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joined Sep 10, 2022

it likely will, especially with the hinting that the best friend is about to have her romance arc

Yeah that's possible but I don't know if that wouldn't be part of the winding down though. We'll see. I'm down either way--built up enough trust.

last edited at Aug 19, 2023 1:54PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

So happy for all of them! Really happy Shiho and Aki are on their way and starting a new kind of relationship (that they both seem up for). Sometimes we fight over issues that, once we've made up, seem so insignificant in retrospect; but it can be hard to recognize that when you're in it. Aki was content with at least just being friends again but Shiho is in the mode of "not making the same mistakes."

It wouldn't surprise me if this starts winding down. This is so popular right now, partly because of the Aki/Shiho story; so, she could do whatever with it. She's already shown that she can jump from one popular pairing to another and keep the momentum. Maybe she'll do it again. If she does, I'll be there for it. "Hana ni Arashi" just ended, so part of me hopes this continues for a bit.

last edited at Aug 19, 2023 1:18PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

"I'm plotting something that will result in this girl feeling eternal pain, why do I feel bad for her?"


Lol She's more wondering whether she should be trying to maintain the stories predetermined plot, rather than plotting herself. She seems to have assumed that the demon queen would be much worse and intolerable but (I wonder why) she's finding herself connected to her. Yeah, though, that "fate" kind of sucks.

last edited at Aug 18, 2023 8:13AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

So happy about this ending. Hiroko is now taking the lead instead of Ayaka. She's home early and she's pinching her cheeks. She's cooking for her. Then that was a lovely embrace. What was great was that Hiroko was the one who surprised Ayaka by grabbing and kissing her (at work), when you'd think it would be the other way around. She's really continued to evolve with help from the people around her. Not to mention that she's promoted. Ayaka is a leader now. Their living together, super happy and in love. Risa is living her best life. Happy all around. It's hilarious that they're basically an open secret, even moreso after getting caught making out! Old Hiroko would never.

last edited at Aug 17, 2023 2:49PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

As an edit, what happened to Hibai and Gina? Unless I'm mistaken, we haven't seen either since the explosion.

The afterword implies a sequel series with them.

last edited at Aug 16, 2023 3:07PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Well, that's one way to solve things. :D

Did not expect the people who joked about Benika solving things in the end ending up being correct, even if not the way they thought. :D

Yeah they've got some work to do, for sure but at least their together. Would love to hear more about their exploits in the short sequel that's mentioned.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Poor Watanabe, I guess Yoshioka's friends where too high energy for her.

It's like that sometimes lol.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Love vampire stuff, especially dealing with her two urges. This one should be called "My Food Looks Very Cute Today," instead.

Not to mention the fact that she was clearly not in control when she did it, given how she reacted once she realized what she had done. I’m not sure how someone can read “villain” from the character in those circumstances.

We're on the same page. It's basic vampire stuff. Uncontrollable urges and all that.

last edited at Aug 16, 2023 7:45AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Well, you have to argue with the G Witch staff for that considering the OST has a track named "Tsundere" which is an arrangement of Miorine's theme

Not really since we watched the show. Same with their "up to interpretation" line right? A track title doesn't change what happened in the show.

the "up to interpretation" thing came from the suits up top, not the staff who actually made the show. Case in point: the super explicitly gay as fuck G-Witch Artbook.

Yeah, it was from corporate but that wasn't the point of my comment--doesnt affect the point. I hadn't seen the art book yet though, thanks for that heads up.

last edited at Aug 14, 2023 11:52PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Well, you have to argue with the G Witch staff for that considering the OST has a track named "Tsundere" which is an arrangement of Miorine's theme

Not really since we watched the show. Same with their "up to interpretation" line right? A track title doesn't change what happened in the show.

last edited at Aug 14, 2023 3:51AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

i love xian jun’s stories n art

Yeah. This is my favorite of theirs.

joined Sep 10, 2022

And that is because Miorine is a puddle of joy in the anime right?

