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joined Jan 4, 2014

Basically, the pairing of Mami x Kyouko may make more sense than Mami x anyone else.

I don't think Mami x Kyouko make's more sense then Mami x Nagisa XD

Yikes. That's where my brain reminded me it's time to go to bed. Yes, forgot about that and hence have to agree there. XD

(and just to note that Takeshisu can pretty much make any pairing engaging and fun -- the art really makes it a pleasure to read)

last edited at Jan 25, 2017 9:43PM

joined Jan 4, 2014

Kyouko x Mami is canon.

Really? When was that confirmed?

Canon is a tough argument to get into, particularly since it's constantly changed by time travel and universal law rewriting. Official is a better word for it, since their pre-Homuloop backstory is highlighted in the the third drama CD, the PSP game, and The Different Story manga and is Urobuchi-approved. Granted no one pairing is actually considered "canon" apart from Hitomi x Kyosuke, Madoka's parents, and whatever's featured in the side story manga, but there's definitely more to support the ship than, say, Mami x OL.

Maybe more than Mami x OL, but... looks at her Official tote bag Kyouko x Sayaka potentially is on a bit more of a solid footing. This was also reflected in an event I happened to catch last time I was in Tokyo. Basically, the pairing of Mami x Kyouko may make more sense than Mami x anyone else, but paring Kyouko with Sayaka seems to have a somewhat stronger position.

All that being said, personally I couldn't care less who is being paired with whom, as long as the art and/or the story are engaging. So this one easily passes my threshold for something I like.

Best Art In Yuri 25 Jan 16:20
joined Jan 4, 2014

A bit surprised no one has mentioned Beloved. yet to be honest

Pulse discussion 21 Jan 19:05
joined Jan 4, 2014

jtt - Check with your tracking number on any package tracking site to see when it was shipped. Tracking numbers are here -

I'm also still waiting for mine in central Europe. Hope it comes soon :/ Fingers crossed :) Perhaps the New Year holidays caused the delays.

Hm. Shipped mid-October. :(
(and no tracking numbers for Germany)

@Alextasha: alas, yes, know of the fun that shipping can bring... Was just a tad surprised as the other two times I've ordered stuff from Ratana it went a lot faster. Could simply be stuck in customs, who may take their sweet time (and on occasion just return it back to sender as it didn't meet their criteria for some reason). I'll continue to keep an eye out.

Pulse discussion 20 Jan 18:25
joined Jan 4, 2014

Hm. Was wondering whether anyone else is still waiting for their Pulse pre-order? From various posts I gather that quite a few people already received their copies in the first half of December, hence unsure if they are still being shipped or if mine merely landed in dev-null for some reason.

joined Jan 4, 2014

Amazing! This collection is absolutely a blessing from Madokami herself...

By the way, does anyone know what the characters around Bebe's smirking face on P.28 mean? I'm confused as to why Sayaka was so startled.

According to the sound effect dictionary nitaa means: smirk / sneer / evil grin

So not entirely sure that suffices to decipher this one...

joined Jan 4, 2014

I wish people read the tags and took the story as it is. Perhaps it was the combination of rape and age gap that triggers people? For me, in dynasty-scans, I view rape as an element to speed relationships (usually end up in a everyone is happy ending).

Hm. The thing that is triggering many of us is that all too many people have that sort of attitude, "rape as an element to speed up relationships", outside of the dynasty-scan context as well. It is one of the premises behind a lot of date-rape, as well as the fun laws that used to state that there is no such thing as rape within a relationship / marriage. Married individuals always having to be at the beck and call of their partners when it came to sex was codified into law for a scarily long time. So no, depicting rape as a way of "speeding up a relationship" is not something that many of us think should be taken lightly. The lolicon aspect here simply compounds the issue.

Blondes 16 Jan 20:12
joined Jan 4, 2014

For your first point the only ones that really comes to mind are Out of the Blue and Secret of the Princess.

Candy might also be a nice addition to that list.

joined Jan 4, 2014

I do prefer younger girls but a) not that much younger b) way more aggressive than me.

While I also have a tendency to prefer younger girls, there is that thing about consent that is rather important...

Despise lesbian lolicon as much as lesbian rape. It ruined Kanamemo, almost ruined Strawberry Panic! and made Tokikago Yuri from Mawaru Penguindrum into a thoroughly dis-likable villain. Always vile. This is just hentai made for males anyway.

You'd be amazed what some girls are into.

Seriously not a fan of the whole lolicon setup here, and would have felt quite a bit less “brain bleach ready” if it had at least been the younger girl who initiated the proceedings in a potentially pushy, but not over-the-top way. The older one going down the full blown psycho rape route is pretty darn horrifying to be honest. A pity, as I actually enjoy Ogino Jun's other stuff, even though it contains a massive amount of fanservice.

joined Jan 4, 2014

Am I the only one who, toward the end, expected to see a panel with a very red-faced Nozomi standing just outside the door?

joined Jan 4, 2014

Gah it always ruins it for me when they stuff sugary stuff into the vag >_<

Same. All I can think of is "Yeast infection".

Glad I'm not the only one. I looked at that and went "You really shouldn't do that."

^^^^ THIS.

Seriously, I NOPE TF OUT whenever I see this kinda stuff.

I sort of compensated by simply assuming that the food item in question is unsweetened whipped cream, and not some sugar-laced yeast-party nightmare...

joined Jan 4, 2014

Almost forgot the slightly lewder version of things: Minase Ruruu's mini-series of Touch Me and Told Me

Moondrops discussion 29 Dec 13:29
joined Jan 4, 2014

Korea must be the hand-holdenest country in the world

From my trip there, and some of the stuff I read up on before and after it, pretty much yes. Using the Dynasty lewdness metre, they are pretty extreme. Both women holding hands with each other and men holding hands with each other all over the place. Scary really!

