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Hmm, not to start a yuri-or-not-yuri discussion, but to me this looks much more like her adopting the cactus girl as a mother/older sister than anything romantic. And tbh, with how childish the girl looks I am more comfortable with that anyway
Technically, the girl is supposed to be a working adult, even if she doesn't look the part.
I agree that the cactus is more of an adopted little sister/daughter, especially since she calls the protagonist "Onee-chan."
I would have liked to see more. It's a decent start to a series, but there isn't enough closure for it to work well as a one-shot.
Yea if they pull some nonsense again after doing it in the previous chapter imma get abit annoyed.
I'm personally rather disappointed with this chapter. I was hoping that Nagisa would make a confession at the end of the chapter, ending on a cliffhanger but making it unambiguously clear he'd taken the plunge, but no such luck.
It's a bit disappointing that the update isn't a chapter, but it's nice to see another flash-forward page. I'd be interested in a sequel series that shows them as adults.
Mitsuki and Aya look great in overalls.
I predict that Mitsuki and Jerkface will be doing committee work alone since Aya won’t be helping out anymore. Jerkface will ask why doesn’t she just tell Aya who she really is and we get a trauma backstory on Mitsuki’s insecurity of why she doesn’t feel like she can stand next to/confront Aya.
Bonus prediction: Mitsuki’s insecurities maybe come from the “childhood friend” we have yet to see, but that’s just my stab in the dark shrug
Isn't helping out at the festival mandatory? That would explain why Jerkface chose a role that would let him go home early, but it should also imply that Aya can't just quit.
While Mitsuki will have to take the initiative, Aya will also have to come to terms with learning about Mitsuki's gender so she can talk about her feelings in a way that will resolve the problem. In short, both of them will have to work through their feelings first, so it's unfortunate that Aya not only can't bring herself to talk to Mitsuki, but is avoiding her.
On a non-spoiler note, I wonder how far ahead the manga is, since Volme 11 getting an English release date presumably implies that it's out in Japanese, and most mangas have at least one to two volumes worth of material ahead of the tankobon releases. For this reason, I'm also grateful to the scanlators, although I plan on buying Volume 10 in English at the end of November. It's worth it to support the creator, see a professional translation and have an ad-free experience.
Volume 11 hasn't come out in Japan yet, but Chapter 56 (the last one to be part of that volume) was released a week ago.
Thanks for the information. Now that I think about it, since Amazon doesn't have a cover for Volume 11, and the description includes the generic summary of the series, the Japanese volume hasn't necessarily come out yet. In fact, the June release date is probably tentative, and it could very well be pushed back.
Chapter 51:
I was personally expecting Kanoko to have a complete emotional meltdown this chapter. She's lost her main source of support now that Sumika refuses to talk about Hime, and her jealousy of Mitski is getting worse, since she ends Chapter 50 begging for someone to help her. It would have been quite the note to end Volume 10 on, just like how 1 ends with Mitsuki revealing her identity, 6 ends with Hime resigning and 7 ends with Hime and Mitsuki in tears.I mean, that's kinda how last chapter ended, with Kanoko having an emotional breakdown. Either way, I'm sure we're going to get a flashback in Volume 11 (which, by the way, has an estimated English release date of mid-June, so I'm more grateful than ever to the person who decided to start scanlating this series), explaining what happened between chapters 50 and 51, where we will see Kanoko's desperate state. I personally like how the latter subverted our expectations.
What I meant was something even more severe than Kanoko slapping Mitsuki in Volume 7, something that could get her suspended/fired from Liebe and/or strain her friendship with Hime. Then again, perhaps this was too dramatic of a result, not to mention that I don't know what would be bad enough for the former outcome(Yoko was never fired, even if Mai no longer trusts her).
It's certainly possible that a flashback to earlier in the story will happen. It happened before, when the story flashed back to when Miitsuki first learned that Mai's arm had healed in the spring.
On a non-spoiler note, I wonder how far ahead the manga is, since Volme 11 getting an English release date presumably implies that it's out in Japanese, and most mangas have at least one to two volumes worth of material ahead of the tankobon releases. For this reason, I'm also grateful to the scanlators, although I plan on buying Volume 10 in English at the end of November. It's worth it to support the creator, see a professional translation and have an ad-free experience.
It's a decent one-shot, but there are a lot of things that could have been elaborated on if this were a series, such as Takamine's injury. There's also plenty of room for the couple to grow, and it would have been great if they had enough time for a slow-burn romance.
