It's so cute and peaceful, I like this <3
You have Nagisa now ~ Kyubey x Yuno hahaha xD
That reaction hahaha =D It's so cute.
Frozen comic yay :D It's so good, I want more now.
It was a good read =D Madoka and Homura are so cute together I want also a Christmas story with them. Poor Mami, don't worry you have Nagisa now.
Yukiiti is so good. I'm not very fan with this pairing but I love her work.
Omg marriage, YES ! =D
It's so cute <3
Oh YES !!!
Damn it's short, I already want part 2 now =D
It's here, I like this pairing =D
A new chapter =D It's cute, Yamada is so innocent.
Damn, it's cute =D
Anna face xD
Yeah, new chapter ! Nao is good character, can't wait the next chapter. And that credit page ah ah ah =D
Finally here, I already see the raws and it's very interessant. The chapters always begin with a fight then the reconciliation.
last edited at Dec 19, 2014 1:33PM
So cute <3
Damn, very cute pairing :D
Short but not bad and the art is so moe =D
sisya : K-on! It's just a fanart.
Oups ^^
It's so cute. Tama II art's is very good, I love her work.
Science babies, the best :D
Oh Frozen is here, more :D
Please can anyone see other chapters on the official website? Because I'm not going through the first page it doesn't load :'( I need other chapters even though they're in korean!!
Here for you :