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WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Aug 23:38
joined Jul 26, 2017


Thx XD

1) long story, in short: I got sick
2) I would if I wasn't such a coward.. I am settled with roller coasters XD

but wow, you are using the summer time wisely :D

Precisely the reason I want to do the "crazy" things while I still have the health and guts. XD
Time is the most valuable asset; we can't afford to not use them wisely, can we? That being said, I am going to waste the next hour of my life watching Jon Snow does his stupid shit. :)

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Aug 20:42
joined Jul 26, 2017

in late December 2014, I went with Amy to do a Skydiving near the Alps (as a part of her wish book, and well, be romantic and stuff like that).. they didn't allow me to jump then because I weighted back then 111 KG.. hahahaha I can't believe it.. I mean, food is nice but I over did it XD

Now, I am 68 KG.. hahaha.. while I got thinner, I became more of a chicken than I used to.. I am more of water diver, less probabilities to break bones.. but maybe suffocation or being a part of some wild feast are the only minimal risks XD

First of all, tell me your weight loss secret! Secondly, I live. It was awesome. Go do it.
I love water, just went white water rafting recently. Next things to do are scuba diving and ride a submarine. Life is so freaking fun. XD

last edited at Aug 20, 2017 8:42PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Aug 18:46
joined Jul 26, 2017

Not yet, still waiting for my turn. Currently chilling on a hammock and reading about ikigai.

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Aug 00:59
joined Jul 26, 2017

seems that you are sleeping, how boring :(

I was playing mahjong, need to pay for rent somehow. Derp.

last edited at Aug 20, 2017 12:59AM

joined Jul 26, 2017

Btw sumin is so freaking cute in this chapter. This looks almost melt me. Phew.

WDTFS fans - off topic 19 Aug 21:47
joined Jul 26, 2017

I didn't buy any. Not sure if other people buy on my behalf.

WDTFS fans - off topic 19 Aug 21:05
joined Jul 26, 2017

I wonder.. will it blow fire? ? ice ? maybe a rainbow? or blue fire aka mini Nammies XD

Mini nami is cute, but still u r so apathetic. TT__TT
Anyway. I am going skydiving tomorrow. If thing takes a wrong turn, I don't even need to watch the episode. So if you don't hear from me in the next few days, then you know it was a blast and good talking to y'all. Sayonara.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 9:06PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 19 Aug 19:23
joined Jul 26, 2017

I am saaaad, Nora. Saaaadddddd. I don't want that to happen even though I expect that. Stupid ass jon snow. die already. Moaaaaaa.

WDTFS fans - off topic 19 Aug 19:11
joined Jul 26, 2017

Omfg, someone just spoiled tomorrow's epic GoT episode to me. Fuckkkk.

WDTFS fans - off topic 19 Aug 16:33
joined Jul 26, 2017

Yea, at first glance, she is not my type. Further research is needed.

joined Jul 26, 2017

XD, isnt that Sungji's decision is expected? Based on her nice and angelic character?

I would be more surprised if she ignored Seju and went ahead with Sumin. This will ruin her character from the beginning xDDDDDD

The only thing I find it funny is the way she chose to leave, lolllll, right under the firework and in the middle of the crowd, without a single explanation. Pretty dramatic, lollll but opening the gate for the possibility of SungjixSumin ending, lollllll since this couple literally has unfinished business, cause she left Sumin hanging xDDDDD

I know she is nice, but not to the extent that she will give up the person she loves who also loves her back. I thought she would give up on sumin because either
1. She realizes she does not love sumin as much.
2. Sumin does not love her as much.
3. She is not okay with sumin still loving seju.
Her decision to leave may be influenced by some or all of above, but in this chapter the deciding factor seems to be seju's situation. My guess of what was on her mind: seju was attacked; seju had bad health; seju's father just died; seju's family situation is complicated; seju begged me to leave sumin (not forgive sumin); I have friends and family who love and support me; seju had no body; she needs team leader.

P.S. sungji cannot tell sumin her reasoning; otherwise, sumin won't let her go.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 3:55PM

joined Jul 26, 2017

Wow, once again sungji impressed me. I like her more after each chapter. This chapter shows that sungji is a very empathetic person. Crying in sumin's (technically seju's) house because of obviously her relationship, but also influenced by seju's situation. She brought up moving in again, then suddenly returned the ring and went away after hearing about seju's ordeal. What she said sticks because of her personality, she lives the life of being taken advantage of. Sungji is indeed pity of Seju. She is too nice to keep Sumin for herself.

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Aug 22:50
joined Jul 26, 2017

well, I love baking too XDDD.. the subject is nice.. very interesting and challenging, I just didn't like that professor.. totally unfair and simply a jerk!