She's a textbook tsundere

But that's just the thing, I don't think she is one. Tsundere characters tend to be easy to read. They overreact to situations, it's clear to the reader that they're in denial. Miorine, if anything, underreacts. While there are scenes which establish that she cares for Suletta, most of the time you can't tell what she's thinking or feeling.

Even this particular story seems to acknowledge that, as the first panels are there specifically to tell us how Miorine felt during some moments in the series.

So yeah, she feels more charismatic in here, imho.

100%. She's not a tsundere and definitely nowhere near textbook. She has valid reasons for being reserved but her feelings and emotions are not at all hidden or obviously contradictory when she shows them. She's very honest when she starts to trust and care for Suletta, but was honest when she didn't trust her initially as well. She's not in an exaggerated form of denial at all. She's just not as touchy-bubbly as Suletta and has more on her mind. This is borderline calling a real person a tsundere, it's an oversimplification, especially to say "textbook." I saw that comment too but didn't feel like typing lol.

last edited at Aug 13, 2023 7:49AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

It's been nearly 2 months since the last chapter. What happened? Things were finally getting good.

It's bimonthly.

That donut exchange sure is exactly their relationship isn't it, "hey can I have that donut afterall?" "No sorry I already took a bite"

Now add "if you eat any more of that donut, you'll get sick you know?" to the mix.

last edited at Aug 13, 2023 7:41AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

That's true. I think part of the reason I feel that way is that Miorine doesn't express emotion often, not even in private. For comparison, Nika is also going through a lot, but her character is more expressive, so she feels more relatable. (I don't mean it in a bad way, characters need to be different from each other, this is just me reasoning on why I don't find Miorine very likeable in the series).

I can see that. From my perspective, the world's or backgrounds around them are different and therefore bred different qualities from each of them. Nika's is an "earthy" resistance compared to Mio's sterile, corporate background with dead family dynamics, and not to mention the looming, forced arranged marriage. Nika had distrust but had people she could trust. Mio had nothing really for a long time. I can understand her growing to be more emotionally insular and distrusting than Nika. She couldn't trust the interaction or intentions of anyone really until Suletta. Then of course to get out of that world she got hyper focused on leaving to Earth and could be more dismissive in an effort to reach that goal.

last edited at Aug 12, 2023 1:46PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Still, I prefer Miorine in the several pieces of fan media I've read (like this one) than in the original series. Maybe it's just that the series creators didn't have enough screen time to explore her emotions, so she comes off as cold a lot of the time.

I mean she's dealing with quite a lot throughout the entire show. Not much room for levity from her. Suletta's levity was in stark contrast to most others and can't be decoupled from her naivete, lack of responsibility and her control from her mother. Even she got serious once she started to suffer similar burdens. Mio can be cute in this one since it's post everything.

But this was super cute.

last edited at Aug 12, 2023 11:44AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Yeah they're super interesting. Really enjoy everything they're in.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Everything with these two just makes me want a full series. Love their dynamic.

last edited at Aug 12, 2023 10:24AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I mean it's a yuri manga. It's gonna be romantic.

But there's also the darker undercurrent people are missing. She's def burned out but the manager stalked her there and that's just the manager. Who knows who else in the future might get a whiff and start stalking her there. Hato could be in serious danger if someone views her as a 'threat' (which she is). So there is the added burn out and hato can understand it but also her worries that she's dragging hato and imposing on her these dangerous feelings that could get her into serious problems she didn't ask for

Agreed on that front. I mentioned that in my earlier comment too. That's possibly another reason Ruri got worried. Her work life got brought directly to Hato's doorstep. Could be that fear or could be that she now views her pure place of calmness now tainted by work.

last edited at Aug 12, 2023 6:45AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

To note: the relationship between Hato and Ruri isn't romantic in nature. Asako says as much at the end: don't help her because she's a celebrity or because she's a (romantic) partner, but because she's a "neighbor", ie someone who lives next to you. Echoing her former situation with Miyako. She's not quite a stranger, not quite a friend, but someone you know well enough to try to help them.

