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joined Jul 29, 2017

Narita should get together with Maki from Bloom into you and start a '' I'd rather just watch from the sidelines '' club :⁠-⁠P

My very thought—“another love-watcher.”

The Joe-Kanna dynamic is a pretty entertaining show.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I really hate that guy, what a creep

He just hasn't read the title.

joined Jul 29, 2017

And latching onto the word "raised", my gosh, you ... know she's not an orphan who went to live at the idol company, right? She meant "raised" as in, into an idol, as her mentor. That's not grooming, ya weirdos. She wasn't a teacher, just a (slightly) older idol she looked up to.

LOL. (And I'm being mostly facetious here--I know what the conversation is about) that's exactly what "grooming" used to mean before the phrase "sexual grooming" got truncated--a naive and untutored newcomer (a "diamond in the rough") gets polished into an experienced professional entertainer.

Motown Records literally had a finishing school (called "artist development") where performers were taught how to behave on and off stage--posture, deportment, "the social graces," and--wait for it--grooming. Most big time music organizations have a formal or informal version of the same thing.

last edited at Apr 17, 2024 8:34AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

You’re not going to get dumped—but keep doing your best anyway.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Without taking sides, I just find it fascinating how far the pendulum swings here. One party claims to see signs of grooming here, whereas another claims that there is, in fact, nothing special going on between these two.

Really makes you think how art is always in the eye of the beholder...

Sometimes there is art about which two contradictory and mutually exclusive things are simultaneously true.

I do not believe that this is an example of such art.

joined Jul 29, 2017

But you know.. when Yamada san said "Kase san, I wanted to be with you forever.." it made me sad a little on the inside. Because in our world, it is really or hardly ever to have someone to be by someone's side "forever".. If i get to change the way she said, I think I would say, "I wanted to stay by your side now.. I wanted to cherish you now".. "Kase san, I am a little pessimistic on the inside when it comes to relationship and love, but ever since I'm with you, I've been living in gratitude. As long as I'm breathing,I will keep holding your hand until the day it's over. When that time comes, would you still hold my hand..?" Or.."if you ever had found someone else , do tell me. I'll let you go to find your happiness. You know I.. love you right,Kase san?"( But i don't think Yamada san will let go anyway.. but who knows? Maybe when this series has a long serialization and they were about their midlife crisis...)

If a happy little line like that already made you sad, why would you possibly change it to actually sad lines?

"Needs Indirect Reminder Of The Inevitability Of Death tag."

joined Jul 29, 2017

Sometimes schoolgirl manga series seem to be pretty much the same, at least in broad outline.

This series . . . was not that.

Reliance discussion 13 Apr 07:26
joined Jul 29, 2017

The Shiki residence is very lively lol

I’ll admit that I’m kind of a sucker for the “OMFG—[family member] brought home an actual friend! Strike up the band!” trope.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Aki will finally meet the real Shiho, a Shiho only she can see.

You've certainly got that right.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think we all know what's on the menu haha


joined Jul 29, 2017

Also the nurse seems sensitive to the possibility of escapades. "Why are the two of you out here by yourselves."

Maybe not escapades, but she’s certainly on the lookout for shenanigans.

Little does she know that it was actually canoodling that was about to turn into hanky-panky.

joined Jul 29, 2017

given speculation about the boy

it'd be a twist if spiriting away happens regularly in this world, at some low rate, but people don't talk about it, because it's not frequent enough to be "not crazy".

Right--and somehow it always happens around Tanabata, so if anybody does think they notice anything, they just shrug their shoulders and think, "weird--Tanabata, man . . ."

joined Jul 29, 2017

You may find it strange that she wasn't grilled by the police until she spilled out what happened to her, but it's not that strange from the POV of a Japanese reader.

Complicated by the fact that Aya has no idea what actually happened to her, so no matter how intense the interrogation might be she has no answers to give.

joined Jul 29, 2017

That escalated quickly.

joined Jul 29, 2017

That's so far-fetched. It's not like errors in someone's paperwork are unheard of or legally incorrigible. She's very clearly not an adult in any sense. In chapters 2 and 3, it's mentioned that she's had her identity vouched for and is being interrogated by the police, what happened to that? Did she never check in with her own middle school after her return?

Why should she? Saying what?--"It's me, I'm back seven years later, ready to pick up where I left off by joining a cohort of classmates who were barely in grade school the last time I was here?"

She'd still be the spitting image of any school photographs taken at the time, with all the stuff in her bag not having aged a day either. The idea that she'd be turned down as "technically an adult now" rather than just re-enter school where she left off, solely on the basis of her original birth year, is completely bonkers to me.

Are you saying that school authorities, once her identity was confirmed, would simply treat her as a 14-year old just because she looks young?

joined Jul 29, 2017

The author's ability to portray totally-dorky-but-also-smokin'-hot is truly remarkable.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I know it's a weird hangup to have, but stuff like the "Of course it's impossible for me to attend a regular high school" keeps coming up and it always takes me right out of it - like, why? Why would it be? Maybe it's weird to readily accept time travel but consider this weird bureaucratic situation to be strange, but seriously, what's keeping her from resuming her "normal" life path? She'd be surrounded by a completely different class, but that's no different from what a transfer student would go through.

Because any Japanese high school she'd look to enter would look at her paperwork, see that she's legally 21 and then politely decline. You can't just go back to a regular old high school if you're an adult in Japan (and probably many other places in the world) and despite the time travel stuff, that's precisely what Aya's documents will make her: a legal adult.

