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joined Jun 5, 2016

I only noticed because I play guitar, bass, and piano (not well, mind you). And like I said, because I am a big nerd. Though I suppose if she played classical guitar which is a lot more fingerpicking it might make sense.

... I am totally overanalyzing a two panel comic.

last edited at Mar 31, 2019 10:07PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

Wasn't trying to be a Spoon and stir things. I was just voicing how I personally was displeased and my reason why. I might feel different if it had been handled differently by the author, but as it is right now, to ME, it just feels like the author is trying to be an edgy social justice warrior and the end result is high-school edglelord cringe.

joined Jun 5, 2016

I think I have finally figured out why this one makes me so mad. It's because it's trying to be so "inclusive" of "societal minorities" that it's on the brink of being ridiculous; and because of this approach, it is making literally every LGTBQ person that it portrays have some sort of obvious mental flaw. I am no fan of having my community being portrayed as one big mental illness.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Is it just me, or was the whole “clarinet/nimble fingers” thing sort of lewd?

Hehe, the magical fingers of a musician, one of the oldest clichés in the book.


As demonstrated here by Suzi Nielsen from MA3. Thank you, Miss Nielsen.

And because I'm a giant weirdo, all I thought was "Huh, she must be a lefty then, because she's using her pick hand and not her fretting hand otherwise", and I can't say there's a lot of extra dexterity in the pick hand compared to the fret hand. XD

Bass, or piano, on the other hand... (pun intended)

last edited at Mar 30, 2019 10:14PM by Nezchan

joined Jun 5, 2016

It wasn't just my school though. That's how our entire system of education works. "Polish" lessons boil down to reading classic books, poetry etc. and learning how to analyze them. On surface it doesn't seem that bad. Learning different themes, motives, influences and such and then trying to apply that knowledge to look for it in different texts and analyze them. The issue is the reason it's that way. At the end of high school, after you already graduated, everyone in entire country takes universal "tests of maturity" supposedly showing that you gained enough knowledge to become a adult. When you apply to university, scores on those tests are what dictates whatever you'll get in or not. Your grades from high school are secondary. Some universities do have their own entrance exams, but those maturity tests still matter. Because Polish is mandatory (along with math), no matter which degree you pick, it's always taken into account, so it's in your best interest to do well.

There are two parts. Reading with comprehension and either you have 1 text to analyze or 2 to compare along with some kind of thesis which you need to base your essay around. Of course since those exams are supposed to objectively value your knowledge, they need a reliable way to judge your performance. That's why when people from ministry of eduction or whoever does it, sit down to make those tests, they make a "key" based on which they judge your work. You get points for following elements they included in it, so you can't just write whatever but need to aim to fit specifically into what they considered important. So in order to get a good score, you have to analyze it exactly the way they analyzed it and expect you to analyze it.

We have similar final tests for elementary and middle school, but they're taken much less seriously. For elementary they're pretty much a formality, since you're guarantee to get into middle school in your area and score for middle school doesn't really matter, since you're admitted to high school mostly based on your grades. Both had a reading with comprehension portion and write a short story/essay portion. I'm not sure how exactly they were checking it, since we were never taught to follow any key or anything like that. I basically wrote what came to mind and passed it with almost perfect score. And that is how it should work, since the point of it (I thought) was to express yourself and present your take on it. Things changed once we got into high school. It kinda already was case before, but because there's really nothing to do in Polish lessons, entire 3 years we just spend preparing for final exams. So all our tests were just reading with comprehension and testing our knowledge about books we were required to read. Every now and then we would write trial versions of maturity test. During third year, that was basically all we did. And through all those 3 years, our teacher was determinate to teach us exactly how to write according to key and what to look for, because examiners will judge us solely based on that. That's why I said our school system burnt me for poetry and any analysis. Because all we were ever taught is that there's only 1 right way to analyze it and we had to get it right.

As a funny side story, of course we also use our books and famous poetry. Some of author's of those are still alive. They actually had 3 of them doing those tests and 2 out of them failed, while 1 passed barely. To make it even worse, one of those who failed was analyzing his own essay and he supposedly "got it wrong".

