It shows up regularly in fiction because it's something a lot of us deal with. Of all the absurd drama in this series, this strikes me as the least contrived and most natural twist so far

Honestly it feels like every time a manga has this plot element people complain about it and it irritates me because it feels like people don't understand what it's like growing up in a social context where you are not an individual so much as a representative of your family whose honour you are responsible for. You don't have to like it, I certainly don't, but getting angry at characters who reflect how little real choice we often have in the matter leaves a bad taste in my mouth

last edited at Feb 24, 2018 11:23PM