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joined May 19, 2014

Bisexual tag's missing!

joined May 19, 2014


joined May 19, 2014

Can we have a Yakuza tag? It seems more fitting than Action

joined May 19, 2014

That's the thing though, I think she did succumb in that she climaxed and that's why she could break out of the illusion because that moment passed.

Now you're just creating a fallacy. This wasn't given in the story how she could've ended the illusion but if it was as you said, then her resist would be futile, wouldn't it? you said so yourself (although not concluded in the story) that IF the way to end the illusion was to succumb to her pleasure, then what do you think she should've done? fight it and prolong the illusion or give into it?

Both ends in a very ugly note.

last edited at Oct 31, 2015 10:58PM

joined May 19, 2014

Huh, so I guess that was what I was trying to say. That she enjoyed being raped, though that doesn't mean she wasn't, I just really hate that they made it out like she enjoyed it. A lot. A whole lot.

Good on you mate, you're actually articulate!

As for the 'disgusted' part, it is very lightly given that. When she was being kissed, she could have easily turned away,

Easily turned away? Did you see how many of those earth monsters were trying to pull her apart?

but instead she reciprocates and is engaging in a tongue-battle. Mouth wide open. Edit to this: While her head is being held, it's not very firm, plus she could've thrashed a bit, instead she's still.

Your arguments are all conditionals. it's very hard to be convinced.

The whole rape scene is very badly written if they want to give the impression that she's resisting.

That's fanservice for you. I didn't like it either. But she did resist, if she succumbed to her pleasure, then she wouldn't have been able to escape from the illusion could she?

joined May 19, 2014

You don't know if she wasn't, the full scene isn't shown,

Then obviously you can't conclude that she was right? I'd rather stick to what was actually shown than believe a "it did happen but it just wasn't shown" argument.

you'll tell me that women who are raped can soak through jeans?

I don't. Clearly her reactions were exagerated, I've no disagreement with that.

They made her enjoying the stimulus too much or something. Really don't know how to articulate myself clearly.

I agree. My main point was that you sounded as if," as long as Mirei showed (normal reaction to stimuli) signs that she was aroused, she DEFINITELY enjoyed being raped, that she liked it. "

last edited at Oct 31, 2015 10:19PM

joined May 19, 2014

Well, she hasn't shown any kind of reaction before. Not when she was being tortured nor being attacked.

Well of course she's not gonna be all "blushy and stuff" when she's being tortured. She was scowling at them when they were whipping her. That's a normal reaction.

In fact, the only reactions she had so far were related to Mamori on some way or another.

Usually, she's the one to initiate the make out sesh and they're usually in a hurry. Moreover she focuses on making Mamori feel good instead of herself so she's not "all blushy and stuff". But I reckon, there was a scene when Mamori initiated the kiss in ep 3 and Mirei was surprised and "blushy and stuff".

Is actually a good thing they shown her clearly disgusted by the whole thing.

joined May 19, 2014

That's not a very sound argument. The "blushy and stuff" is still considered her reaction to stimuli. Of course you can't expect her to be poker faced and look normal when she's being assaulted right?

joined May 19, 2014

Doesn't matter if it's involuntary, she still 'enjoyed' it. As in, she still got horny.

That's something called an involuntary physiological reaction. If you're being fondled regardless whether you're enjoying it or not but your body feels it, it will react to stimuli.

Now as far as I know, most women don't get turned on when they're being raped, that's why there's rupturing when there's sexual assault, while Mirei was dripping through her jeans (you know how hard that is to achieve?).

You make it sound like she was penetrated when she wasn't for a fact. Most women who are raped wouldn't get turned on voluntarily but when one is copulating, it's normal to secrete fluids regardless of whether it is rape or not. One's body cannot tell the difference if it's being raped or making love.