Chapter 51:
I was personally expecting Kanoko to have a complete emotional meltdown this chapter. She's lost her main source of support now that Sumika refuses to talk about Hime, and her jealousy of Mitski is getting worse, since she ends Chapter 50 begging for someone to help her. It would have been quite the note to end Volume 10 on, just like how 1 ends with Mitsuki revealing her identity, 6 ends with Hime resigning and 7 ends with Hime and Mitsuki in tears.
nagisa you absolute mad lad, i usually don´t like when characters take back what they said or get cut short but honestly i think is still early for this conversation and clearly is not the place. so hopefully he doesnt follow through or get interrupted so we can get more of this wonderfull story
I personally think that the story's gone on long enough that having him get cold feet now would come off as dragging things out. What I'm hoping for in the next chapter is that the conversation about Nagisa's feelings for Ai will last most of the chapter, and the chapter will conclude with some hint as to where things will go from here.
That's not going to happen.
Yeah, I just automatically assumed that the point of reintroducing Youko into the story was for Nene and her to reconcile, clear up misunderstandings and finally start dating again, this time for real. And that's part of why Chapter 49 was such a big surprise to me.
I feel so bad for Nene. She even helped Sumika a few times to realize that her feelings towards Kanoko are different from how she felt about her.
When I saw Nene's text to Yoko, I initially assumed that her claim that she was "through" with Yoko was a lie and she still had feelings for Yoko. But then, Chapter 48 ended with her saying to herself that she wanted to bring things to an end in a way that she could come to terms with, and I had no reason to doubt that she was being honest.
Yoko's return to the salon raises the possibility that she might not be so bad, but if you pay close attention, Sumika's right- Yoko is good at manipulating others and avoiding being seen as "the bad guy." (For example, accusing Nene of not working up the nerve to say what she needs to, which essentially puts Nene on the defensive and draws attention away from Yoko's subtly trying to keep Nene distracted). It's subtle enough that Kanoko, who only knows Yoko through what Sumika told her, and Nene, who has an emotional weakness that Yoko can exploit, are fooled.
As for Nene, I predict that she'll end the story at peace with being single, hook up with Shinooka(assuming Shinooka isn't a spy for Yoko), or meet a girlfriend we don't know about (like Haru from Bloom Into You).
@Yuki Kitsune @Blastaar You're welcome you guys and thank you for telling me!
@Ultraxion My only guess is maybe once of his step-siblings? I went and checked back and the word used there really is 弟.
Interesting. Of course, this would also imply that Yui had a husband/boyfriend prior to Takahito, and had a child with that man, and I don't recall AI mentioning anything like this.
On Page 11, Nagisa says, "Not even my little brother would notice."
I thought Nagisa was an only child, but am I mistaken?
I wonder if I'm the only one on this forum who doesn't hate Kanoko. She's definitely flawed, but when you consider that all her other classmates pushed her around and Hime not only was nice to her but confided her secret in her, you can understand why she values her status as Hime's only "special" person. She needs to learn to be more tolerant than Mitsuki(who's a bit better at managing her own jealousy of Kanoko), but it's not surprising that she'd envy a person who's known Hime for longer.
In fact, one could argue that since Hime told Kanoko about how Mitsuki betrayed Hime, Kanoko's worried that Mitsuki will do so again. Keep in mind that she heard about how Sumika chose to step aside and let Nene break off her schwestership with Sumika so she could get together with Youko, only for Youko to manipulate and dump her, so she realizes that the "I Want My Beloved To Be Happy" approach doesn't always work out for the beloved.
In short, Kanoko's hardly a saint and her fixation on Hime is unhealthy, but most of the others are flawed in their own ways, so I'm hoping Kanoko is able to develop a healthier bond with Sumika.
I can only speak for myself, but I don't think Kanoko's flaws are as excusable as the others.
Hime's lies aren't actively harmful to other people. Yano puts in effort to be better than she is and feels bad about not being good enough. She also knows that she should feel bad about being jealous of Kanoko, even if she won't stop being jealous of Kanoko. Sumika cares about the general atmosphere of the group, even if it comes at the expense of people getting what they personally want.
Kanoko only cares about herself. It's not a problem that she's jealous and only wants Hime for herself, it's that she literally doesn't care about anyone but herself, not even Hime. She's not concerned with whether Hime would be happy in a relationship, or happy with a change, she only wants things to stay the same as they are, and she doesn't care who gets hurt as a result of that. Yano has desires, but no expectations, while Kanoko isn't happy unless things are exactly the way she wants them to be. "Unhealthy" is an understatement.
The other characters have normal problems that teenagers or even adults might face. Kanoko needs to see a therapist.
You raise some fair points. That being said, the narrative doesn't treat her actions as justified. Sumika refuses Kanoko's request to abolish the schwester system in no uncertain terms and was planning to do the opposite by making schwesterships permanent. In fact, both Sumika and Hime want Kanoko to make an effort to get along better with Mitsuki(who, despite her jealousy, tries to keep things civil between them).
