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joined May 27, 2015

Oneeloli is a strange subgenre that is both pure and obscene, righteous and sinful.

So wrong but also so right.

Putting kemonomimi on the loli is a very Itou Hachi-esque touch.

Near the end of the manga I mixed up their ages and thought the dog-girl was one and a half. I was going to make a 1 x ½ joke but obviously I thought wrong.

Image Comments 11 Feb 03:23
joined May 27, 2015


joined May 27, 2015

I'm no lesbian, but I've always thought of lipstick lesbians as femme lesbians.

...then I googled it and "chapstick lesbians" is actually a different thing, halfway between butch and femme. And it was Ellen who popularized the term? TIL.

Image Comments 10 Feb 19:05
joined May 27, 2015

RIP to that brown tomboy in the Sayaka light novels, though.

So, some goof on 4chan edited Haru/Yuu and made this glorious picture:

joined May 27, 2015

The craziest thing about this series is that it's a Shonen Jump manga. Not the weekly one, but still freaking Shonen Jump. Yet it genuinely feels like a yuri comedy.

As a consequence of being a web platform, not a magazine, Jump+ is loose about what can belong there, so it's not crazy at all.

Overseas fans may not be so familiar with this, so what exactly is the difference between Weekly Shonen Jump and Jump+?

Weekly Shonen Jump is a print magazine with a long history. The works are mainly aimed at teenage boys. That's the strong focus we keep in mind for Weekly Shonen Jump. But with Jump+, things are a little looser. Some of the works are aimed at adults or at women. It's full of new and different styles of manga that you haven't seen before, fighting at the front lines. I think it's made possible by the fact that it's all published digitally instead of on paper.

Jump+ is where Otome no Teikoku is now serialized and Suito-to.

I'm a bit late to the party but I too wanted to point out how crazy it is that a yuri series is on Shonen Jump, albeit Shonen Jump+, which isn't strictly shonen.

joined May 27, 2015

Shouldn't the obvious title be After School Masturbaters?

Damn, you're right. That rolls off the tongue a lot better than "after school TOUCH MYSELF", plus, it fits so much better with the name of the song it's referencing.

I guess that word was just too advanced for our Japanese doujin artist.

Image Comments 08 Feb 00:14
joined May 27, 2015

Even Japanese Twitter is confused going "Yuu?" looking at it.

I completely forgot she kinda looks like Yuu's sister, Rei-chan, as well.

RIP to that brown tomboy in the Sayaka light novels, though.

joined May 27, 2015

After school we, after school we, after school we TOUCH OURSELVES, YAY!

Wait, what?

joined May 27, 2015

all right is something being lost in translation here, what the hell do they keep going on about "Guilty"

I haven't actually seen Sunshine but I'm guessing it's just a case of Japanese westaboos/westaboo characters only vaguely understanding some english word and throwing it around willy-nilly to sound cool.

joined May 27, 2015

The heart in her final speech balloon would seem to indicate she was teasing or at least somewhat happy with the outcome.

Before anyone says it, yes, the heart was in the raw too.

joined May 27, 2015

That was the Tiger (Tora) and the Dragon (Ryuu).

It's interesting. Her name is Tora and the boyish one is Ryuu, which is a Doragon. The tomboy is very self-conscious about her looks and the palm-top-sized tiger girl is a tiny hot-blooded tsundere. Yes it's the classic Japanese ToraDora fight. I wonder why it reminds me of something, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Shit, I was beaten to the punch by two months.

Anyways, yeah, the Tiger and Dragon trope is older than anime, so I'm sure there was at least one anime or something that played it up as the overarching theme.

∞ discussion 13 Jan 02:04
joined May 27, 2015

You know, I didn't even think about the incest possibility until I saw that little "They don't appear above blood relatives" note. I feel like there's a little bit of a Streisand effect going on here; by saying blood relatives aren't possible you've got people like me thinking about the possibility of incest anyway.

Oddman 11 discussion 06 Jan 13:43
joined May 27, 2015

I see the sister awakened some domme powers in her.

Also, that was definitely Kakashi's "ass shove from underground" technique, right?

That trope is way older than Naruto.

Secret discussion 29 Dec 18:39
joined May 27, 2015

they blew it with that Rin x Sakura chapter that sent the shippers alight with... well, Rin x Sakura.

