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joined Nov 20, 2016

For me, if Mimika was a boy, it'd hit too close to home. To the reality of child abuse and coercion and all that. I wouldn't be able to suspend my disbelief because of it. I think for these sorts of stories suspension of disbelief can be very important. I doubt I'm the only girl who feels this way either. If it was a boy every part of me would be screaming for him to leave her life if he was so well intentioned. But maybe I'm projecting when I say it'd hit too close to home for a lot of folks.

Does "suspension of disbelief" even apply here? What's the unbelievable part of this manga that are we believing in? It's not like a puppet show or a fantasy novel. Yuzumori may be a little on the precocious side, and a lolicon highschool girl may be uncommon, but other than that, I don't see any unrealistic side to their relationship.

Compare this to Kodomo no Jikan where you definitely have to suspend your disbelief as the main character acts in an increasingly unrealistic way (for a child).

joined Nov 20, 2016

HAHA oh wow that is dirty, swapping to disrupt the date.
Kind of glad Ayu exists. This slow burn romance needed someone to force it along.

joined Nov 20, 2016

...Whoa. This is some kind of isekai parody. Great and hilarious.

joined Nov 20, 2016

That was a little messed up, and not just because of the spooky ending. Yuzumori can't even go 3 days away from Mimika now without some kind of depressive episode. Then again, Mimika is like her only friend nowadays.

last edited at Apr 24, 2017 8:16PM

Nisekano discussion 10 Apr 23:18
joined Nov 20, 2016

bless you maitake2

joined Nov 20, 2016

No matter how many times I read it, this page does not make sense. I get that it's supposed to be a flashback, but why is the aunt telling Satou of all people this? Surely the manga is not implying Satou is the one who inflicted all those wounds on her? Then again, note that little Satou's little stuffed bear had its head ripped off.

joined Nov 20, 2016

dam, im loving this author more and more.

can we get a series of this too?

Y'see, that's the one problem with Mochi. She setups a lot of great ideas and then barely goes anywhere with them.

and by contrast, her longest-running series' concept is: "here are some girls. they are gay"

joined Nov 20, 2016

haha, oh wow

read ahead on danbooru 'cause I couldn't help myself

this comic is WAY better than it leads you to believe from its lighthearted start

joined Nov 20, 2016

"Oh, the drama! It's about to start!"


joined Nov 20, 2016

I saw the tags but was still unprepared

joined Nov 20, 2016

I miss kamo nari

This was cute though

joined Nov 20, 2016

D'aw, Manana is totally into Chio after all.

joined Nov 20, 2016

Akiho must have the world's most oblivious mom. That or she totally knows about everything.

joined Nov 20, 2016

Mimika is one tender embrace away from spilling her pocket spaghetti.

joined Nov 20, 2016

Four yuzumori uploads at once!? I need an insulin shot

Btw that age swap was glorious.

last edited at Feb 22, 2017 1:49AM

joined Nov 20, 2016

team skull making their yuri debut.

They already did:
(Well, one did at least.)

Wow that comic is a treasure. Bless you for linking it.

It's almost like it goes on far longer than it needs to, but at the same time, you never want it to end

last edited at Feb 19, 2017 12:17PM

joined Nov 20, 2016

Hahaha oh God

What a fucking amazing chapter

joined Nov 20, 2016

I can't help but notice the similarities between this manga and Sakura Trick.

They both feature an official MC couple that kisses in almost every chapter but otherwise have little romantic development. Kind of a slow burn, where both couples have a long way to go, despite the constant kissing. And in this manga they would even deny being attracted to each other lol.

Both series also feature a side couple which is much further along in their relationship as a foil to the main characters - to show how far they have to go.

One thing I really like about the body swap in this is how it's used as a metaphor for the strength of their relationships. Haruko and Natsuko have all these restrictions they've placed on themselves (going home swapped would be weird, going to class swapped would be troublesome etc.) Akiho and Fuyumi, on the other hand, are much more casual about it, going to school and staying home all day in each others' bodies. Even in this last chapter, Haruko tried to swap back before going to sleep because going to sleep swapped probably seemed weird. But after seeing it didn't work she didn't try to wake her up or anything. She also didn't freak out about giving Natsuko a "normal" kiss which is appropriate considering her disappointment with Natsuko's earlier denial. Natsuko is still coming to terms with her attraction, whereas Haruko seems to have accepted it.

Even though the manga is pretty direct most of the time, it's these little subtleties you start to notice that make it such a good read.

last edited at Feb 15, 2017 5:38AM

joined Nov 20, 2016

I loved the coffee scene near the end of ch 26. You could interpret it a couple ways, but it seems like she's stealing an indirect kiss then replacing the coffee like it never happened...

joined Nov 20, 2016

I like that we finally get Asahi's backstory. He's the big enigma in the series, despite showing up repeatedly throughout.

There's a really nice contrast between him and Sato. Asahi has suffered his whole life from the consequences of everyone else's actions (his family, Sato, and now possibly Sato's friend if she chooses to do nothing). Meanwhile, Sato never suffers any consequences for her own actions -- at best she's a sociopath and at worst a complete monster, but the point is that, in-story, she gets away with everything she does. Sato also has plenty of friends and has had boyfriends in the past yet doesn't care about anyone but one person (Shio). Asahi never had any friends but cared immensely for the few people he had in his life with one exception (his father). They're like complete opposites.

This series has been super fun to read.

last edited at Dec 29, 2016 10:17AM

joined Nov 20, 2016

So, as someone who hasn't played this latest game but sees a lot of art about it, what makes this iteration so gay? Is there any real subtext to it, or is this just yuri goggles?


There's various teases (especially one at the end that's deliberately staged like a confession, but of course you're interrupted by fireworks), but it's mostly yuri goggles. Lillie is a first for Pokemon, though - she's like this helpless non-combatant sidekick, and the games really play up the protagonist as some kind of prodigy, even more than past games, so of course the protag ends up swooping in any time she needs help.

joined Nov 20, 2016

I had low expectations for this manga before this last chapter. Kotooka is an interesting character. She is able to very clearly see the feelings of everyone except herself. In fact, she's the only character whose true feelings are left unclear. "My secret is I know both of their secrets." However, this chapter seems to hint that she has feelings for Tsukasa which would be nice.

last edited at Nov 20, 2016 2:07PM