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joined Aug 22, 2013

Lol that afterward

joined Aug 22, 2013

The way Amano Shuninta draws kids is too cute, her next work should should be about cute little preschool kids falling in love

Image Comments 05 Dec 23:29
joined Aug 22, 2013

heh... every single time... (TT^TT)

My Beloved discussion 25 Oct 01:32
joined Aug 22, 2013

awwww yeah!! now we can get to the best parts!!!

Collectors discussion 23 Oct 08:21
joined Aug 22, 2013

hehe Shinobu is super cute with her long hair in a ponytail... now I'm really curious if there's a special reason as to why she cut her hair short...

Oddman 11 discussion 06 Oct 00:31
joined Aug 22, 2013

"Chouko stop sounding like Facebook." lol

That and "Little Miss Godiva" ::chuckles::

Number 7 with her cute little tsundere side, I can't decide if I like her better with the bunny ears or with her headband... Actually both styles are adorable!

Kind of ironic how Number 7 is telling Setsu to stay away from Chouko, when before Setsu was warned to stay away from Number 7... Is Chouko perhaps number 11?

joined Aug 22, 2013

Pretty meta. But it would be cool if it were an alternate universe where everybody's panel is a different manga style. Like there would be a JoJo panel, and a Dragon Ball panel, and super-flowery shoujo panel. There could even be a yaoi panel where hands become magically gargantuan.

that would be so cool... I wonder if anyone's done that before... and if not someone should... if only I had drawing skills ... ::le sigh:: haha

My Beloved discussion 25 Sep 02:22
joined Aug 22, 2013

So is this a oneshot? Or will it continue?

There are two chapters in this collection called My Actual Beloved and My Beloved respectively. I assume those are sequels.

It's a ten chapter series (of sorts), spanning KiLa KiLa, Steps and Game. I'll probably put up an announcement about our plans with this series tomorrow.

awwwwwwwww yeah!!! I can't wait!!! The later chapters are some of my favorites!!! Thanks and looking forward to it all!!

joined Aug 22, 2013

Yes maybe? I'm not too familiar with exactly what collection (?) they are a part of; I read the Chinese translation. The one I was thinking of was originally a three shot, with the first two parts being about a love triangle between Girl A, Girl B, and Girl B's sister

This thee-part appears in KiLa KiLa, which we are currently working on; the follow-up is in Steps, which we will working on after that.

the story about the bread shop owner and the rice shop owner (also on Dynasty)

Interesting. I'd assumed that one was a stand-alone, but I still need to double-check that.

Otherwise, the chapters you mentioned span Love Flicker, Perfume of Love and Steps. At some point we will probably arrange for Dynasty to have them all listed together so they can be read in order.

I can't remember exactly how they were connected... Maybe something like a friend of the bread baker was on the volleyball team or they were a customer... Or I could totally be mixing my stories up

But awesome to hear that Takemiya Jin's other stuff will get translated. I will be patiently looking forward to it! Many Thanks!!!

joined Aug 22, 2013

Some of other Takemiya Jin's works start off with one couple and then the side characters get their own short and kinda branch off into their own backgrounds and stories (the one I'm thinking about hasn't been translated in English yet, here's to hoping some scanlation group will pick it up though)...

Are you thinking of 愛しい人 in KiLa KiLa and めかくしのこい in Steps?

Yes maybe? I'm not too familiar with exactly what collection (?) they are a part of; I read the Chinese translation. The one I was thinking of was originally a three shot, with the first two parts being about a love triangle between Girl A, Girl B, and Girl B's sister, and then the last part flashed forward to college and was mostly about Girl A, and her college classmate. And subsequent stories were about Girl A and her classmate, and the classmate's background .... But the story about the bread shop owner and the rice shop owner (also on Dynasty) was == also interconnected with another story as well (about a volleyball player maybe?) and I think maybe indirectly interconnected with the Girl A, Girl B love triangle... And maybe indirectly connected with the story about the teacher with perfume and the story about the teacher/childhood friend... All I remember seeing is the character relationship map on Yamibo and it just kept on getting bigger and bigger lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

plot twist..I want a sequel though...I wonder if she actually did two timing or just made up stories/rumors..just to get her attention

Although she said she was spotted by a third party at a health clinic, she could have gone just to make an appearance (although that would kind of clash with the end page, as it seemed the light haired one was falling to her knees in desperation) That'd be a crazy twist (and really manipulative)... I want a sequel AND a prequel lol.