I just felt the need to clarify because your reasoning was almost akin to arguments on rape that supports victim blaming. (i.e. it's not rape cuz she enjoyed it) Otherwise, I agree with everything you've said.

last edited at Oct 31, 2015 9:39PM

joined May 19, 2014

Being conned by the same woman, I dont think miracles mean what they think it means. The word should be "coincidence".

joined May 19, 2014

aw I prefer her original hair style and color lol i think she is a lot cuter that way like in that cover page. still, it was a very cute story I love her shoes its like a ballet shoes XD wish there was more~

Indeed, agreed.

joined May 19, 2014

I don't know what the main focus of the story was. And there wasn't much background story given to the girl-turned-witch except for the statement of not visiting her parents for decades and that she had an alleged male lover. I liked it though, but it felt too much of an epilogue than an actual one shot. It's more like a preview to the world and the characters.

joined May 19, 2014

A good read with an amusing title.

last edited at Oct 31, 2015 6:56AM

Cage: 1/2 discussion 30 Oct 10:13
joined May 19, 2014

Edit: Looked up the order, I think "Cage" is the first, followed by Tenohira, 1/2, edge, fake.

bless your kind soul. @Rebly82

last edited at Oct 30, 2015 10:14AM

Cage: 1/2 discussion 29 Oct 10:49
joined May 19, 2014

Could someone tell me how to read it chronologically? By the story and not when it's uploaded. Which one should I read first?

Stretch discussion 16 Oct 09:40
joined May 19, 2014

I thought the ending was great. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough. Sure, a lot of the issues like Keiko's boyfriend and Ran's father wasn't really resolved but even in reality, loose ends aren't always tied. The series never promised yuri but more of a bona fide friendship between the two MCs, so I think that the viewers who think the ending was mostly bad and/or rushed were deeply rooted on the idea of a "yuri end", it was the be-all and end-all but it sadly did not go this route.

joined May 19, 2014

Since I've watched the uncensored version, my initial impressions were:

•okay normal ecchi scenes nothing new, a la Highschool of the dead style....then BAM full on borderline hentai! It is boobs after boobs scenes! I usually have no complaints about boobs but it was just a little too much for me. The representation of them bewbies was so unrealistic (kinda like jello) which was really funny and the aerolas, don't even get me started.

The MCs were very cute though, Mirei especially (cool and sweet) and although the action scenes were short, it waz GOOD.

I'll definitely continue watching this one although I don't really fancy too much (unrealistic) boob air time because well... it is yuri. and has action and is not subtext.

Stretch discussion 01 Oct 01:11
joined May 19, 2014

Keiko having a boyfriend was a real shocker. It was never implied that she had one (or maybe I just didn't catch any implications that she had one), except for the ex-fiancé, unless they're talking about the same guy.


So many questions, why does Keiko have to move away (it can't just be about her job), who was the boyfriend she broke up with, why can't we just have a Keiko x Ran end.

The last panel with Ran really pulled at my heart strings.

joined May 19, 2014

^It's a manhwa*. It's essential we clear out the difference between manga, which is from Japan and manhwa which is Korean so that people understand where it originated from.

On a different note, I just want Sumin to end up with both Sungji and Seju but not with the both of them at the same tine. I wish for both ends — an ending with Sumin and Seju and another end with Sumin and Sungji.

edit: alternative endings*

last edited at Sep 28, 2015 3:41AM

joined May 19, 2014

And it sucks a whole lot that Seju has to find out that Sumin's road to recovery isn't her, but Sungji. Because for Seju, it's always been Sumin.

No truer words have ever been spoken. sniffs

joined May 19, 2014

Such a fantastic cliff hanger. Sumin's past is much darker than I anticipated. & we can finally bury the argument about Sumin's scars + tattoos.

joined May 19, 2014

I couldn't tell if she was really in love or just lusting over her.

joined May 19, 2014

the only thing I can fault this manhwa for is its unrealistic depiction of people's gaydar. If the reality were like that, the possibilities would be endless... Oh but you need to be hot like Sumin to reap the benefits.

joined May 19, 2014

yuri harem!!

I've been waiting for this.

Stretch discussion 13 Sep 09:46
joined May 19, 2014

all I could infer from the recent chapter is that Keiko's moving. But why, how, when.. So many questions.