Asako is giving Hato a reason to help Ruri, which she didn't really have before.

I could be misinterpreting what you meant so let me know, if you see this.

To me it seems more like Asako is explaining that her and Hato have a unique relationship with Miyako and Ruri, in that both of them know these idols as real people, or metaphorically as "neighbors;" (Ruri isn't literally a neighbor) so they can help them in that capacity. They can't directly help them with idol issues, as they don't know much about that life but they do know them as people, as "neighbors." Even though Asako is now dating Miyako, her desire to help her is not even just because of that.

To me, it seems as though Asako is making a comment about the purity of their desire to help the people they care about, for who they are, rather than a celebrity position or even a romantic one. Hato came to her not knowing how to help and Asako is explaining the power Hato actually has. Doesn't seem like an indication of whether Hato and Ruri's relationship is (or will be) romantic or not. Asako is basically saying, "you may not know how to help her through all of her problems but you still have the ability to help her in your own unique way because you know her in your own unique way." I mean Miyako and Asako's "neighborly relationship," certainly became romantic--it doesn't mean Ruri and Hato will too but I don't think this convo implies one way or the other.

last edited at Aug 11, 2023 7:14AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Huh... Also this (12) chapter reminded me, didn't Michi have like a pentagram or some kind of symbol on her neck? Or was that a different manga? I remember her leaving the school and we saw some kind of occultic symbol on her neck. Was that used in some way already and I'm just a dumdum for not remembering it right?

It's this manga. It was drawn on the paper Senpai showed this chapter, I think. Near the end. So she's also noticed it. Nothing has happened with it yet.

The way it's harmlessly introduced at the start of the chapter only to be sinisterly re-contextualized it at the end exemplifies how seamlessly this arc tied back into the plot. Since Kasumi couldn't hear the person crying, it was most likely still a ghost.

Yeah. And there's also that it wasn't completely harmless, since we see that something grabbed senpai's leg, left a noticeable hand print and likely made her fall there too.

last edited at Aug 10, 2023 7:20PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

It's sad that she was basically giving herself one safe relaxing space away from all that work and unintentionally because of the manager, she now thinks even that is too much. She's taking on too much, psychologically. I also wonder if Ruri's worried about potentially burdening her "friend." She might think that she's brought her idol/work life to Hatomori's home, since the manager found out where she lives and showed up at her doorstep. Guess we'll see.

joined Sep 10, 2022

The problem with this "I can fix her" and "she will be happier with me she loves me" is that sure, maybe you're right and it's in the best interest of everyone... But maybe you're wrong and the other outsider are too. (honnestly friends are usually the last person you should ask that kind of things) Ayaka does not read the manga she exists in. She has no way to know for sure it's the right thing to do. Even for us readers you could argue it's not 100% certain.

When someone says no, it means no. If you insist and harass and press on, you're being a harasser. It can be pretty damaging for the person you interact with. I've been both Hiroko and Ayaka and I can say this for sure. :) Sometimes you say no to someone you love, and yes, it means no.

I don't think you have been Hiroko or Ayaka. I think you're projecting your experience onto them. But every person is different and every relationship is different, and trying to apply blanket rules that ignore context is silly. She may not "read the manga," but she saw the expression on Hiroko's face when she tried to break things off, and it was absolutely the most heart-on-her sleeve "I don't really want to do this" face that could possibly have been drawn. Kicked puppy territory. Ayaka has plenty of evidence to tell her what's really going on here. She knows the story about Chinatsu-Senpai from the bar patrons and Hiroko's co-workers. She knows about the promotion and she knows Hiroko is waffling on it despite being the perfect choice who everybody admires and looks up to.

