Hell yeah!!! Go for it!! <3
That right there is why I don't mind read. XD
Kiss the blind homu!!!
Give it up, lil miss tsun spider. Your heart won't be able to survive Tracer's cuddle attack much longer!
^ multiplication, maybe?
Too much! It's too much!!! heart explodes
Every time I come here these damn things get cuter and cuter. I don't know how much more moé I can take before my heart gives out! :3
Satsuki-sama gets what she wants, no questions asked.
Kyaaaaa~n!! nosebleed intensifies
I hope maitake makes a full MadoHomu series full of fluffy goodness.
Do I gotta shove your faces together? Just kiss!!
Mami's got it down pat.
Lil miss Harem.
She's at her cutest when she's being super fluffy. :3
Also can we get more stuff from this author? Their art style is super cute!!!
last edited at May 21, 2017 2:12AM
Hhhnnnyyyaaaa~ (^ω^)
How the hell was I surprised by that??
I have several questions. XD
If I had to choose a way to die, I'd would be suffocation via kissing.
She probably found that under their bed or something lol :3
@lord-of-roses posh accent my, such scandal!! Do go on... ;3
Kyaaaa! Yuri fluff cuddles!!!!! <3<3
wag wag wag
Staring at all this cute shit is going to be fatal at some point, I just know it. :3