I'm not so sure that Kanoko doesn't even care about Hime. Her anger toward Mitsuki isn't solely based in jealousy, but because Mitsuki's love confession caused Hime anguish due to her being unable to return Mitsuki's feelings, which is probably part of the reason why Kanoko hasn't confessed. She even tries to convince Hime to stay at the salon, whereas it would probably have been easier to let her go; Kanoko could still see her at school, whereas Mitsuki, who goes to a different school, would probably never see Hime again.
Considering the warnings Kanoko received about the consequences her jealousy might have, I personally think that Kanoko's going to eventually face some backlash as a result of her feelings for Hime and her jealousy of Mitsuki coming to light, since Hime only has an inkling of the latter and no idea of the former, and the fallout will probably make the drama between Hime and Mitsuki in Volume 7 seem tame. This will probably lead to her relationships with Hime, Sumika and Mitsuki changing, although it's too soon to say how.
In short, I'm not denying her flaws, but I still believe she can change for the better.
And here I was thinking that Youko was going to get her Redemption Arc. I wonder what's going to happen with Nene from now on.
That's not going to happen.
Honestly, if Youko was at all repentant, she should have just sent an apology letter to Liebe and then never saw or contacted any of the others again. Not only has Sumika always hated her, but Nene can't forgive her, either, and Mai, despite being the most reasonable of the three, implies Youko is no longer welcome at Liebe. At this point, it's clear that Youko has ruined her relationships with her former coworkers, and while an apology won't fix things, it's the most she can do.
As for Nene, I'm personally curious myself. I suspect that she's mostly come to terms with her feelings for Sumika being unrequited(although I think Sumika may have been in love with Nene), and if Sumika gets together with Kanoko, Nene will support them.
In Chapter 49, it's scary how manipulative Youko is. She was able to play Nene like a fiddle despite Nene having called her over to ask her about whether her relationship was serious. I also still think there's more to Youko's decision to leave the cafe than she's letting on.
As for Chapter 50, while Kanoko needs to get over her jealous hatred of Mitsuki, it's still painful to watch her get ever so closer to a breakdown as Hime gets closer to Mitsuki. I wonder if her jealousy of Mitsuki will cause a rift between her and Hime, just like Mitsuki feared.
I wonder if I'm the only one on this forum who doesn't hate Kanoko. She's definitely flawed, but when you consider that all her other classmates pushed her around and Hime not only was nice to her but confided her secret in her, you can understand why she values her status as Hime's only "special" person. She needs to learn to be more tolerant than Mitsuki(who's a bit better at managing her own jealousy of Kanoko), but it's not surprising that she'd envy a person who's known Hime for longer.
In fact, one could argue that since Hime told Kanoko about how Mitsuki betrayed Hime, Kanoko's worried that Mitsuki will do so again. Keep in mind that she heard about how Sumika chose to step aside and let Nene break off her schwestership with Sumika so she could get together with Youko, only for Youko to manipulate and dump her, so she realizes that the "I Want My Beloved To Be Happy" approach doesn't always work out for the beloved.
In short, Kanoko's hardly a saint and her fixation on Hime is unhealthy, but most of the others are flawed in their own ways, so I'm hoping Kanoko is able to develop a healthier bond with Sumika.
last edited at Sep 11, 2022 1:28PM
Is this supposed to be the final chapter? I've noticed a lot of series end with a chapter that shares the title of the series, but this chapter doesn't seem to conclude anything.
I'd personally like to see Sukoya realize that Teruko is Doujima Taiga with enough time left to develop their relationship in a meaningful way.
Soooo... they only have two rooms. Two has to share rooms. Is this the part where we start the fire on this slow burning romance?
I recall that Ruriko and Kurumi have already shared rooms while their air conditioner is broken. I'm not entirely sure if it's still broken, although the "fwoosh" sound effect near the end of Chapter 20 implies that it's fixed.
It seems as though Ruriko cares for Rio more than I expected, as shown by her uncomfortable reaction when Kurumi brings up Rio's family. It's possible that while Rio is lazy and not above mooching off her friends, her situation may be more dire than she lets on, and possibly not entirely her fault.
For the fan scans:
I'm surprised by how often the word lesbian has been thrown around in the last 3 chapters. I've been following the official scans until this point so I don't know if it's a translation issue, or when Nene was around they used to say it way more often. Like, the manga felt more subtle up until this point, and all of a sudden everyone is super gay. I don't have a problem with it, but I'm curious now if the official scans will also be like that.
Youko really comes off as a sociopath here. She'd be perfect for Kanoko.
