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Reversal discussion 05 Mar 19:54
joined Aug 16, 2014

Judge for yourself. Here's an easy link for the raw.

I cried.

So the verdict was....?

It's pretty grim. The MC and her BFF exchange good luck charms. MC gets raped by someone who asks her for directions. Afterwards, MC looks at her own 'filthy hands' when touching her BFF, which causes her to break from her BFF out of self-disgust / time skip / MC drops out of school and works as a call girl. One day, she sees her BFF, healthy and happy with the good luck charm. MC cries because the good luck charm she made, while she was still her 'true self', is by her BFF to this day. The ending's a little amiguous, as to whether the sight has pulled her back up, or permanently confirmed the division between her 'broken self' and her 'true self'. The last words are 'Thank You'. There's a little bit of elision/interpretation on my part, but the one thing I can definitely say is that I wouldn't read it last thing at night if you're feeling blue.

Nice trolling?

The story that ekw79 originally referred to, and the one I'm discussing is this one.

Which from what I can tell is not related to this one (unlike Reversible) and is out-of-place in this thread?

Reversal discussion 05 Mar 19:40
joined Aug 16, 2014

Judge for yourself. Here's an easy link for the raw.

I cried.

So the verdict was....?

It's pretty grim. The MC and her BFF exchange good luck charms. MC gets raped by someone who asks her for directions. Afterwards, MC looks at her own 'filthy hands' when touching her BFF, which causes her to break from her BFF out of self-disgust / time skip / MC drops out of school and works as a call girl. One day, she sees her BFF, healthy and happy with the good luck charm. MC cries because the good luck charm she made, while she was still her 'true self', is by her BFF to this day. The ending's a little amiguous, as to whether the sight has pulled her back up, or permanently confirmed the division between her 'broken self' and her 'true self'. The last words are 'Thank You'. There's a little bit of elision/interpretation on my part, but the one thing I can definitely say is that I wouldn't read it last thing at night if you're feeling blue.

Nice trolling?

Reversal discussion 05 Mar 18:49
joined Aug 16, 2014

Judge for yourself. Here's an easy link for the raw.

I cried.

So the verdict was....?

Either I missed something on YP's thread, or someone was trolling. Admittedly I didn't check the TL, but I doubt something like that happens.

last edited at Mar 5, 2016 6:49PM

Reversal discussion 05 Mar 18:30
joined Aug 16, 2014

Sadly, the author's next work is darker and guess what, she got raped forcefully by men at night (that's the truth). The ending is bad. You can check it in yuri project. I'll choose to abandon it.

I guess some congratulations are in order, since you succesfully baited me into looking. WP.

So it's not true?? I deleted my comment because I thought it was false hope. It's not true right? I can't find the sequel in question.

Judge for yourself. Here's an easy link for the raw.

Reversal discussion 05 Mar 17:56
joined Aug 16, 2014

Sadly, the author's next work is darker and guess what, she got raped forcefully by men at night (that's the truth). The ending is bad. You can check it in yuri project. I'll choose to abandon it.

I guess some congratulations are in order, since you succesfully baited me into looking. WP.

[...] and finally get to do their tribalism the right way.

They do... what? Sorry, couldn't resist.

Reversal discussion 05 Mar 17:19
joined Aug 16, 2014

I'm fine with being your slave. If you've got the money for it.

Happy end.

Oddman 11 discussion 04 Mar 19:06
joined Aug 16, 2014

Heresy. Clearly Fujou is best girl.

But she's so cute!

I agree, Fujou is absolutely adorable =3

Threesome... foursome... ninesome endings I got no problem with. But harem endings bug me. The Tenshi GXP ending annoyed me no end. Well I guess that anime was obvious from the start so maybe it's my fault for watching it?

I wouldn't be bothered by x-some ending either. I'm still rooting for Fujou × Setsu, tho.

Oddman 11 discussion 04 Mar 17:24
joined Aug 16, 2014

[...] Kirara is best.

Heresy. Clearly Fujou is best girl. I still think it'll go threesome/harem ending.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Nee-san's pudding is delicious!

So lewd.

joined Aug 16, 2014

So it's complete, huh? This was a really cute and informative series.

And full of moeblobs! How is this not Moe up the butt? lol

I second Moe up the butt.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Furthermore Yaoi was a term originally created by shounen-ai fans to skip the romance and get straight to the "yummy stuff" so it still wouldnt apply

This is so completely wrong that I can't even tell if you're serious or just trolling (=_=)

*sighs and prepares for imminent yaoi v. shōnen-ai / yuri v. shōjo-ai bs*

joined Aug 16, 2014

*sighs* Let's just ignore the troll and hope the thread gets sanitized soon.

joined Aug 16, 2014

EDIT: And for the one guy who said my stuff was off topic, I haven't read this manga. I've only looked at the comments. I didn't read it because regardless of gender, I don't like to read about people who have dicks, to be blunt. I just wanted to see how many people were getting into it over the same old topic on the discussion thread. So I don't really care whether I'm off topic or not since I never intended to be wholly so in the first place.

In other words, you just wanted to piss people off and shit on the thread. What a nice person.

Citrus discussion 18 Feb 06:15
joined Aug 16, 2014

Yuzu x Harumin is the only way to go, Mei needs a therapist not a nice gf like Yuzu.

Harumin x Matsuri is another way to go. Even Matsuri x Everyone is fine with me.
And I'm pretty sure Mei just needs someone there for her, as a lover or as a sister. Poor girl needs someone, anyone really, to support her.

Yes, she probably needs someone family to support her. And therapy. She doesn't deserve a nice gf before fixing that dickery of hers.
On Yuzu's note, I'd be fine even with Yuzu x Matsuri. At least she wouldn't be treated like shit by Matsuri.

Citrus discussion 17 Feb 17:12
joined Aug 16, 2014

Also, there's too much Yuzu/Harumin here for my liking! Can't friends be friends more often? No no, Yuzu/Harumin is no good!

Yuzu x Harumin is the only way to go, Mei needs a therapist not a nice gf like Yuzu.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Ok, that was pretty good... Until tentacles happened. Why did you have to put tentacles there, author?!? =x

Also: many laughs at QB watching xD

New Game discussion 16 Feb 13:52
joined Aug 16, 2014

Now that you tasted some alcohol, Aoba, time to get a taste of Hifumin the same way. :3

Wiser words are yet to be written.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Sadly underrated pairing. The world needs more Kyōko x Mami.

last edited at Feb 13, 2016 10:53PM

Abyss discussion 13 Feb 22:14
joined Aug 16, 2014

Why the Not Yaoi tag? XD

I believe the implication is that it didn't have much in common with yaoi, despite being two males.

joined Aug 16, 2014

No! That's not it!! She's just coming to help me celebrate my graduation.

Negation at its finest.

That was a really cute follow up. I really like their dynamic.
Also. Best. Afterwords. Ever.

I second everything, Nev.

Abyss discussion 13 Feb 15:30
joined Aug 16, 2014

Oddman 11 update, new Jin manga... What a day! What a lovely day!


Oddman 11 discussion 12 Feb 23:33
joined Aug 16, 2014

And the NTR begins.

last edited at Feb 12, 2016 11:34PM

Image Comments 11 Feb 20:18
joined Aug 16, 2014

JoJo yuri. Yes, please.

joined Aug 16, 2014

True friendship is lending your room for your friends to have sex in and staying under the bed to listen in.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Rebly82 posted:

Futa isn't always intended to be Yuri.

What in case it is?

Torches and pitchforks?