Good Lord. I have Asperger's, so having to analyse stuff like "the author's intent" would have ruined me in school. I've learned how to read people better after living the sweet sweet adult life for a while, but back in my school days, ugh, I can't even imagine.

joined Jun 5, 2016

I haven’t read anything between chapter 12 and the latest one (chapter 21), but I skimmed through 21, and if anybody’s curious...

Sara dies, Iris goes to her grave and all. The chapter ends with Sara’s letter to Iris, where she has all these bucket list requests for Iris. One of these is for Iris to find a new bride, and the last one is that Sara has some sort of secret that Iris will probably discover next chapter.

I'm a friggin' 40 year old old lady, I have seen (and read) some sh*t in my life, let me tell you... and reading that just made my little old gay heart lurch. What the actual frick, man, how disappointing. Ugh. Well, thank you for at least allowing me to prepare myself to be all buttmad once I'm able to read it for myself. lol

joined Jun 5, 2016

If this ends exactly the same way as the anime im going to be really disappointed.
even though in real life sato is obviously a bad guy, this is a story so please give satou a good end~ the author already went out of the box with this story, with sato being like a super yandere, killing people and kidnapping a loli, then suddenly the ending becomes a run of the mill bad guy dies, it's like how shouko tried to hear out sato but didn't have to guts to accept her. please author-sensei, i know it's gonna be controversial, but i hope you'll find the guts to give a bad guy a good ending to truly make this story unique and different! :3

I think the point of this story is that Sato is so damaged, and has done so much damage to others as a result, that it's just not sustainable. There can't really be a happy ending here. She's murdered, she's kidnapped. We the readers, as a witness from the outside looking in, have to accept the flicker of what could have been but never will be that we can see, and the melancholy "happiness" that as twisted as she is, Sato did find some mote of happiness and peace before her inevitable sad end.

joined Jun 5, 2016

I love Momono Moto’s artwork. Her characters look very pretty.

However, I can’t love Asami. As a creative I find it difficult to forgive creatives who plagiarize and steal from a family. If I were the MC I would be livid to the point of wanting vengeance.

Kinda the whole point of this story so far is how the MC has always just gone along with what she thought everyone wanted/the status quo and never really tried to think or do things the way she wanted to do herself. It's not a giant leap of logic that she has misplaced feelings about Asami and the music, she's still learning how to BE, and has been slapped in the face with a pretty huge dose of fucked up reality that she has to sort through somehow.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Shiba and brutally honest girl to the rescue.

Aye, the best therapy dog

Yes, I need my own Emotional Support Shibe

joined Jun 5, 2016

Koyuki, you WALNUT, just tell your beloved dorKonatsu that you are lonesome and want to spend time with her! You call HER dense because she can't read minds, so here you are walking around denser than a block of Velveeta yourself, lol....

last edited at Mar 28, 2019 9:44PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

Question, out of curiosity: do people in Japan really have to visit a hospital for something simple like a cold?

It's my understanding that hospitals pretty commonly function as a standard practice doctor's office as well as handle emergent medicine. Also that they are often open during only certain business hours or on certain days, so it can be a real pain in the arse to find medical attention if you're unlucky enough to get sick on the weekend or late at night. Also, medicines often typically easily found on the shelf in the US are something that may require prescription there.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Also awaiting unnecessary angst and insecurity now. And also hoping for some cute "nursemaid" fluff from both of those dorks.

Karura discussion 27 Mar 15:34
joined Jun 5, 2016

Interesting to see how Mira went from fantasy stuff to stuff she prefers nowadays lol

Money talks, as they say. That said, Mira has talent that I wish she would still at least every once in a while dedicate to a story that doesn't involve biologically impossible boobs. lol It's always the enormous weather balloon boobies that ruin any kind of story immersion for me. lol

joined Jun 5, 2016

Because these characters are FICTIONAL. Duh. They are not based on real people and authors can do whatever the fuck they want with their characters. And you know for someone who was claiming I was a dumbass for the stupid salamander issue, you sure are pretty effing stale yourself. Typical hypocritical DICTATORIAL being you are!

Wow. Um. Just... wow. Okay.