I guess the use of "lesbian" comes up because Sumika identifies as heterosexual, at least before meeting Kanoko, while Nene has only ever had feelings for straight girls, so this is the first time characters' sexuality has become an issue. Compare how Hime doesn't have any apparent interest in romance apart from marrying into wealth(but seems to have feelings for Mitsuki), Mitsuki and Kanoko haven't had feelings for anyone besides Hime, and Mai hasn't expressed romantic feelings for anyone.
If by "perfect" you mean Kanoko would be the perfect victim for Youko, then you're absolutely right. Not only is Kanoko the type who'd fall for anyone who's kind to her, but Kanoko actually thinks that Youko might not be so bad after hearing Sumika's account of Nene and Youko's relationship(keep in mind Sumika's the most biased against Youko).
Looking forward to the series ending in chapter 20 with understanding smiles and abundant levels of (future, not shown) friendship.
Don't jinx it plsss, i need at least 50 more chapters of that sweet, delicious gay panic (and subsequent flirting and being an adorable idiot couple)
I'm personally hoping that the manga is about a third of the way through. I'd like to see them talk things through, develop a friendship and eventually become lovers. Ending in Chapter 20 isn't nearly long enough to resolve this current situation, considering how short the chapters are.
I'm also on the side that believes that Mitsuki had no obligation to tell Aya. Perhaps she should if they were to become closer, but as it stands now, they're merely classmates who happen to be acquainted by chance outside of school, so there's no need to be anything more than that if Mitsuki doesn't want to be. Since Aya didn't make her feelings clear, nor did she even let on that she knows Mitsuki is the record store clerk, Mitsuki has no way of knowing what's going on in Aya''s head.
The "can't visit you in the hospital" thing she mentioned will no longer be a problem. As of november 1. Tokyo will recognise same sex couples.
That's good to hear.
Incidentally, regarding other bits about same-sex marriages, I noticed a few things while reading the Renta! translation.
1)The Renta! translation has Risa and Haruki always use first names, so the part in which Risa starts to call Haruki "Haruki-san" but corrects herself to say "Shiina-senpai"(implying they use surnames around each other out of professionalism or to keep their relationship secret) doesn't get included.
2)There were a few notable differences with the part about the hospitals and apartments, such as omitting the part in which Risa starts by saying it won't stop her from taking Haruki to the hospital if necessary, but I can't completely recall them.
3)The Renta! translation is a bit vaguer about where Risa and Haruki can live if they want to get married and/or adopt, with Haruki only mentioning that such places exist.
4)On a minor note, Ryouji(or Maki?) doesn't make a reference to it not being safe for women to go out alone in the Renta! translation.
I find it rather interesting that everyone knows that Aizawa died, but the cause of death was never actually disclosed. Then again, when Page 9 of Chapter 1 says, "The reason she died wasn't in any of the news," maybe it's talking about whether her death was an accident, suicide, or murder.
It's also possible that Aizawa herself doesn't know why she died or who was responsible. Remember that in Coco, Hector didn't realize why he died or who was responsible until midway through the movie, decades after his death. Of course, she might have a clue that the living don't know about, one that can help solve the mystery even if she doesn't have enough information or sleuthing skills to do it herself.
Also, can she not talk/make a sound? I know 90% of this manga’s text just seems to be the inner thoughts of our protagonist, but it seems like the ghost girl can’t even say anything?
That seems to be the impression I got so far, which is unfortunate. By comparison, Heart of the Woods had Abigail initially unable to speak to Madison, but she could understand what Madison was saying and had some ability to communicate nonverbally(for example, pointing out her name in a book of baby names) even before Madison died and became a ghost, at which point they could talk normally. Here, it's unclear whether Aizawa even knows that Kurotori can see her, so I hope that they can actually get to the point of having non-verbal communication, if not actual conversation, in the near future.
While the series was rather rushed overall, I think the last chapter ended the series as well as could be expected.
I actually think having the wedding at the end be for another couple is a good touch. It shows that Haruki has come to terms with the fact that she and Risa won't be getting married any time soon, thereby overcoming her main character flaw. Having the law suddenly change and allowing them to get married would feel like a copout.
The series has some interesting points about discrimination against same-sex couples in Japan, such as about same-sex couples having difficulty in getting apartments together.
All in all, the series could have definitely stood to be longer, preferably 3-6 volumes rather than chapters, but it was reasonably enjoyable, nevertheless.
I'm glad that they finally got around to having Aya find out that Mitsuki is a girl, so it seems as though she'll now have to work through her feelings. Things will undeniably be awkward between them, but the fact that they're working together for the school festival means that they'll probably have to talk things through sooner or later.