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joined Jul 26, 2016

So apparently the trick to circumventing Hazuki's subconscious influence is to just go so balls-to-walls Rube Goldberg her dormant state can't recognise the aggregate creation as a trap.

The fact that Neko just successfully trialed this workaround ought to make Sora's life rather more difficult.

Citrus + discussion 19 Apr 15:41
joined Jul 26, 2016

By this point I'm convinced that Meibot is as much of a meme as the MeiYuzu never gonna get laid thing. Even if I only use the latter

Where the two meet. (•̀.̫ •́✧)

Citrus + discussion 19 Apr 14:28
joined Jul 26, 2016

How does Mei not have a cellphone she's 15? older? in modern Japan.

One assumes the Meibot was fitted with wireless transmitters during construction making an external device superfluous.

joined Jul 26, 2016

random posted:

In other news NASA's cute little Mars helicopter got over its software troubles and made its first (modest) flight on the Red Planet. Yay! (/◕ヮ◕)/

They had to turn it off and then on again?

More like reinstall/patch drivers. Which of course gets slightly trickier than usual when the device is on another planet whose orbit averages about half an AU further out...

joined Jul 26, 2016

In other news NASA's cute little Mars helicopter got over its software troubles and made its first (modest) flight on the Red Planet. Yay! (/◕ヮ◕)/

Image Comments 19 Apr 01:21
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Barbara, IIRC you got a copy for free from an early event to boot. One of the better healers and can do surprising amounts of deeps.

Now also shipped with her colleague which if nothing else adds some variety to her traditional siscon one :v

Arknights! 18 Apr 17:51
joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm kinda late noticing this but for a hors aunt Zofia sure has sharp-looking (and prominently drawn) teeth...

Image Comments 18 Apr 09:17
joined Jul 26, 2016

^b-but Mondstadt doesn't even have a proper harbour... o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

Exactly What It Says On The Tin.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Turns out the glasses are actually Megane-chan's power limiter...

joined Jul 26, 2016

^that sort of thing was pretty fuzzy already in Honkai, what with the whole parallel timelines business...

Anyways a random 10-pull just gave me both Rosaria and a Beidou dupe, feels good man o3ob

Image Comments 16 Apr 09:09
joined Jul 26, 2016

^don't really see why it would be as long as you don't do something abjectly retarded like ODing on the shit... But obviously this is a reference to the Romans (supposedly) salting the earth after they razed the city.

It was later re-founded by none other than Julius Caesar because letting such an excellent location go unused was dumb.

last edited at Apr 16, 2021 9:10AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Can I just bring up how much the artstyle has improved?

I mean it'd honestly be rather sad if the artist hadn't developed in 10+ years. (That'd make them a Rob Liefeld, which would be terrible.)

joined Jul 26, 2016

this is not horny, this is pure love :,)

Pure horny love.

joined Jul 26, 2016

And if nekozaki wins, what is she gonna do? What is up with that deal, a plot progression to make her realize she doesn't want to lose Mikoto? Geez

It's just a "stretch goal" to give her a concrete milestone to work towards, duh. Tends to be pretty useful for people dithering uncertainly over what to do and where to get started.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm pretty sure they made a joke about that in Ichigo Mashimaro. Miu found the place called Eromanga in a map and was highly amused by it.

I don't even remember that gag, I was just Wiki Walking through paleontology topics.

Image Comments 15 Apr 20:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

^the classic yuriwhale experience

Image Comments 15 Apr 05:12
joined Jul 26, 2016
SHY discussion 15 Apr 04:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

Ring of Fire!

The taste of love is sweet when hearts like ours meet,
I fell for you like a child, oh, but the fire went wild

"You sure? Because I think I saw that one."
- Dread Rorkannu, Lord of the Dank Dimension, and The Captain, Nextwave

SHY discussion 15 Apr 04:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

...say. Do I remember wrong or wasn't Stardust, like, fighting atop that thing the last we saw him and is thus now presumably in free fall towards a sudden date with the ground?

Century flew up there a couple chapters ago, so he can probably catch Stardust. So there's another shipping moment I can get behind. :)

Dat Special Relationship hmm? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

Image Comments 15 Apr 03:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

I was making a general point about the disruptiveness of invasive species. Hell we're licensing hunters to curb the feral rabbit population where I live (though on the upside the little shits have accelerated the urbanisation of eg. foxes and various birds of prey).

SHY discussion 15 Apr 01:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

At this point, this current arc has been going on for over half the total chapters if you count the start of it as Ai showing up.

Though I really wish ninjutsu in this setting had any kind of definitive rules, because it just comes across as plot magic.

At least it's consistent in a sense, given how the whole "magic ninjas" thing came completely out of the left field

Does this mean the magic ninja motif pivot was really sustainable for the series while the smaller, hero stories were not so popular?

I've certainly been suspecting for some time now that someone somewhere - readers? editors? author? - felt the series wasn't "Japanese enough" to sell and the rather abrupt swerve to Narutoland was the answer, because what's more quintessentially Japanese than shounen mango majik ninjas? :s

At least they should finally (given it just got dispelled) get out of the black dome which has seriously turned into the goddamn Namek and Soul Society of this series...

...say. Do I remember wrong or wasn't Stardust, like, fighting atop that thing the last we saw him and is thus now presumably in free fall towards a sudden date with the ground?

last edited at Apr 15, 2021 1:39AM

SHY discussion 15 Apr 00:17
joined Jul 26, 2016

Though I really wish ninjutsu in this setting had any kind of definitive rules, because it just comes across as plot magic.

At least it's consistent in a sense, given how the whole "magic ninjas" thing came completely out of the left field without any prior indication that I can recall this sort of thing even existed in the setting.

But yeah this has by and large been New Superpowers As Plot Demands: The Arc.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, that's my take as well. She was confused because she couldn't figure out how the concept of a "wedding" has anything to do with magic, and presumably didn't want to make any assumptions.

Which rather raised questions about her education though, as judging by Melissa's internal exposition on the topic this should be Witchcraft 101 tier common knowledge...

Image Comments 14 Apr 03:37
joined Jul 26, 2016

^freaking mice are a destructive invasive species in some parts