As to answer the actual question rather than sink my teeth into someone, um. I think modern Japanese zodiac stuff is mostly just for fun. It does have its base historically, I think in Buddhism? I'm not certain, I'm neither Japanese nor an expert. But I think just like in, say, America, where there are people who take zodiac signs and astrology in general seriously, there are some in Japan that do too. But, I get the sense that while in general Japanese culture is a hair more superstitious, I don't think it goes much beyond that. For fictional characters, I think it's just meant to flesh them out and make them seem more human and realistic. And in the case of characters aimed at a younger audience (which most manga is, face it) it's also to add a little extra for readers to either identify with or squee over.

joined Jun 5, 2016

I read it as "she LOOKS mature on the outside but says some really immature stuff sometimes" lol

joined Jun 5, 2016

Btw, is there any word for reverse Pillow Princess?

... Power Bottom?



.... >_>

last edited at Mar 26, 2019 3:09PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

I went and read the first one (figured it had to have one since this one was labeled "2"). It made more sense in that regard but as I am also unfamiliar with the source, I had no deeper understanding of it beyond "they work together and got hit in the face with the Yuri Train" lol

joined Jun 5, 2016

"nagafuji's tone sometimes doesn't match her words, which is odd considering the curve of her breasts"



I think it's just something being lost in translation due to phrasing. The text version (that is also being uploaded here) says something more akin to "(describes Nagafuji's appearance, including that she has big boobs) Just like the size of her chest, Nagafuji seemed very mature. But sometimes the things she said... were not so much."

joined Jun 5, 2016

I don't think Asami is bad, I think she's just effed up and has learned terrible coping skills. Her guitar teacher was her world, and she watched him waste away, when she was really just a child. Of course with that age, she's going to form all kinds of wrong opinions and hatred, especially after both falling for the teacher's girl AND butting heads with his ex-wife, who she saw as someone who just "let him" die (completely stripping him of any responsibility for his own well-being, like how he refused to see doctors).

I think he did leave his music to Asami, safe for the unfinished piece meant for Minato. That's why she redacted it from the new song in this chapter. Not only because she felt guilty knowing she was taking what wasn't technically hers, but also because like it or not she's broken hearted (her own fault x100 of course) and the song belongs to her love.

Where you from?~ 26 Mar 14:33
joined Jun 5, 2016

Olympia, WA here. Formerly from Venice, FL, and originally from the state of KY. I've seen so many flavors of rednecks....

joined Jun 5, 2016

At this point I'm kind of hoping for a time skip, and I usually dislike those. Not a huge one. Just one where Uta is back with her mother or possibly already in university, and Kaoru has left her crappy husband (cheater or not, he's still crappy) and is getting her life back together elsewhere.

last edited at Mar 26, 2019 2:26PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

It's because there is a male involved who is interested in the main protagonist and the issue was actually addressed, AND he continues to insert himself into her life regardless.

Also, I'm kinda tired of the "I'm breaking both our hearts to save her" crap that is all too common in yuri. Just grow up and be together, you walnuts.

last edited at Mar 26, 2019 12:54AM

joined Jun 5, 2016

Girls are total brutes when it comes to singling out one of the proverbial herd. When I was a kid, it was the 80s and 90s, in BibleBeltia. Once rumors got going about me being gay--around 13 or so--my already nightmarish school life became just pure Hell. Granted,they were right--I am gay AF--but I didn't realize it myself, then. I had barely any grasp of what it even meant, because of the times and the location. I'd like to think that "these days" it might be a tad bit less horrific for LGBTQ kids because awareness has become more prevalent in the last 20 years, but I don't fool myself into thinking it's any "easier" or that girls aren't just as or MORE catty and horrible as they used to be "back in my day".

last edited at Mar 25, 2019 6:40PM

joined Jun 5, 2016

I love this author. I've wondered why their series with Heath and Lily hasn't made its way here yet, it's adorkable AF and unquestionably yuri

joined Jun 5, 2016

Really appreciate it. If you see any further mistakes you want to point out, then please do and I'll fix them for when the next chapter is released. You can also email them to me at if you'd prefer that to commenting here.

Thank you as well.

I'll go through the entirety of it tomorrow and mark down what I find and send it to you. And as I mentioned before, I'm always happy to help QC in the future if you'd like. :)