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DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

... well this suddenly got boring, I don't care about any of this clothing stuff but it increasingly seems this is the main focus of this manga

the subtext tag is mocking us right now

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Cross Fire discussion 29 Dec 09:27
joined Jul 20, 2016

I might be severely desensitized, but this felt like nothing to me. I'm 99% sure I've read far worse on this site.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
Naturies discussion 26 Dec 17:57
joined Jul 20, 2016

What is the significance of alice dragging that bunny from the waste basket?

Her parents threw away her stuffed rabbit in an attempt to get her to grow up and stop pretending she's Alice. Now she's struggling with her feelings for Snow and trying to figure out if she is supposed to grow up and move on here or not. Turns out neither her feelings or being Alice are a phase, which is the extended metaphor people have been getting at

I think this is why the story is so confusing. On one hand, all of the characters act like it's completely normal in this world to be a reincarnation of fairy tale characters. On the other hand, there are some moments that make it seem like it's not. It makes me think sunspawn's comment about the school being a mental asylum for children not seem that outlandish.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

it's nice to see a character with social anxiety that I can relate to for once, well I suppose her anxiety is not totally socially related, but I can feel the similarities

last edited at Dec 26, 2022 5:04PM

joined Jul 20, 2016

mitsuki's rizz is CRAZY

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I don''t understand the monologue at the end. Who is talking, and who is "you"?

Speranza is talking and she meant it in a general sense (like you live in this world and you die in it), she's probably the last living human in the world, yet had no purpose staying in the facility all her life.

I wonder if Mama will actually be okay, Liberta probably just came up with that in the heat of the moment excuse to get Speranza to leave... it actually made me tear up

joined Jul 20, 2016

I personally think this is the setup for Rio and bread worker girl

also, how did I not know there was a bread tag until today

joined Jul 20, 2016

if anything I would've thought Minami liked Hinori instead of Kosame

joined Jul 20, 2016

I just finished the chapter and I know the chances of this being based off of Persona is low but the parallels are REAL. Karen's curse castle (Kamoshida's cognition castle), the group of girls reminded me of shadows, I also theorize Karen somehow absorbed into the necklace like the absorption of new Personas

joined Jul 20, 2016

ayo Persona 5 reference?

joined Jul 20, 2016

the author's art improved a lot, really nice

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

oh ayyy, I literally forgot about this one

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Oh! It's actually the same characters! They definitely are into S&M, lol. Light-haired girl is an M!!

ohhhh, that makes way more sense now, I didn't even think about it that way... makes it way less disturbing and the lightheartedness of it actually line up with it too

joined Jul 20, 2016

every time a big argument/discussion happens where it's way too big brain for me and I have absolutely no idea what's happening, I feel like Jim in this moment

joined Jul 20, 2016

Koga is unaware of the effect she has on women

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I can't exactly remember the specific premise of this one, but it might be that one of the MCs likes taking pictures of the other? I can really only remember a snippet of one of the chapters. So in this chapter the MCs are at the school showers(?) and they kiss or something and the camera that was on record, recorded them kissing. I think the one who owns the camera gets flustered and the other one actually did it on purpose.

This sounds like Kyou Kara Mirai chapter 4 and 5

oh nice, thank you so much!

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I can't exactly remember the specific premise of this one, but it might be that one of the MCs likes taking pictures of the other? I can really only remember a snippet of one of the chapters. So in this chapter the MCs are at the school showers(?) and they kiss or something and the camera that was on record, recorded them kissing. I think the one who owns the camera gets flustered and the other one actually did it on purpose.

Probably not this, but what came to mind for me:

yea, it's not that one, but thank you anyway!

Also another one, a girl uses another girl's lap as a pillow, drools on it, they start dating and her 3-4 older brothers are surprised at the end


thank you :)

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

This is fiction but the fact that there are some that are saying a 14 and 17 year old dating irl is not even a little odd (maybe even wrong?) is super off-putting to me. When I was a senior in high school, I could not even imagine dating a freshman, the difference in maturity is just so vast that it makes it really weird to me.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I've been on here quite a bit lately but I just remembered a manga that popped into my head. This one will have less detail than my previous posts, so I will greatly appreciate if anyone can identify it.

I can't exactly remember the specific premise of this one, but it might be that one of the MCs likes taking pictures of the other? I can really only remember a snippet of one of the chapters. So in this chapter the MCs are at the school showers(?) and they kiss or something and the camera that was on record, recorded them kissing. I think the one who owns the camera gets flustered and the other one actually did it on purpose. The cover of Fragtime reminded me of it for some reason (maybe it was the positioning of the characters?), and I know this author has a very specific artstyle/design where you could instantly recognize it. Super vague, I know, and I might not even have all the details (or any) correct, but if you can find it, thank you it advance!

Also another one, a girl uses another girl's lap as a pillow, drools on it, they start dating and her 3-4 older brothers are surprised at the end

last edited at Nov 11, 2022 5:10AM

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

.....if there was a manga just about Mimei and Kasane falling in love and staying happy together I wouldn't have minded it

joined Jul 20, 2016

this chapter got me kicking my feet in the air

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

the heartache

joined Jul 20, 2016

I think I prefer TaiDra to the nominal main ship. Sukoya is just kind of boring

I agree. We never get Sukoya's perspective on the matter so we only know that she loves Doujima Taiga, but are never certain if she likes Teruko. If anything, she only helped Teruko and her new kouhai get closer.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Kaori was a homophobe for years, including at least one year after Lina confessed to her -- check out her college friend group. She hurt Lina deeply. Yes, she repented it later (and got a better group of friends), I don't hate her, but it wasn't just a single mistake. As I suggested before, the entire point of miracles is that people don't deserve them.

So you're blaming someone for having internalized homophobia, cool

It is wrong to hurt your closest friend due to unexamined prejudices, correct.

Yes, it's wrong, but she has an explanation for it. It's not like she's one of those people who go out screaming that they hate gay people and even outright attack them for it. She's homophobic because that's what she's used to. Doesn't make it okay, but it doesn't exactly put the blame all on her. Obviously her prejudices would be "unexamined" in a society that generally doesn't see it as normal. Does it make it completely her fault? In my opinion no, and definitely not after she has grown and changed from it.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

There is a lot of awfully boring / generic / stupid story on the market and a good author is unemployed.. -.- (i'm talking about the yuri market but well, that's also true for most genre)

there is a reason why stuff can be considered generic in the first place, it's because it sells

also, any update on the author? I just hope she's doing okay with a stable job