Are we talking about the same chapter here ? The one where Rin trail Sakura a little bit and they go to a cafe and basically don't talk but about Nadeshiko ? I mean i understand people want to ship characters but they barely interact with each other during the 7 volumes. Not to mention that in Vol.7 (where i'm supossing Rin x Sakura start to blew up) Rin goes out of her way to check if Nadeshiko is ok because she can't call her. If anything, the volume was more Rin/Nadeshiko than Rin/Sakura.

Yes. Well, of course nothing really happened in that chapter but (more speculation here) I think Afro didn't want people shipping the girls and if the Rin x Sakura chapter was an attempt to get people to stop, it backfired.

Secret discussion 29 Dec 17:31
joined May 27, 2015

This is just 4chan speculation but I read Afro (Yurukyan's mangaka) didn't want any romantic relationships in their manga (i.e. leaving NadeRin purely friends and not making them too gay) but they blew it with that Rin x Sakura chapter that sent the shippers alight with... well, Rin x Sakura.

last edited at Dec 29, 2019 5:32PM

Image Comments 24 Dec 02:41
joined May 27, 2015

I thought it was Banana and Hikari looking at the thumbnail. Then I thought "that can't be right, it's Junna and Nana (Junana?), right?" or for a hell of a crackship, Banana x Umi...

joined May 27, 2015

Aki/Yori shipping is yet another example of what I have come to call Tomolo Syndrome.

Tomolo = The Other, More Obviously Lesbian One.

Put money on it: whenever there’s a Tomolo second lead, at least some shippers will go all-in on the off-brand ship, no matter how obviously it’s Never Gonna Happen.

(Heck, sometimes the upswell of public opinion is so great that the Tomolo gets her own spinoff.)

Exhibit A: Sayaka in YagaKimi.

Exhibit B: Ano in Yurirei.

Worst-case scenario, Yori rejects Aki, Himari never figures it out and just stays friends "forever" with Yori

I mean, you can have just put the second part. First part is fairly obvious, as much as i think is likable i can't see why Yori will accept Aki right now.

Ultimately Aki is highly unlikely to win, but it's entertaining to speculate and cheer for her a bit. People can change. If Himari never figures it out, that will make it more likely Yori comes around on Aki. Again, she probably won't, and I guess Himari's supposed to really be the one who changes, but if she does then it wouldn't be the worst-case scenario anymore. Hell, it could be a pretty happy ending, even. If Himari is really only capable of "loving" Yori as a friend like she "loves" everyone else, she'll be happy and she'll be none the wiser.

last edited at Dec 4, 2019 7:21PM

joined May 27, 2015

^ That's a much better worst-case scenario than what happened in what the love triangle first reminded you of, lol

Well... that was about the worst-case scenario I could imagine that was within the bounds of a PG-13-ish moe yuri romance manga. Of course a true worst-case scenario would be like... well, what you said.

joined May 27, 2015

Poor Mya-nee.

I knew I wouldn't be the only one to make this comparison.

Mochi au Lait draws totally-not-WataTen! Top 10 Anime Crossovers!

joined May 27, 2015

I'm not a "veteran" of romance dramas but the first thing this love triangle reminded me of was Madoka Magica.

Hitomi/Aki: "If you don't attack, then I will!"

This is either the kick in the ass Himari needs to actually become lovers with Yori, or she's going to fucking lose. Of course the latter probably isn't going to happen because most romance stories are just not written that way, but like many other people here I'd be fine if Yori and Aki become lovers and Himari fucking loses if she can't figure it out. Worst-case scenario, Yori rejects Aki, Himari never figures it out and just stays friends "forever" with Yori.

Yuru Yuri discussion 02 Dec 01:23
joined May 27, 2015

Ah yes, Yuru Yuri has returned. And with it, returns my sudden craving for chocolate and tissue paper.

Also rum raisin. I don't even like Kyouko that much.

last edited at Dec 2, 2019 1:23AM

joined May 27, 2015

Wasn't this a day in the original VN?

Yeah I could've sworn a very similar scenario played out in either the original VN or some bonus side story.

MariYuu discussion 26 Nov 03:42
joined May 27, 2015

Hey, thanks for using the original names.

+1 to this.

And Mary definitely seems like the kind of girl that would come out of a town called "Spiketown".

joined May 27, 2015

Im rewatching k-on! On netflix so this is actually great timing

The dialogue made this seem kind of... off. But it was hot so

Waow, I had no idea even K-On! is on Netflix now.

Then again I hardly use Netflix at all because I'm still a luddite who pirates everything.

Image Comments 20 Nov 06:58
joined May 27, 2015

Dig! Dive! Rock Polish! Play Rough! The moveset possibilities are endless!