Some of other Takemiya Jin's works start off with one couple and then the side characters get their own short and kinda branch off into their own backgrounds and stories (the one I'm thinking about hasn't been translated in English yet, here's to hoping some scanlation group will pick it up though)... Maybe Takemiya Jin will also do that with this short...

joined Aug 22, 2013

It kinda makes you wonder about the events leading up to this short. Like who was first in love with whom? But maybe more importantly, who first realized that the other person was also in love/returned their feelings? Also, sounds like Emi knew that Mihashi (light haired girl) liked her as well, but didn't do anything about it. Not saying it's right, but it's no wonder Mihashi did something as drastic like sleep around to get attention.

One person playing hard to get, another sleeping around for attention, both people avoiding feelings results in one hot ass mess... Guess that's what you get when you play games

common guys, just because someone stumbles, it doesn't mean they are lost forever.
Well, i didnt say that blonde hair girl is right all the way but the black one is kinda cruel. Well, I'm sorry for both of them.

Werd... It's tragic for both of them

Mama Mama discussion 20 Aug 15:38
joined Aug 22, 2013

As a lesbian myself...I find this quite disturbing...cause I have trouble understanding..why would they do this to themselves. Why be married and have sex for the sake of really. I'm in shock. Maybe I dislike men so frikin much...that I sunk myself in my sweet happy ending of a manga. But seeing men most don't give a flying fuck wether their wife's kiss a girl. As long as their part of it...well guess this made up for it...I'm sorry I'm confused...and I'm really gay. Walks away.

Some people find out only later in life that they prefer women to men. Then there are others for whom both genders are fine, and the actual choice of partner comes down to the individual. I'm guessing that's what happened with these two. I don't think it's that surprising that they're choosing to stay married, divorcing your husband to be with another woman in Japan is hard enough without the additional complication of having three children to raise. Not only is it likely to put the children through a lot of difficult times, it's also very likely that they'd both be refused custody of their kids.

Man, I was so hyped up to see a doujin that had a happy lesbian couple with a happy family, because that's pretty rare to find. But I guess it all sunk down the drain at the end. I just... sigh

Here you go:
And it's by the same author. Funny, huh?

I wonder if that follow up short will ever get translated... one where they all go to a summer festival and wear yukata....

Mama Mama discussion 20 Aug 15:00
joined Aug 22, 2013

Could everyone please stop immediately freaking out over stuff like this?
Yes, the way it was presented was kind of shocking, but the actual backstory was intentionally left open. The husband thing could have been a joke for all we know. Or it could be one of the rather common scenarios where people only realize they're not straight after having married, de facto ending the romantic involvement with their spouse (and eventually find someone new) without getting a divorce for various reasons. Yes, could also be that they cheated, but we are not told. And, mind you, I think that was the entire point of the story: To make you think of these things. They definitely happen, heck, it could even be a criticism of the shitty discrimination that results in people finding it so hard to come out and not "accidentally" marry in the first place.

yeah, to me that line about the husbands was a little ambiguous, especially with that laugh at the end . It kind of made it seem like it was a common greeting/expression? Like in America when we say "What's up?" it's not like you're actually asking the person what they are actually doing, it's more like a greeting. Or like "say hi to blah blah for me." I don't think the person saying that actually expects the other person to say it. "send my regards to your husband" seems like a common enough line two mothers would give to be polite/conversational.

As to the backstory since it's so open, I thought maybe both husbands might be dead. Haha I don't know why, but that was my first reaction when I read that line... Does anyone know how Japanese society views widows and remarrying? Or even divorcees remarrying? At the very least the line "this sure is easy with the both of us" implies that for both mothers a lot of what they normally do is on their own (married or not). I think it's less sad that they may (or may not) be married, and more sad that whatever they are "normally" doing is not making them happy.

I understand the wish for happy yuri, I love that, too. But I think you can't have yuri without also now and then writing critical stories (critical about all the shit lesbians and the LGBT community in general) get. Please don't always assume the worst when something is not diabetic-level WAFF. :)

The ending wasn't happily ever after, but that doesn't mean it wasn't enjoyable. And actually I could see this set up working with a heterosexual couple too (a boy and girl both in two separate unhappy relationships)... so it's kind of nice to see a short portraying a homosexual couple having the same problems that a heterosexual couple might.

Gotta say though, Amano Shuninta draws really cute kids, like the boy who had trouble buttoning up his shirt, and Ryuna from Guilty Love. I hope she(?) draws more couples with cute kids in the future. I kind of like the domestic feeling you get from her(?) works.

joined Aug 22, 2013

that is so stupid, well better hope you never find someone who is jealous of you and your partner or you are out of that relationship right there!

I got the impression that it isn't like that. All couples fight now and then, right? I think Bond severing represents that. But eventually the couple makes up and forms stronger bond than before.