You don't need a PhD for baking... You just bake.

and what's up with them faking orgasms after less than a min of a consistent motion !!!! ( I mean, we know better, that's an upright LIE)

For the lurking gentlemen, 10 minutes minimum. Please take note. :3

my GF loves a specific redhead performer lemme ask her

Do share!

joined Jul 26, 2017

Just like in Math, we will always arrive at the same answer but it maybe in different ways. Right, Orange?

Orange maybe the math expert here, but Foxy, I have some bad news for you. In math, we don't always arrive at the same answer. As a matter of fact, I failed countless math tests because I did it a different ways and arrived at the "wrong" answer according to my teachers. When I told them right and wrong were just a matter of perspective, they told me in their perspective I failed. Heartless bastards. :(

joined Jul 26, 2017

That again... tsk, tsk... why not change it to retard... ;) LOL

(Hmmm, I keep having this creepy feeling that I was mentioned, yet not mentioned. Hmmm, further observation is needed.)

joined Jul 26, 2017

yoonie... I never know what you really want. XD

Meg, she is libra.

joined Jul 26, 2017

Google translate - our best buddy in times of dire need XDD

Desperato. Hehehe.

joined Jul 26, 2017


You should feel honored, both of us answered your question, lolllll

Arigatou gozaimashita. Bow
(Since when did Nora speak Korean.)

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Aug 11:42
joined Jul 26, 2017

my thesis.. the last beast to beat XD. (so they say the Manhwa will end by ch93) .. two days before my thesis's deadline XD

So you have two days to do your thesis. Good luck.

I have been working before.. now I don't know what to do, should I do a PhD or just relax and watch porn till my mind blows up XD

Have an interest in certain subject (besides porn and wdtfs)? The subject must be very very interesting, and I can't learn it besides PhD for me to make a 4-6 years commitment. But that's me, you do you.
About porn, seriously hard to find good lesbian porn. Majority of the free ones involve chicks with one inch long finger nails, an instant turn off for me. Literotica is the best but takes too long...

joined Jul 26, 2017

yoonie, what did seju say in this chapter?! I am too impatient for the translation X(

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Aug 10:46
joined Jul 26, 2017

head smack we both love WDTFS, and girls and fun herbs (hehe) etc..

Oh shit, you are right! How can I over look this important point?!!

because as practical as Germans could get, they celebrate the graduation ceremony before the exams. I just have to do this elective today and pass it once and for all.. dammit

I guess you are officially graduated now. Congrats. You ready for the world outside of University? XD

joined Jul 26, 2017

Mark my words, the last scene of wdtfs will be Sumin and Sungji meet under the first snow year and Sumin gives Sungji the red scarf she hasnt got the chance to give =)))))))))))

This is my ultimate prediction xDDDDDDDDDDDD

Snow belongs to seju. If sumin is meeting sungji again, it will be during cherry blossoms.

joined Jul 26, 2017
  1. you are conversing with retards.
  2. you are indeed delusional.
  3. the authors have gone too far with their concealing game, as a result missed a good chunk of their readers.

Then I'm pretty sure I'm a retard xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Aha! You said it, not me.

you are indeed delusional.
hope then I would see a better constructed argument with snapshots and all when someone argues back to me.. to show me where I had my delusions. I deserve that.. I guess.

As soon as I get my hand on those hidden panels and speech bubbles...

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Aug 00:42
joined Jul 26, 2017

about calculus: depending on the curvature, your utility function and your your attitude to risk

I love concave ones, they maximize my utility in every way.. and I am a risk lover.. a point that moves along the curve a bit more with every order ~

(all the above line is just a geeky way to say that I love boobs.. have you guessed the global maxima? XD )

Forget about calcules. I don't think I can handle it after hearing you. But oh hey Boobs, we finally have a common interest.
About exam, I swear I heard you mentioned graduation... Why do you have exam after graduation?

last edited at Aug 18, 2017 12:43AM

joined Jul 26, 2017


come take a bite XD .. shower me all with this awesome-sauce you've got here XD

I do like to bite, especially the tender spot, and then gently lick off my bite mark. You are not ready for the magic sauce yet. You need to be cooked for a little more. XD

ah, it's not about changing anybody's mind.. more like explaining how we got here and why it makes sense. Even if we all teamed up on one side.. it doesn't affect the ending nor it is my goal to do so.

There are too many possible explanations of how we get here, which gives me to a mixed feeling of whether this is considered good writing or full of plot holes. You can only leave a story as "open to interpretation" to certain extent. Something as fundamental as Seju's grand scheme (or the lack of it) should have been clearly stated by now, assuming we only have 1-3 chapters left. You should not need to talk yourself in cycle over and over again unless
1. you are conversing with retards.
2. you are indeed delusional.
3. the authors have gone too far with their concealing game, as a result missed a good chunk of their readers.
(3.5. we are too impatient for this story :3)
This is my pending criticism. Will finalize it once the story ends.


I wrote this, "We'll agree to disagree. Sometimes I wonder what's the point."

Meh, it is not even evil. Work harder! spank

last edited at Aug 17, 2017 1:05AM