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joined Jan 8, 2014

Wow super cute...I may have to take a look at the anime...even if itll just be subtext(sobbing)

joined Jan 8, 2014

sneaky, its all good and then...the feels...when she picked up that scarf, yeah...
Still good story excellent build

Lily Love discussion 16 Jun 11:52
joined Jan 8, 2014

^ and again this snake-shifted-letters ;_;

btw. probably today/tomorrow we will start working on TN for ch6 (^o^)/

Today! Yep definately

Im not demanding I just dont know how much more of the cliffhanger I can take lol ;)

Lily Love discussion 15 Jun 10:41
joined Jan 8, 2014


:O ... ... ... ...

Wow! How cool! 1st thing I have to say is in ch1 I spent a good time just admiring the art at the start, it caught my eye in an unprecedented way! And I couldnt help but grin at the "specials" and their cuteness...excited to see what happens in the next ch.....even more excited to see when they do become a couple ^_^
Thank you for visiting, lol :)

Lily Love discussion 14 Jun 23:51
joined Jan 8, 2014
Lily Love discussion 14 Jun 15:55
joined Jan 8, 2014

Hmmm... she didn't exactly aim for originality there.

"I feel good when I'm near her... okay, I didn't think about it at all until today, but it seems I'm a lesbian! cool!"

Must be nice to have a mind that flexible.

And best friends always tell you "Go for it! Be an outcast in thai society for the rest of your life! Love is wonderful! Woohoo!"

Yeah, right. Great friend. Or not.

Okay, suspension of disbelief reactivated...

Drama incoming!

o.O ...I think you need counseling....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :P

joined Jan 8, 2014

Lol @ cyfer!
Yeah I was thinking the same thing like...whats up with this "only in japan ish?"

I mean depending on perspective...long distance relationships could be considered unhealthy...of course if you have plans to marry or live together indefinitely its a diff story but if your just staying together for the sake of staying together.... shrug

joined Jan 8, 2014

That was so romantic...
Thanks to the scantalators for finishing the doujin with a kiss... hehe ^_^
good work!

joined Jan 8, 2014

The light haired girls farewell was very pretty I think...
U know, like wishing well and stuff even tho they both hurt...
I dunno if I had a choice in breakups id pick that awkward question mark situation over an ugly breakup...
Either way I liked the story! ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

Wow...hope regular updates aee gonna happen...when I saw posts from july I was all wait a sec...hahaha ^_^
Thanks for scantalating!

joined Jan 8, 2014

ROFL! I was just wondering about HomuMado(lotta KyoSa lately) so that ending was fabulous! ^_^
pretty much zipped thru the porn in this one...

EGOIST discussion 13 Jun 02:11
joined Jan 8, 2014

whew how is it so adorable and steamy too? NanoFate is always good ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

LOL, that was awesome

joined Jan 8, 2014

Omg! So cute! I want a part two! Or a series! Or an anime! Lol ^_^
When I saw the cover art I knew itd be good

Magan&Danai discussion 12 Jun 12:49
joined Jan 8, 2014

Lol adult sol yuri is awesome...still so pure! Hahahaha, at least for a while :p
Cute stuff for sure ^_^

Gamma discussion 12 Jun 12:27
joined Jan 8, 2014

Lol, so ecchi... but still very enjoyable series, looking forward to the next ch ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

Lol thanx for translating! All the bunnies lived! Yay!
I liked this, it felt like the show... u know the pure cuteness paired with subtext the author did a good job ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

Saw this got graded down to the subtext good tho? Wanted to ask before are started reading it from ch1 ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

I say this as both Kouhai's friend and a scanlator myself...

I don't think any scanlator is above criticism, no matter how much effort (or lack thereof) put in to a release. Seriously, there are many times where I wince at poor translations or typesetting, or anything of the sort. I honestly wish more people really would criticise scanlators (and especially myself!) because it's the only way people are going to improve. Kouhai knows well the pedantically high level of quality I hold myself and others to, but I think she appreciates it (mostly).

But there's good ways and bad ways to criticise people. I think everyone can agree that candy is showing us a really terrible way of doing so. And it's unfortunate, because not only is he actually willing to criticise where most aren't, he's causing a defensive reaction from others, including the awful "scanlators are above reproach" type of response.

We should encourage people to get better, not put them down... Or alternatively jack up their egos such that they don't see improvement as necessary.

The problem is some people are inclined to troll and over criticize....
Me im just happy for translations because...well, im fairly certain I could learn to speak japanese if I tried but the idea of learning to read it...well that sounds incredibly difficult...

So yeah, mad props to all the translators, editors, and such! ^_^

joined Jan 8, 2014

"...acts of courage" great line! Such a good read!

joined Jan 8, 2014

Cute! The art was awesome too...kinda had a comic book type feel to it ^_^
but yeah super cute!

Cocytus discussion 07 Jun 05:29
joined Jan 8, 2014

Is that all we get!? Great intro ch to the story tho ^_^
hopin to read more soon! Thanks for scantalating

joined Jan 8, 2014

This is way interesting looking I wonder since they said it was a one volume if itll be little snippets of their lives or if the focus will be the characters "now"
Either way cant wait to see what the next ch will bring ^_^

Bird Call discussion 06 Jun 01:40
joined Jan 8, 2014

"Pyonpyon'd like crazy" LOL!

joined Jan 8, 2014

I kinda liked and disliked at the same time. Sayaka is more the type who would hurt herself before hurting other people. And it was kind of strange, like, they had memories of the other life and were making the same mistakes and being enemies? Anyway, it was sweet at the end, with the healing/loving thing. Is always good to see some KyouSaya.

I think in this story Sayaka was hurting herself by hurting Kyoko...??

Best doujin I've ever read for these two. Amazing start down to the last page and the feels ;.;

Yeah I thought this was an amazing story and...enthralling as well...