Not only that, but imagine if you're in a "stuck" relationship. A and B are unhappy in the current relationship, yet neither one of them is willing to break up because they're afraid of starting over again. In that case it's not necessarily bad if C (who likes B, and B and C are happy together) wants the couple to break up right?

This is so much more enjoyable if you stop looking at it like it's a "yuri love story" and treat it as "a story about friendship and bonds, that also happens to have a yuri couple".

Totally. I'm looking forward to what the story has to say about friends and lovers, especially since the thread that Kotori reconnected between Satoka and Shiori in Chapter 1 was a green thread of friendship. In Kotori's dream we saw that she was couldn't connect to two red threads (with Chika and Satori) at the same time. It hasn't been clearly established what is meant by love in this story. If Hiwa saw fit to act on Chika's subliminal wishes and sever the bond of friendship between Shio and Satoka, is it because Chika has romantic feelings for Shio, or does it mean that a relationship between friends, can't coexist with relationships of love?

Another interesting point, is that in the first Chapter, Kotori basically said that she can't make a bond, if the bondees (?) the people in the bond, don't take the initiative. Kotori's just the helper. Does that mean Hiwa operates the same way; she can't sever something unless there is a desire to sever it? Although the current bond severing situation is a little different. Whereas Kotori was acting on behalf of the people in the relationship, Hiwa is on the behalf of a third party.


Ayame 14 discussion 04 Aug 11:40
joined Aug 22, 2013


Subtle... very subtle.

lol I didn't catch that the first time, clever very clever. Kind of reminds me of that pearl diving scene in Encore hehe

joined Aug 22, 2013

I like how Takemiya Jin writes stories that have characters that are all indirectly linked to each other. Looking forward to the rest!

joined Aug 22, 2013

Lol I don't think I've read such an energetic author's afterword before. I could just feel the excitement rolling off of Morishima. And the editor, haha she seemed so lost at the end.

joined Aug 22, 2013

I'm dying to know who Nadeshiko's girlfriend is but at the same time I kind of like how Namori dances around the topic. It's like every chapter lifts a layer of the mystery.

... Or maybe Namori isn't dancing around the topic and Nadeshiko is secretly dating all three of her friends? Hehe

joined Aug 22, 2013

Yeah this series is no longer being worked on by Futari Wa Pretty Anon. This bonus chapter that Crunchyroll isn't going to do is the last release from them of it most likely.

It was fun Koe No Katachi. I hope to get a premium account to read you one day.

ughhh I both get happy and sad when I hear that stuff has been licensed.......

It was nice to see the sisters just being carefree and acting like sisters (without all the drama around them).

Collectors discussion 27 May 11:29
joined Aug 22, 2013

I wasn't sure at first but you know how some women toss their hair when someone they like is around? You can see in that page that Takako went to toss her hair and then realised there was no point since Shinobu isn't around. Not sure if I'm right about that.

Yeah, that was the impression I got as well.

ah I see. I was wondering what that "oh" was about too. Since she's referring to Shinobu as Nitou-san does this mean we're finally going to get a peek into Takako's side of her first impression of Shinobu?!

*actually re-reading chapter 8, and then re-reading the latest chapter, it seems like Takako was putting as much effort into her appearance (getting up at 5am to get dressed) as Shinobu was trying to find books to distract herself from Takako. That's just too cute!

last edited at May 27, 2014 11:34AM

joined Aug 22, 2013

It's like this manga is trying to go somewhere but keeps hitting the brakes every few inches it moves. "Are we going somewhere or not?" I ask, to which the manga replies "Shhhhh just stay on your seat dear".

lol that's exactly the way I feel...

I didn't think Kotori liked Satoka in a romantic way... I always thought it was a big sister/little sister kinda relationship, but after seeing this chapter, I guess it's kinda confirmed (since both threads were red, instead of green for friendship)... If and when she has to choose, I'll be a little sad when it happens... It'd be kind of ironic if the god of love couldn't have her own romantic relationship....

joined Aug 22, 2013

My oh my Miho you're getting bolder with every new chapter haha

joined Aug 22, 2013

Ughhh my favorite/yet not favorite part is coming up... I must be a masochist

but as long as you make it to the end of the series you'll be rewarded

I hope the one shot/side story featuring Fueko and Asuna gets translated eventually

joined Aug 22, 2013

I would be really scared to touch Chinatsu's hair...

when I was reading all I could think about was the ping pong balls that kept on getting eaten by her hair hahaha

Eh I was hoping for a Nadeshiko and her 'girlfriends' chapter but this one is funny! I've always been attracted to China's hair lol^^

haha me too, I'm dying to see who Nadeshiko's girlfriend really is, but even just more hints/interactions would be cool too!