What's more, Ayaka isn't actually demanding a relationship here. She's demanding that Hiroko be honest with her, which she wasn't. She was literally lying about her feelings. Ayaka knew she was lying about her feelings, because Hiroko is actually really visibly bad at it. She also was demanding that Hiroko stop underestimating her, and stop underestimating their coworkers, who, all evidence suggests, aren't the kind of homophobic dickbags that drove Chinatsu away.

And I think it's fairly unfair to dismiss this as "I can fix her". "I can fix her" is typically the siren call of somebody who is enduring an abusive relationship in hopes of turning it into something healthier, not a person who is earnestly trying to be there for a traumatized loved one. This is "I can help her". And not just "I can help her be with me." This wasn't just about Hiroko running from her feelings for Ayaka, it was about Hiroko running from everything, including that promotion. She was basically about to fall into the abyss. What happens after that? Depression, loneliness, stress, career stagnation...That's what steeled Ayaka's resolve in the first place.

In a better society, I'd just say Hiroko should go see a therapist, but Japan is actually pretty awful about mental healthcare, so an intervention by a concerned loved one is probably the best she could hope for.

Just want to cosign this. I appreciate your taking the time for responses like this, for sticking up for the nuances at play. There's more to say about it, especially this "I can fix her" thing. Completely agreed on that. There does seem to be a tendency to exaggerate (or overdramatize) character faults, here. "I can help her" is definitely the more apt phrase; it's the one nearly everyone who's close to Hiroko in this story has said in one way or another (most of them asking Ayaka to be the one to do it). Yuuya says it again this very chapter. But I think if you don't like Hiroko as a character it's probably easier to view "I can help her" as "I can fix her" since "to fix" focuses on some fault or issue with Hiroko, while "to help" is more sympathetic. Agreed that therapy would be great!

last edited at Aug 10, 2023 6:14AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Bruh people out here still shipping Risa with Ayaka after she got rejected like the people who still shipped Guel with Suletta after he got rejected lol

It is really weird, isn't it? Especially since they already had their friendship reconciliation and the vibe I get from Risa at this point is mostly bemused fascination at the AyaHiro Trainwreck.

Haha Yeah Risa is just living for the chaos at this point. Her reaction faces are hilarious. Plus I'm sure her and that rival woman from the bar have their thing by now.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Everyone's loving Ayaka but I get the feeling that in real life she would end up in jail pretty fast.

You can love Ayaka, but don't be like Ayaka ;)

This idea that your love will win through sheer willpower is very toxic, because 99% of the time the thing that prevents your love from happening is the other person, and whether their reasons for saying no are good or not is irrelevant.

Ayaka is forcing Hiroko and whether it's for the best or not is irrelevant too, she should just stop.

I love Ayaka, but I think my love for her comes from romanticizing something that really shouldn't be.

Yeah irl she should've taken the no as a no and moved on. This is one of those cases where I think people would see her behavior way differently if she was a man, y'know

Absolutely, she'd have been labelled a pest a long time ago by this point in the story if she were a male.

To keep things short, at the expense of details: very little of what happened in this story could work if it were a heterosexual relationship. The dynamics and issues of the story depend on their being lesbian and the relationship type being one that's been historically mistreated and criticized. A comp that could be serviceable might be an interracial relationship set years in the past maybe. It could work as long as the lead woman acted as conflicted as Hiroko and struggled against societal pressures as she did. Been done before.

last edited at Aug 8, 2023 10:23PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

Regarding Hiroko, while I do think it was quite toxic up until now, now that Ayaka have been able to break through her, I don't believe if will continue this way. But still, I wish she didn't have to go that far...

Yeah, outside of her office issues, Hiroko has been fine. I also don't see any reason for issues now that they're on the same page about how to handle their relationship around the office. Their "dates" have been good. Hiroko is generally kind and well liked. Genuinely loves Ayaka. Not much to worry about at this point.

last edited at Aug 8, 2023 6:32PM