Then again, they are also of the opinion that homosexuality exists in other countries, but not in theirs of course. :p The irony is that it results in stuff like this being seen as perfectly normal and clearly no-homo. Yup. Sure...

joined Jan 4, 2014
joined Jan 4, 2014

I think this is the most satisfying of the stories so far. It's got just the right amount of story for its length, and we get a kiss on top of that. Absolutely, unambiguously sweet.

Couldn't agree more. Loved the way it progressed as well: from mere friendship, to something a bit more, and then via a light yuri scenario all the way to the full blown version. Not bad for just eight pages, not bad at all...

joined Jan 4, 2014

I have no idea who that is but I'd still disagree with the sentiment. The overwhelming majority of male main characters are someone who has a generic look and a generic personality in order to try and appeal to the main viewerbase/readership of the series. This is why you get completely terrible characters such as the protagonist in Muv-luv who seemingly has no actual redeeming traits and is constantly a dim-witted asshole yet has hordes of girls fighting over him. (To the detriment of the story might I add. I couldn't continue playing because he was so terrible.)

Your comment made me think, but I indeed found it surprisingly hard to come up with a decent anime where the main protagonist is male without falling into the “generic template” trap. Even in something like Black Lagoon, where Rock is a decent and relatively well fleshed-out character, it is Revy who, at least in my opinion, defines the series*. Mononoke Hime falls into a similar category, with Ashitaka very much coming up short without San and Eboshi. One character I did come up with would be Ichise from Texhnolyze, but then again, it is very hard to argue one would want to identify with anyone in that “…long, violent spiral into utter hopelessness” (Carl Kimlinger in his review). The only “proper” protagonist that came to mind is Ginko, from Mushishi.

As for the story in Good Girl & Bad Teacher, I like it, although I am personally slightly bothered by the way in which smoking is portrayed as this cool and romantic thing. This being a collection of older one-shots though, it is not too unexpected. If it is not too much to hope for, I would also love to see a fully canon yuri couple in one of the stories. Miss Sunflower is very enjoyable, but it is staying firmly on the side of fluff at this stage, so would be great to have Sugano Manami craft a story with an unabashed and unapologetic, openly lesbian couple.

* as a woman, I do tend to find it easier to identify with a female character anyway though, so my perspective here is not entirely unbiased. Also: Revy!!!

joined Jan 4, 2014

Agree, looks interesting. Also always nice to have more adult yuri.

Anime season 14 Dec 15:42
joined Jan 4, 2014

I am thinking of watching kiddy-grade. Does it have any yuri/subtext? wanted to confirm to avoid any disappointment.

Only very slightly tinted goggles required, so I'd give it a pretty strong "yes" on the subtext side. It's not a bad anime imho, but neither is it all that memorable I find (which is not a prerequisite in order to enjoy it, of course, and to be clear: it is fun to watch; but it stays in the "popcorn binge watching material" space, rather than on the "classic favourites" side of things).

joined Jan 4, 2014

Thought it was cute. I have definitely had moments exactly like that during sex, and they're nice little bonding moments of fun and silliness that you'll remember long after you've forgotten Orgasm #397.

Yes, this. I think… starts counting

It’s those times when the two of you are on the bed, and you are about to do that one thing you think will make her go crazy. You feel her body start to squirm beneath you; yeah, you’re doing it right! Suddenly the music is shattered by peals of laughter, and soft hands start pushing you away: “That tickles!!!”

A slightly shocked look is quickly replaced by a wry grin, that rapidly shifts into wicked grin territory: “You think that tickles? How about this then?!” You add your laughter to hers, and start to tickle her in earnest.

Bodies in completely different positions than before, both flushed and somewhat breathless. Teasing pecks on the mouth morphing into deeply passionate kisses, leading back into the folds of bliss.

joined Jan 4, 2014

hahaha. I like it. Agree with wishing it were longer though. In a proper relationship, Kanade will probably lift her head off Mizuki's shoulder with a sheepish grin, they'll start giggling together, and then continue where they left off, but in a much less stilted fasion.

joined Jan 4, 2014

...incoming "I can't just stay friends -- we have to be BEST friends"?

joined Jan 4, 2014

I still feel these releases could do with more proofreading/QC script wise.

As an example, "Were you that much into...when we did it?". There's a lot of sentences like this throughout.

That one gave me a bit of a pause as well, but then realised that I may have misinterpreted it. From the gesture she is making, it strikes me that what she is saying is "Were you that much into...", with the "..." being linked to her pointing at herself, "when we did it?"; so: "Where you that much into me when we did it"?

This is just after she confirmed that Anna did not merely see it as a casual fling, so she is reaffirming that Anna really was that much into her Senpai...

joined Jan 4, 2014

Somehow I can't help but think that, should "remote" include cable-based control, number 27 on the list would significantly increase the hicc alike rate in the general population...

last edited at Nov 17, 2016 3:19PM

joined Jan 4, 2014

Really liking this one. The vibe seems similar to some of Shimura Takako's work, in particular Hourou Musuko, unsurprisingly.

joined Jan 4, 2014

I didn't actually take a picture, but have to say that l found the event somewhat underwhelming. The catalogue and the fan book are nice, but other than that it is by far the smallest event I've come across. By contrast, the Sayaka* event 5 floors down is easily thrice as big (despite itself still being smaller than events like Girls Love Fes by an even greater factor). The quality of the work on display is also nothing to phone home about. All in all am surprised, but it does explain the very low attendance, even when compensating for the size.

(* well, focused on her and Kyoko at least)

last edited at Nov 6, 2016 12:39AM