Right, I don't really know if such a thing is officially disallowed in the US, but I've known plenty of adults who have gotten their GED (General Education Diploma, a high-school diploma substitute) by means of adult education/night school.

There are a lot of reasons why that's a better option for older students (not least because most adults have to earn a living) and also why having much older students in a regular high school might be sub-optimal for everybody.

Now, a time-traveled-nominally-21-but-physically-and-mentally-still-a-middle-schooler would be an exceptional case, to be sure.

Citrus + discussion 08 Apr 02:00
joined Jul 29, 2017

Well you guys can stop with the doom posting, Volume 6 has been scheduled for release on Jun 25th

Since only four chapters are not collected is safe to assume we'll see new chapters starting this month or the next to complete the volume before it releases.

Oh boy, a Citrus+ release announcement—what a relief! Good thing they never turn out to be wrong.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Blastaar posted:

Meanwhile, Uncle is such an awesome dork. It's nice when it's a story about teens but some of the adults have actual personalities rather than just being "responsible parental figure #3".

Or worse yet, the perennial manga "parents who are never there," whose personalities consist entirely of being "mom who works way too hard because the family is poor," "absent dad who only cares about work," "both parents who travel all the time," or "mom/dad who has another family," etc.

As you say, Joe has a past life, a present circle of friends, and has been a profound influence on his cool-adorkable niece.

You forgot the "abusive controlling parent who want their progeny to be perfect (or worse, heterosexual)".

True, although they're usually all-too-present in the story, so we do get a look at their (horrible) personalities.

It makes me wonder if we'll ever get any of Koga's backstory to explain where her parents are, or if this is just (in TV Tropes terms) the usual Nephewism, with a cool replacement-parent figure.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Meanwhile, Uncle is such an awesome dork. It's nice when it's a story about teens but some of the adults have actual personalities rather than just being "responsible parental figure #3".

Or worse yet, the perennial manga "parents who are never there," whose personalities consist entirely of being "mom who works way too hard because the family is poor," "absent dad who only cares about work," "both parents who travel all the time," or "mom/dad who has another family," etc.

As you say, Joe has a past life, a present circle of friends, and has been a profound influence on his cool-adorkable niece.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I am not sure this should be classified as Yuri. Just two very close friends, not a couple.

Is that a joke?

Hey, just because a story uses every schoolgirl yuri trope in the book, including matching rings, doesn't mean it's actually yuri.

Or something . . .

Citrus + discussion 04 Apr 10:55
joined Jul 29, 2017

it does not have either Being happy with announcing chapters that then don't come out and last year it happened several times.

I had forgotten about the announced chapters that didn’t appear. That’s an even worse sign than just magazine issues without chapters.

But that’s what this whole thread is about—we don’t know exactly what it’s a worse sign of.

Citrus + discussion 04 Apr 08:14
joined Jul 29, 2017

Can someone explain why is Citrus not finished

Citrus is completed. This is Citrus +, which depicts events before the ending of Citrus.

Of course that's technically true, but Citrus+ continues the themes the characters and themes of the original series; I still think of it as "Citrus" too.

Since Citrus was one of the most popular and talked-about yuri series ever, it is rather surprising to see this in effect abandoned by the author (although maybe only temporarily).

abandoned? A few chapters ago someone posted a comment on this forum that Yurihime magazine must not have been very happy. perhaps it is the magazine itself that has said enough . It's all quite strange because they haven't even closed volume 6 to put it on sale. It's sad to say but citrus+ is nowhere near as popular as the original series and more and more people have gone abandoning it little by little. We'll see what happens in the future.

Are these a lot of assumptions or are there facts out there that suggest it's not doing well?

As far as I can tell, all we definitely know for sure is that there have been long delays between the appearance of Citrus+ chapters and obvious quality-control issues in some of the chapters that have appeared (such as un-inked and partially toned pages and goofs like a glass of soda apparently growing out of a character’s head).

Readers’ first inclinations were to speculate about Saburouta’s health, then to infer from fragments of evidence a fading degree of authorial interest, and now a potential problem with sales/popularity.

I do think it’s safe to say that Citrus+ isn’t helping with magazine sales when it isn’t in the magazine.

Citrus + discussion 03 Apr 10:22
joined Jul 29, 2017

Can someone explain why is Citrus not finished

Citrus is completed. This is Citrus +, which depicts events before the ending of Citrus.

Of course that's technically true, but Citrus+ continues the themes the characters and themes of the original series; I still think of it as "Citrus" too.

Since Citrus was one of the most popular and talked-about yuri series ever, it is rather surprising to see this in effect abandoned by the author (although maybe only temporarily).

joined Jul 29, 2017

I don't believe these arguments were made in good faith. My use of the term "development" clearly referred to the growth and change of a character as a person due to experiences within the story - character development. My argument was entirely consistent with that definition. I pointed out that Yuni remains as selfish now as she was at the start, illustrating a lack of character growth or change. This seems like a deliberate misinterpretation of my words.

Project about "bad faith" much? The entire story is about Yuni's changes as a character--her discovery of what she does and doesn't want in a relationship, of her own sexual proclivities, etc.

You started this discussion by demanding that readers enumerate Yuni's positive qualities, and then promptly scorned the answers as "shallow arguments," as if only those aspects of Yuni's character that meet your personal moral standards really count as "development."

To me the expectation that a character must become a "better person" epitomizes a shallow conception of what "character development" means.