"Sorry for beating up your raid again and again during that free raid period. Let me princess carry you in exchange!"
I'd so watch/read an entire series just like this :D
Ah yes, more lovecraft.
See, that's what happens when you focus on your studies so much, five years just pass by!
Nice! Wholesome yohariko is <3
not my favorite season fight wise but damn its definitely one of the gayest! Really love this pair.
I'm in a katana maidens mood lately, I goddamn love this pair.
Lol Maple has already surpassed humanity, the way she's going :D
Cool, a new Cthulhu chapter!
Ah, Dynasty reader. Making me remember shows I barely watched in my childhood and go "wait, there's yuri pairings in this?"
New wallpaper detected, love this art!
??? Damn that cliffhanger!
So she was able to pass herself off as an android and no one noticed? Damn, she's badass!
Also that ending T_T
Can't believe I've been missing out on this, read all available chapters and I love this to bits.
Yes I need more Bofuri in my life!
This show is one of my absolute favorites this season, nice to see a pic of this pairing here on Dynasty!
I remember hearing it for 24 eps too, then MAL has it listed for just 13.
Of course I would love for it to be 2 cour too.
I love this ship so much
When the townspeople tell you not to go into the creepy old church, you don't go. Because otherwise you'd summon this demonic entity...
Well damn, they were seen alright.
Okay kid Chris is freaking adorable
god dammnit I read this in patrick's voice hahaha
Should have locked the clubroom door guys...
Nice parody of the OG tale (which ended on quite a sad note, I remember reading it as a kid!)
Ah, late valentines incest!
Reimu rocking that suit!